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This makes no sense to me. Your theory makes the soldiers sound like mindless robots. I have, and have had, relatives in the military. They are smart enough to both follow orders, AND (not publicly) question the value of their depolyments. It seems to me that a good soldier follows orders, but he doesn't turn off his brain. I'm sure a lot of soldiers in Iraq are risking their lives despite their internal misgivings about the cause.


They can understand that the citizens of the US can support them but not the cause, because some soldiers undoubtably do not support the cause as well. Soldiers are more effective when they are following orders AND support a cause, but that's not always the nature of being in the military.


I'd be curious for our vet's views on this.



Frankly, when I was in the service of my country, I didn't really care if people supported me or not. But that's just me, cold, self-absorbed, nasty old me. :huh:

Neville Chamberlain agrees with you.



It is apples and oranges like Aussie said. The military powers were more balanced then. We weren't the premier superpower by a mile back then. What was the US? Number 3 or 4 in military power???


Can our ememies actually succeed in conquering our counrty now?. Or, just wrecking sporadic havoc.


I am not down playing the lives lost, security. Just don't throw the baby out with the bath water.


The "fly paper approach" that is Iraq can only last so long before the thing falls on you.

It is apples and oranges like Aussie said.  The military powers were more balanced then.  We weren't the premier superpower by a mile back then.  What was the US?  Number 3 or 4 in military power???


Can our ememies actually succeed in conquering our counrty now?.  Or, just wrecking sporadic havoc.


I am not down playing the lives lost, security.  Just don't throw the baby out with the bath water.


The "fly paper approach" that is Iraq can only last so long before the thing falls on you.


Why is the US even part of the equation when the phrase was "NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN AGREES WITH YOU?" in response to "violence doesn't solve anything." Try and get the correlation now. :(

Why is the US even part of the equation when the phrase was "NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN AGREES WITH YOU?" in response to "violence doesn't solve anything."  Try and get the correlation now.  :(



Just expanding the discussion.

Just expanding the discussion.


By taking it completely from the track? Great. Now let's try and figure out why problems are rarely solved. :(


Does everyone have A.D.D.?

By taking it completely from the track?  Great.  Now let's try and figure out why problems are rarely solved.  :D


Does everyone have A.D.D.?




What were we talking about?

Those letters should have been directed to their politicians and not to the soldiers.


No... Those letters should not have been part of a class project in the first place... Just another example of how the liberal left is trying to brainwash our youth....


Another reason to talk to your kids about what they "learned" in school each day... If you don't stay involved this is what happens... disgraceful!

Christians, Muslims, Jews have been fighting in the middle east for thousands of years - it will prove to be an unwinnable war which won't go away until the locals want it to. Look at all the lives we lost in Viet Nam - only to finally withdraw and lose anyway. I respect and support my son's desire to serve his country - I have raised him to be a patriot.  However, my basic belief is that in the long run, violence doesn't solve anything.


I met you and your son last summer, and have nothing but complete respect for you both. You raised a great kid, Mom! :o

met you and your son last summer, and have nothing but complete respect for you both. You raised a great kid, Mom!


Thanks Rock. Of course it's noted that you didn't do so bad with your offspring as well. Or was that their mother who deserves the credit?


It is apples and oranges like Aussie said.  The military powers were more balanced then.  We weren't the premier superpower by a mile back then.  What was the US?  Number 3 or 4 in military power???


Number 3 or 4? Ha! :lol:


On the day Hitler invaded Poland back in 1939, the U.S. had the world's 17th or 18th largest army and still relied heavily on cavalry (yes, horses).

Number 3 or 4?  Ha!  :lol:


On the day Hitler invaded Poland back in 1939, the U.S. had the world's 17th or 18th largest army and still relied heavily on cavalry (yes, horses).



Thanks for the info. Exactly my point.


Things were a "little" more desparate back then.


People tend to be a little more hesitant to fight when they know that they could get their arses handed to them.

Thanks for the info.  Exactly my point.


Things were a "little" more desparate back then.


People tend to be a little more hesitant to fight when they know that they could get their arses handed to them.


Which has what, exactly, to do with the Prime Minister of ENGLAND?

Which has what, exactly, to do with the Prime Minister of ENGLAND?



NC's appeasement of Hitler or picking a fight with a VERY strong Germany.


You are more apt to appease when you know you might lose.


He catches a lot of slack but, in the end things worked out the right way. Hitler went off on Poland and the rest was history.

All these little snot-nosed bastard children should be handed rifles and sent to the front lines.


Good luck kiddies.

:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


I agree! Start with Cheney ... then Rumsfeld ... then Bush ...

NC's appeasement of Hitler or picking a fight with a VERY strong Germany.


You are more apt to appease when you know you might lose.


He catches a lot of slack but, in the end things worked out the right way.  Hitler went off on Poland and the rest was history.


Yes, I'm sure the Polish, the French, the Belgians, the English, the Dutch, and especially the Russians were all just thrilled about how things worked out. Trying to appease Hitler by rolling over for him was a brilliant idea.


Worked great for the Jews in Europe as well.

Yes, I'm sure the Polish, the French, the Belgians, the English, the Dutch, and especially the Russians were all just thrilled about how things worked out.  Trying to appease Hitler by rolling over for him was a brilliant idea.


Worked great for the Jews in Europe as well.


Thankfully though, it worked out the "right way." :blink:

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