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USA Today: "Frustration with Roman spilled into locker room"


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It's all of it. Not a black or white matter.


Pegulas were pissed. Players were pissed. It's on the HC to make a move and it's his final decision.


It's good leadership for Rex to publicly take it all on himself in the press.


Fans that nitpick this stuff in the search for some absolute truth (as if that even exists) need to grow up.



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Holding Roman accountable when no one seems to be holding Rex accountable is troubling. And players not being given accountability is...?

How can we accurately accuse Rex and any players as "not being held accountable"? I'm serious, not trying to be a smart ass.... Can we say Roman was held accountable because he was fired? Looks to be like he's just held... Well... Unemployed.... I don't think that anyone outside the organization can say if people are being held accountable- we just don't see it... Unless someone has crap play on the field and he's benched.... We can see that one...

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Since Russ has his hand in both the Bills and Sabres cookie jar- I highly doubt there is any production relates scenario where he is fired this year.

I didn't want to take away from this thread, just ranted a bit while thinking things through while I was typing a quick response, but:


I really wasn't on this bandwagon, but he was the de-facto owner for a few years. If you need to change the entire culture- he really can't still be there in a diminished role. I actually think he is really good with what he does, if they can move him out of OBD and into PGE/Sabres yeah keep him. I just am not sure how he can stay at OBD though...

This is such bs. Was there any locker room frustration over the defense last season? Do you think there is any after Thursday? Player frustration is not what is behind this.


I have a feeling that all players are frustrated with the entire staff...

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It's supposed to be a pain tolerance issue with his foot already structurally sound. If there's no chance of reinjury, he should be out there every week.


I'm questioning unsubstantiated claims of a Jones fracture. It's already been established that there's no break in the screw or his foot.ye


so he's got the screw and the post surgery pain that the jones break often has. it's a fairly educated guess and really no need for you to be such a jerk to the guy with your short answers. and we know there is no break but sammy said himself he thought there was and that's why he had the x rays after the game.

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I didn't want to take away from this thread, just ranted a bit while thinking things through while I was typing a quick response, but:


I really wasn't on this bandwagon, but he was the de-facto owner for a few years. If you need to change the entire culture- he really can't still be there in a diminished role. I actually think he is really good with what he does, if they can move him out of OBD and into PGE/Sabres yeah keep him. I just am not sure how he can stay at OBD though...

I agree 100% that he is really good at what he does, but I disagree that he has to go bc he was part of the old crew. IMO that's how you slow growth, by getting rid of all the pieces... I think you keep the good, replace the bad- until you have one quality functioning unit... And in his case, he is hands-off football decisions now

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It's supposed to be a pain tolerance issue with his foot already structurally sound. If there's no chance of reinjury, he should be out there every week.


I'm questioning unsubstantiated claims of a Jones fracture. It's already been established that there's no break in the screw or his foot.

There is a problem with having him out every week, even if he tolerates the pain to some degree and there is no reinjury risk. That is the body will do what is necessary to prevent pain....as an involuntary matter. So, when Sammy pushes off....its not full tilt....and, without his speed, he is just a body. The opposition has already caught on to that..........speed now needs to come from elsewhere...Goodwin if he can stay healthy.......Anyhow, I would rather have a healthy body out there....I don't believe an 85% Sammy can succeed in the NFL...the league is just to good overall. He needs 100% to be the player he could be.

Edited by bigK14094
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It's supposed to be a pain tolerance issue with his foot already structurally sound. If there's no chance of reinjury, he should be out there every week.



I'm questioning unsubstantiated claims of a Jones fracture. It's already been established that there's no break in the screw or his foot.

Well, he broke a bone in his foot on the side of it. That's established. I don't know if you're simply trying to be difficult, but all signs point to a Jones fracture. I'm not arguing that he re-broke it. Just because the bills aren't saying it doesn't mean it sidn't happen: http://bills.buffalonews.com/2016/05/16/sources-bills-wr-sammy-watkins-breaks-foot/


Anyway, the symptoms certainly suggest that's what he has. It's a common injury and not career threatening.

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I don't know anything. And I bet no one outside of OBD does either.


All I can do is assess the rumors for plausibility. Making Roman the scapegoat to deflect pressure from Rex makes sense. It was my first reaction.


But so does the rumor that Roman was screwing up the offense. As bad as the defense played Thursday, the offense didn't help matters going three-and-out as often as it did. And how do you keep running Shady into a wall and never throw to Watkins? Looking at it that way, firing Roman makes sense.


Like I said, I don't know. But press conferences are not public confessions.

Tyrod only completes passes over 30 yards or in the backfield. Everything else is a crap shoot. He had a wide open shot at Watkins downfield and then under threw him for an INT. Fitz hit those passes all night long.


The only thing Tyrod developed over the summer was his penmanship as reflected in the nice letter he wrote. It was all a BS lie. He wasn't and isn't ready nor is this team.


The guy I feel sorry for is Shady. Played hard only to be set up to fail by poor QB play.

Edited by jumbalaya
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Tyrod only completes passes over 30 yards or in the backfield. Everything else is a crap shoot. He had a wide open shot at Watkins downfield and then under threw him for an INT. Fitz hit those passes all night long.


The only thing Tyrod developed over the summer was his penmanship as reflected in the nice letter he wrote. It was all a BS lie. He wasn't and isn't ready nor is this team.


The guy I feel sorry for is Shady. Played hard only to be set up to fail by poor QB play.

Something you said here made me recall something from the 2nd quarter (I believe)... Woods ran an out route and TT threw an in route... UGLY!!! Woods was looking at TT immediately after the play and motioning to him that it was supposed to be an out route.... TT just looked away... Does that public display mean that Woods was correct? Certainly not... But there is certainly some miscommunication in that huddle....

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What happened was the "frustrated" players were dumped and new coaches were brought in to reinforce the failed scheme. The opposite of what happened here.

actually I think the Dunbar replacement has helped. The only frustrated player who was dumped was Mario. And there were a multitude of reasons why.
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Does anyone know whether Roman's firing has anything to do with Sammy Watkins' sitting out the end of the game?


P.S. Perhaps this has been discussed, but I have tried to stay away from this site for a bit for my own sanity.

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To me this all falls back to one simple common denominator




We have a RB that we made a major investment in....and last year we led the league in rushing no matter who was at RB


This year? We literally cannot run the ball...it is affecting everything else that is happening on the team.

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To me this all falls back to one simple common denominator




We have a RB that we made a major investment in....and last year we led the league in rushing no matter who was at RB


This year? We literally cannot run the ball...it is affecting everything else that is happening on the team.

I believe that not having Cordy or Seantrel in there is really hurting our running game (and offense)

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Am I missing something, but I think the offense seemed fine? Looked like I'm both games TT was either missing reads or missing throws.

Better than the week before, but it would have been nice to put together some drives and get the plays in on time.

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