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Bills Release Jordan Gay & Sign LB Ramon Humber

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The 25 yard line rule was strike 1 against Gay.

But then when it became apparent in the preseason games that Gay was seemingly incapable of going straight during FG attempts, his fate was sealed.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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Odd. How long will carp last?


Ryan seems not to care much for him

? The dude missed six extra points last year. Was Ryan supposed to be gushing about him? If anything he's shown a lot of confidence in him by bringing him back and now cutting Gay altogether. Edited by metzelaars_lives
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I know, it's almost as if the rule was designed with Gay in mind. It's very anti-Gay.



Exactly. Any minute I expect to hear from the LGBTKOS community.


Well done, gents. :lol:

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Gay never had a chance when the league changed the touchback rule to the 25 yard line.




I agree. Carrying a KO Specialist simply could not be justified with that rule in place.


I think they will monitor Carpenter's leg and if kickoffs and if his leg gets tried resign Gay and use him as relief; they would only need to pay him per game.

It is unlikely he will be picked up by a team as a regular kicker even in an injury situation,

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I think they will monitor Carpenter's leg and if kickoffs and if his leg gets tried resign Gay and use him as relief; they would only need to pay him per game.

It is unlikely he will be picked up by a team as a regular kicker even in an injury situation,

Perhaps. But it seems somewhat unlikely that kicking up to 8 balls a week (in game situations) would really tire out Carpenters leg. There have been a lot of older kickers in the nfl.

Now, if they needed a specialist to doink the ball off the uprights, he'd have a good shot at a job.

He's almost like the Alex Tanney of kickers.
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Perhaps. But it seems somewhat unlikely that kicking up to 8 balls a week (in game situations) would really tire out Carpenters leg. There have been a lot of older kickers in the nfl..

Up to 8? I think we have seen more of those in games including when they needed to rekick. There was some concern on Carp's leg tiring hence reason for bringing in a 2nd kicker.
If the Bills want to preserve his leg they should at a minimum put a kicker on practice squad.

Are you suggesting the league is Homo-phobic. LOL


Better than Homo-philic - sounds like some fatal disease.

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