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USA Today: "Frustration with Roman spilled into locker room"


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"I havent talked to anybody that isnt excited about the move," said one of the people, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation.

According to that person, there was a feeling Roman essentially put in a new offense each week, rather than focusing and building off what theyd done well, which made the unit prone to either scoring on a big play or going three-and-out, as they did five times in nine drives in the season-opening, 13-7 loss at Baltimore.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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I guess this is how rumors perpetuate. Since according to Rex the decision to fire Roman was his only. That was said in his presser yesterday. Although it may be complete BS, and he did seem vague at times making it hard to believe him. USA today runs with the

Pegula's were pissed on poor 3rd down conversions or whatever dating back to last season. Based on referenced Buffalo News articles and zero comments from the Pegulas themselves. Although if the owners did indeed drive his firing. Why didn't that happen in the off season so they could hire a new OC and install his offense. A game 2 OC firing to me seems more like a Ryan move, rather than a directive from ownership.

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so you think the owner called for Romans head?

I don't know anything. And I bet no one outside of OBD does either.


All I can do is assess the rumors for plausibility. Making Roman the scapegoat to deflect pressure from Rex makes sense. It was my first reaction.


But so does the rumor that Roman was screwing up the offense. As bad as the defense played Thursday, the offense didn't help matters going three-and-out as often as it did. And how do you keep running Shady into a wall and never throw to Watkins? Looking at it that way, firing Roman makes sense.


Like I said, I don't know. But press conferences are not public confessions.

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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I guess this is how rumors perpetuate. Since according to Rex the decision to fire Roman was his only. That was said in his presser yesterday. Although it may be complete BS, and he did seem vague at times making it hard to believe him. USA today runs with the

Pegula's were pissed on poor 3rd down conversions or whatever dating back to last season. Based on referenced Buffalo News articles and zero comments from the Pegulas themselves. Although if the owners did indeed drive his firing. Why didn't that happen in the off season so they could hire a new OC and install his offense. A game 2 OC firing to me seems more like a Ryan move, rather than a directive from ownership.


It's all of it. Not a black or white matter.


Pegulas were pissed. Players were pissed. It's on the HC to make a move and it's his final decision.


It's good leadership for Rex to publicly take it all on himself in the press.


Fans that nitpick this stuff in the search for some absolute truth (as if that even exists) need to grow up.

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It's all of it. Not a black or white matter.


Pegulas were pissed. Players were pissed. It's on the HC to make a move and it's his final decision.


It's good leadership for Rex to publicly take it all on himself in the press.


Fans that nitpick this stuff in the search for some absolute truth (as if that even exists) need to grow up.

100% agree.
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I hope people realize that the good, sophisticated offenses (NE, Arizona) change plans radically every week based on opponent. That player's criticism strikes me as a pretty witless.


They didnt say new plans, they made it sound like a completely new offense. And plans get tweaked, but most teams stick to their identity. We have never developed an identity.

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I wonder why they didn't fire Rob Ryan after the defense looked as bad as in any game in years.

not really a Rob Ryan fan but he's not the DC. Rex is. He's just his assistant. as is Thurman. Rob is actually coaching LBs. firing Rob is fine with me but would fix nothing. The LBs actually look much better this year fwiw.

I hope people realize that the good, sophisticated offenses (NE, Arizona) change plans radically every week based on opponent. That player's criticism strikes me as a pretty witless.

pretty sure they weren't referring to game plans. Every offense changes game plans - good or bad, sophisticated or unsophisticated. Edited by YoloinOhio
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I wonder why they didn't fire Rob Ryan after the defense looked as bad as in any game in years.


well our defense has looked effective at times. but you can bet ryan is on the hot seat now that the pegs have the firing itch. our offense looks like a high school team out there. i'm down with tanking for kizer or whoever if we continue to look this bad the next 2 weeks.

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I'm sure the entire team is frustrated, since there is some talent on this team. I'm sure the 3 and outs and leaving the D on the field to get ripped is starting to divide us. A coaching change 2 games into the season is not going to propel us to the Superbowl or even the playoffs. I believe the Ravens were lucky like that a few years back, but Rex is no John Harbaugh. I would be amazed if he pulls anything positive off.


It's going to be hard to cut through all of the spin coming out right now, but at the end of the day; we are where we are and we are what our record says.


I was really hopeful that Rex was going to have a fresh start here, leave his baggage behind and help us. I love that he moved to Buffalo, bought a decal-ed track and brought some light back after Moron left. He brought in Roman, who we all had hopes for based on his first few years in SF, but as we all knew that didn't last and he was out and really disliked in SF (I am too lazy to look it up, but am sure some of these same complaints are the same). He brought us TT, which after we reached with EJ, was a breathe of fresh air. He did deserve another shot going into this season to start to mold the team into his team; as he should, he is the HC.


You can't hide from the fact that he took a god damn good defense and had to do it his way and ruined it. Yes it had its own issues, but all defenses lay an egg here and there. Instead of building upon it, he tore it down and I am sure alienated a few players along the way. The offenses game plans this year stink. The league has caught up to TT and his career is riding on it. Not only is TT's career riding on this, Rex's is, Whaley's is and possibly Brandon's. The three outcomes are: everyone is $hit canned; same record, injuries and everyone buys one more year; Rex goes. I cannot foresee a scenario where Whaley goes and Rex stays. A new GM will want a new coach and I think very few people would want to keep Rex. I recall seeing somewhere a post with quotes from former players (Damien Woodey) that basically said at first everyone is rah rah with Rex, but it becomes it is apparent that it is about him and his family's name and not about the team. I am sure as the losses pile up this will wear on all of the players and change will have to occur. Whaley most likely goes, no GM sticks around through as many HCs as we have had, while he has done good in some areas with building the team, there are glaring weaknesses around too. I am sure the Pegulas cannot like all of the negative publicity and will have no choice to make a move. They almost have to in order to not be labeled as bad owners or even worse clueless. Brandon coming or going is going to be based on if he is calling shots or influencing or not. If the Pegulas name is getting dragged through the mud for decisions on a path he has pushed them down, he will be gone (doubtful I think). The Pegs had one shot to clean house when they bought the team and they didn't. I really think they have no choice this time around, unless this team pulls a miracle and becomes really good and wins a playoff game. They really have no choice but to clean house. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. They need to burn it down...

Edited by Reed83HOF
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well our defense has looked effective at times. but you can bet ryan is on the hot seat now that the pegs have the firing itch. our offense looks like a high school team out there. i'm down with tanking for kizer or whoever if we continue to look this bad the next 2 weeks.


your last phrase is a qualifier correct. If by some miracle we went 14-2 you wouldn't be mad we didnt tank right?
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your last phrase is a qualifier correct. If by some miracle we went 14-2 you wouldn't be mad we didnt tank right?


i wouldn't at all. if that happens it means tyrod suddenly hits guys over the middle and is our answer. if roman's playcalling is why tt isn't slinging it than tyrod will be getting some big money and we have playoffs for years to come. if not we need to move on from tyrod and get a real and the quickest way to that is at the top of the draft.

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