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Why do people think the offense will change


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Chris Brown wrote about it and brought up 4 major topics: getting the ball in your playmaker's hands, using Tyrod more to his strengths (i.e. move the pocket), balance (i.e. less predictable), and varying be tempo. IF those changes actually happen this would be a great move IMO. Those 4 topics were pretty much my major issues with Roman. It's great to say those things will change but I want to see it happen.

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Chris Brown wrote about it and brought up 4 major topics: getting the ball in your playmaker's hands, using Tyrod more to his strengths (i.e. move the pocket), balance (i.e. less predictable), and varying be tempo. IF those changes actually happen this would be a great move IMO. Those 4 topics were pretty much my major issues with Roman. It's great to say those things will change but I want to see it happen.

IF Anthony Lynn can do that on the fly you're going to see Tyrod's play improve. I'd also like to see them give the quarterback more freedom to command the offense, I never see him changing the play for some reason. How can it be that we're always in the right play no matter how the defense lines up?


Also would like to see more short drags, slants, WR screens and other easy passes for RAC yards. Basic stuff to get the QB into the flow of the game and get the ball in Sammy's hands were inexplicably missing from Roman's supposedly massive playbook. Just make success as easy as possible and I think the players will respond.

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IF Anthony Lynn can do that on the fly you're going to see Tyrod's play improve. I'd also like to see them give the quarterback more freedom to command the offense, I never see him changing the play for some reason. How can it be that we're always in the right play no matter how the defense lines up?


Also would like to see more short drags, slants, WR screens and other easy passes for RAC yards. Basic stuff to get the QB into the flow of the game and get the ball in Sammy's hands were inexplicably missing from Roman's supposedly massive playbook. Just make success as easy as possible and I think the players will respond.

On the 1st part I think that they were getting the plays in so late that they didn't have time to adjust. If that happens though Tyrod's play will improve.


I agree on the 2nd part. Sammy has to have 10 targets a game. 5 or 6 just isn't acceptable. There should be games where he's really going where he gets 15 targets. Last week guys like TY Hilton, Allen Robinson and some others were in the teens in terms of targets. That happened with much better 2nd options (Moncrief & Hurns) than Robert Woods. Why don't the Bills feature him (percentage wise) as often as other teams feature their stars?

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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On the 1st part I think that they were getting the plays in so late that they didn't have time to adjust. If that happens though Tyrod's play will improve.


I agree on the 2nd part. Sammy has to have 10 targets a game. 5 or 6 just isn't acceptable. There should be games where he's really going where he gets 15 targets. Last week guys like TY Hilton, Allen Robinson and some others were in the teens in terms of targets. That happened with much better 2nd options (Moncrief & Hurns) than Robert Woods. Why don't the Bills feature him (percentage wise) as often as other teams feature their stars?

Absolutely. I've said it before but last year Antonio Brown doubled Sammy's targets while Martavis Bryant also had more targets/game than Sammy did. This alone was a fire-able offense. We gave up two 1st rounders for an all-world WR, he lives up to the hype by leading the league in yards per target, and Roman was simply not capable of using him to the fullest because his passing game is disjointed and limited.


I don't expect a drastic turnaround here but this talent can do a lot more than we've seen, so its interesting.

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Some comments interesting in these articles this morning, "Roman in confidence says Rex was a buffoon". Delayed communication now on the offense getting the plays into TT. Last year that was the complaint on the defense. Last year we improved our offense from 28th to 13th, with #1 in the run, but only I think 26th in the past.


So we hear all summer simplified defensive communication, and improved performance of TT over the middle. The crazy thing is in week1 our defense looked markedly better with 4 sacks, etc., but the offense was anemic. Now in game 2 both sides looked bad.


It's very hard to believe as much as I really wanted to this year, this team will now turn it around. They just look too desheveled. I'm not going to spend all year slamming the coaching etc., but just can't believe we are going to go through another rebuild. My god. The crappy thing is we'll probably win just enough games to not get a QB.


After watching the last two weeks, can anyone honestly say we have a prayer against NE twice, AZ, Seattle, Pittsburgh, Cincy!

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Really? Here are just a few with the dates. Left the posters out intentionally. Don't have all day to paste them all but I think you get the idea.

Posted 11 September 2016 - 03:13 PM

Can we fire Roman mid game? Before we get the ball back.

Posted 26 December 2015 - 01:39 PM


Fire Roman. Hire Pep. From there it's a straight shot to CARDALE, NY baby! -Whoo hoo





Posted 12 September 2016 - 04:12 PM


I keep coming back for Kristen Bell....adorable!Fire Roman!...unless we hang 35 on the Jets!


Posted Yesterday, 10:52 AM


I'd fire Roman today.


That's my proposed change.


I don't know why it is so hard to emulate what made McCoy successful in Philadelphia.


I don't know why he got cute and abandoned what worked last year.






This. Roman is trash.


This is where I am at. Hope the urgency mixed with the plan steps it up.

I keep going to the 4th and one play and the use of the time out. You cant go out there trailing on 4th and 1, try to draw them off sides with no plan to snap the ball at 1-2 seconds left if it doesn't work. That is a waste of the time out.

Edit: This is when I wanted the OC fired.

Read what I wrote. I said that no one was ripping him LAST SEASON because the offense exceeded expectations. He got ripped after the opener THIS season (and rightfully so for that game). Sure there's going to be some people overreacting to one game. His offense performed much better in game 2 and I didn't see a big call for his head. Everything wasn't 100% fixed, but it got a lot better. And his unit did well last season. Meanwhile Rex's defense sucked last season (after having been excellent the season before) and sucks this season despite burning pretty much a whole draft on it. The vast majority of the vitriol has been rightfully directed at Rex. The good news is that scapegoating Roman is a sure sign of how hot his seat is. I feared that his tenure would last at least through next season, but now it looks like he will be lucky to last the rest of 2016.

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This guy that they appointed believes in the power run game more than Roman did

Get ready for another run run pass offense. Coaches who have never called offensive plays in their career tend to crash and burn.

The firing of Roman was a joke, just an excuse.

Give us fans who aren't eating this crap up one good reason why the offense will be better than it used to be.


Even if the offense remains run-centric, they could plausibly choose better running plays for the personnel, down and distance (Why are they trying to run a skill back on power run plays? Why not put Gillislee in there or J Williams?).

If the time management and use of time outs improve, and if the Bills actually practice and execute a hurry-up offense, that will also be better.

He isn't going to change the scheme at this point. He's going to change how the scheme is called, and in-game decision making is done. The Bills believe it will make an improvement. We will see.


As usual, Yolo called it.

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He isn't going to change the scheme at this point. He's going to change how the scheme is called, and in-game decision making is done. The Bills believe it will make an improvement. We will see.


Nothing is going to happen.


Tyrod needs to read the defense better. Thats what needs to change

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Nothing is going to happen.


Tyrod needs to read the defense better. Thats what needs to change

Its easy to be ultra-pessimistic and just say - Eh...nothing will change.


But, one thing I know is that (at times) this offense has looked really explosive (in a good way).


And as a coach, your job is to find a way to get the most out of players. If these coaches were getting average or better performance out of the existing players (quarterback included), then this team would look like a contender (offensively anyway). And all we would need is an average defense - which we have.


I am guessing that there is more than one thing broken in this offense. Firing the guy who wasn't getting it done makes sense. Maybe the new guy finds a way to get it done. Maybe he just fixes one or two broken things and that is enough to turn this team/season around.


The potential is there on this team - at least on paper. They just need better offensive coaching/preparation/organization/management. They need to solve whatever is holding Tyrod's game back. Start there first. He is a better Qb than what we have seen. Something is up.

Edited by PolishDave
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Nothing is going to happen.


Tyrod needs to read the defense better. Thats what needs to change

Yup, the QB stinks so Rex fires the OC. Doubt it was really his decision but he was never going to bench TT in favor of EJ. So when he was told something needed to change, firing Roman was his only option. Oh well he kind of created the mess by hitching his wagon to TT. All this of course is jmho.


And I agree with others that nothing is going to really change with play design, it will be plays called at different times and hopefully for the better. We shall see.

Edited by old school
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Chris Brown wrote about it and brought up 4 major topics: getting the ball in your playmaker's hands, using Tyrod more to his strengths (i.e. move the pocket), balance (i.e. less predictable), and varying be tempo. IF those changes actually happen this would be a great move IMO. Those 4 topics were pretty much my major issues with Roman. It's great to say those things will change but I want to see it happen.

Yea well, when I see it happen then I'll believe it can happen. This is a run first offense and when the run game gets shut down the QB is then forced to make all the plays with his arm. Let's not forget that TT had very little preseason play time to knock off any rust and get his timing down.


Taylor looked totally lost in that first game by dumping the ball off before he even scanned the field on some plays and neither the run game or passing game was working in that first game. It looked to me like the Ravens defense was forcing Tyrod to throw by taking away the run game. We saw this last year too when the offense couldn't get the run game working and the difference was Chris Hogan to get those first downs in the air and Karlos Williams banging out those big runs to help open up the run game.


This year the offense failed to get the run game working so it all fell on Tyrod to make plays and he couldn't get it done until a long bomb and some broken plays in that Jets game. If this new OC can get the run game working first thing then I think he will get the passing offense working too.


Arizona will probably do the same thing they saw the Ravens and Jets do in attempt to take away the run and forcing Tyrod to make plays with his arm! Should the Cards stop the Bills run game it could be another long day for the Bills defense.

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Its easy to be ultra-pessimistic and just say - Eh...nothing will change.


But, one thing I know is that (at times) this offense has looked really explosive (in a good way).


And as a coach, your job is to find a way to get the most out of players. If these coaches were getting average or better performance out of the existing players (quarterback included), then this team would look like a contender (offensively anyway). And all we would need is an average defense - which we have.


I am guessing that there is more than one thing broken in this offense. Firing the guy who wasn't getting it done makes sense. Maybe the new guy finds a way to get it done. Maybe he just fixes one or two broken things and that is enough to turn this team/season around.


The potential is there on this team - at least on paper. They just need better offensive coaching/preparation/organization/management. They need to solve whatever is holding Tyrod's game back. Start there first. He is a better Qb than what we have seen. Something is up.

They are definately going to make changes...they just cant install a whole new offense 2 games into the season....does some of our fellow fans think Rex is gonna do NOTHING when his job is on the line?


Firing the OC 2 games in is already extreme

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Well here is one change.



Tyrod- coach Lynn's play call upstairs on game day will go straight to me in the helmet on game day. No relay to sideline & then in. #Bills


The common theme between McCoy, TT and Watkins has been that the offense under Roman was a "thinking" offense. Complicated. The goal will be to be simplified and play fast.

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