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Homeland Security Taking Charge Of Elections


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So the race is to close for the establishment so now all of a sudden we need HS to take charge of the election? Wait wasn't it Obama and the rest of the criminals laughing at Trump for even suggesting there might be election fraud? Damn Homeland security is there to steal it for Hillary not make sure it's fair. And it was the head of DHS Johnson that was bashing Trump a while ago. They don't even care to hind their crimes any more.



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One goosestep closer to totalitarianism...


No need to hide it anymore since it's pretty obvious people are fine with this transition so long as their smart phones still work.

Speaking of that, mine isn't working. Gonna have to make an insurance claim. :o

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"We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid,"


Given that it's not even critical enough to require voters to show ID, I'm gonna go with "No."

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But according to kaepernick experts voter fruad is not real.


I thought the secret service handled election policing? Or was it another dept?


In fairness, it wasn't kap making that suggestion. It was some folks here who used the extremely small issue of voter fraud as an example of how the government oppresses blacks by making them get an ID to vote.

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In fairness, it wasn't kap making that suggestion. It was some folks here who used the extremely small issue of voter fraud as an example of how the government oppresses blacks by making them get an ID to vote.

ignoring the fact that if they have a job they need not just one ID but two Id's


In fairness, it wasn't kap making that suggestion. It was some folks here who used the extremely small issue of voter fraud as an example of how the government oppresses blacks by making them get an ID to vote.

ignoring the fact that if they have a job they need not just one ID but two Id's


Jobs are raysis

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But according to kaepernick experts voter fruad is not real.


I thought the secret service handled election policing? Or was it another dept?

Yes. It's the DNC formerly headed by DWS, now headed by Donna Brazile - who's never met a dead Democrat voter she doesn't like.

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