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More Public School Brainwashing

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But...But...they SUPPORT THE TROOPS without supporting the war!!!


Cant you SEE that? No? Okay then, let me switch to plan B;


No Blood for Oil?


Bush is a simpleton yet brilliant Nazi?

Mission Accomplished?


Let me tune into Air America for more talking points....be back later.

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FoxNews Reports



I'll withhold final judgement until I'm told precisely what the nature of the social studies assignment was...though I'm finding it hard to give the teacher the benefit of the doubt in assuming there could be a constructive point in having sixth-graders compose hate-mail to soldiers... :blush:

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I'll withhold final judgement until I'm told precisely what the nature of the social studies assignment was...though I'm finding it hard to give the teacher the benefit of the doubt in assuming there could be a constructive point in having sixth-graders compose hate-mail to soldiers...  :blush:


All I can say it, he/she's lucky my kid wasn't in that class.

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Good point KH. One can support the soldiers but not support the war.



By no means am I supporting the letters, please don't get me wrong.


This is an interesting topic that could lead to a lot of well thought out debates about policy, support and what not.


Unfortunately, it would get real emotional and heated... Hence, turn ugly.


I am unwilling to go there... Only this far. :doh:





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If Sean Penn is any example...




Geeze, where were all the Aids ribbons on the Hollywood elite last night. Friggin band wagon jumping Pats fans, thats what they are. Like Aids has somehow gone away or something............... :doh:

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Geeze, where were all the Aids ribbons on the Hollywood elite last night. Friggin band wagon jumping Pats fans, thats what they are. Like Aids has somehow gone away or something............... :doh:


Apparently AIDS has jumped the shark. Really, they only have so much angst. That means it can't be spread out over too many causes, lest it get too thin. :lol:

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By no means am I supporting the letters, please don't get me wrong.


This is an interesting topic that could lead to a lot of well thought out debates about policy, support and what not.


Unfortunately, it would get real emotional and heated... Hence, turn ugly.


I am unwilling to go there... Only this far. :)






What are you afraid of? :rolleyes:

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By no means am I supporting the letters, please don't get me wrong.


This is an interesting topic that could lead to a lot of well thought out debates about policy, support and what not.


Unfortunately, it would get real emotional and heated... Hence, turn ugly.


I am unwilling to go there... Only this far. :rolleyes:








Please expound! I'm interested.

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What are you afraid of?  :P



^^^^^^^^The winged monkeys!^^^^^^^^


Look at the post above, I see Eryn hovering!


I just think it would be interesting dicussion to talk about support vs. policy, historical analysis. I just don't want to get in a heated emotional, patriotic, anti-America talk... The rhetoric is not what it is about.


Anyway, I don't float too many LAMPS out there!



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Good point KH. One can support the soldiers but not support the war.




That's great - Hey soldier, I'm behind you 100%, but....errrr......when you go out every day and risk your life and see your buddies losing limbs and dying, it's absolutely meaningless - but hey, I'm behind you 100%, here's some sunscreen and lip balm.

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That's great - Hey soldier, I'm behind you 100%, but....errrr......when you go out every day and risk your life and see your buddies losing limbs and dying, it's absolutely meaningless - but hey, I'm behind you 100%, here's some sunscreen and lip balm.


Yes - I can support the troops and still be against the war. My first husband was in Viet Nam and I was against that war. My son is in Iraq. I'm entitled to my opinion.

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Yes - I can support the troops and still be against the war. My first husband was in Viet Nam and I was against that war. My son is in Iraq. I'm entitled to my opinion.




I'm fully agree that you are entitled to your opinion - heck that's what America represents - freedom. I would never deny anyone their thoughts or opinions. I have family that have fought in every war going back to WWI and have family in the Middle East now.


My opinion (which you have every right to disagree with) is that you truly cannot stand behind the troops 100% when you do not support their cause - aka, You can't have your cake and eat it too. How disheartning it is for these guys and gals to be over there and read about the protests, op eds stating that it's a war for oil, etc. - Once again, these people have a right to their opinions, but if that's your idea of support - no thanks.


I honestly may be so jaded in my beliefs that I'm not seeing something. Let me ask you this - how would you explain your view to an individual getting ready to deploy overseas in harms way? Secondly, do you think the individual would think you are supporting them?

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Christians, Muslims, Jews have been fighting in the middle east for thousands of years - it will prove to be an unwinnable war which won't go away until the locals want it to. Look at all the lives we lost in Viet Nam - only to finally withdraw and lose anyway. I respect and support my son's desire to serve his country - I have raised him to be a patriot. However, my basic belief is that in the long run, violence doesn't solve anything.

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My opinion (which you have every right to disagree with) is that you truly cannot stand behind the troops 100% when you do not support their cause - aka, You can't have your cake and eat it too.  How disheartning it is for these guys and gals to be over there and read about the protests, op eds stating that it's a war for oil, etc.  - Once again, these people have a right to their opinions, but if that's your idea of support - no thanks.




This makes no sense to me. Your theory makes the soldiers sound like mindless robots. I have, and have had, relatives in the military. They are smart enough to both follow orders, AND (not publicly) question the value of their depolyments. It seems to me that a good soldier follows orders, but he doesn't turn off his brain. I'm sure a lot of soldiers in Iraq are risking their lives despite their internal misgivings about the cause.


They can understand that the citizens of the US can support them but not the cause, because some soldiers undoubtably do not support the cause as well. Soldiers are more effective when they are following orders AND support a cause, but that's not always the nature of being in the military.


I'd be curious for our vet's views on this.

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