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Kaepernick and the National Anthem

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As for dialogue, you're not actually responding to what I posted, just restating what others have said many times. IMO that's not really dialogue, it's talking so you can hear yourself talk. The article I posted references him sitting down with an Army ranger to talk about better ways of protest. He understands that a lot of people are assuming he is being disrespectful of the military, and he is open to talking to people who have been in the military to try and understand their perspective.


As for the findings that black people are no more likely (or even less likely) to be the subject of deadly force by police, I acknowledge it's out there, and I'm not saying it's wrong.


I was making the point that the stats do not support Kap's stance on another message board - and was told this. These are the same people who were saying "it's open season on black males."


Now, the goalposts have moved again, I see.


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Critical Race Theory.


But don't call it sophistry...because "sophistry" is a construct of Western European philosophy, thus is oppressive and invalid under Critical Race Theory...

You know what else is Oppressive© about Western European philosophy. Math, and the Western cultural appropriation of Arabic numerals which were culturally appropriated from India.


Gawd my head hurts. Excuse me while I go beat my skull against the wall for awhile until my brain back in tune with the Critical Race Theory

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I do not understand at all what this cultural appropriation that Black Twitter rages about. They're mad when white people like and use things that they've come up with? And, usually the rage is being tweeted by a black chick with blonde hair.

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I do not understand at all what this cultural appropriation that Black Twitter rages about. They're mad when white people like and use things that they've come up with? And, usually the rage is being tweeted by a black chick with blonde hair.


It's pure racism. They don't have the "systemic power" for it to be frowned upon in the mainstream but that's what it is. (and it's getting there)


"We don't want white people to use our stuff" (cultural appropriation)

"Those white people are the problem" (white privilege)

"white reporters to the back of the protest" (whites can't cover or support black protests)

"I was really nervous to get up here because there's a lot of white people in the crowd" (calling out innocent white people as violent at an orlando vigil)

"we don't want to associate with white police officers at a barbecue" (BLM activist on the peaceful barbecue between blm protestors and police in Kentucky)

"white people are the problem with our society" (white privilege)

“Not just all lives. Black lives. Please do not change the conversation by talking about how your life matters, too. The “tired trope that we are all the same,” Garza elaborates, serves only to “perpetuate a level of White supremacist domination.” (not equal)


All things reported by the media with no scathing undertones, and hardly any public backlash because there has been a successful and targeted effort to suppress such a retort with destruction of career and reputation with the label "racist" for disagreeing or criticizing.


It is disgusting.

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Cool, you guys can go give each other handies while you pat each other on the back for calling out PC bull ****.


Glad to see you can take disagreement like a man while substantiating your point of view. Keep up the good work.

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I do not understand at all what this cultural appropriation that Black Twitter rages about. They're mad when white people like and use things that they've come up with? And, usually the rage is being tweeted by a black chick with blonde hair.


I thought Twitter was just a place for Lena Dunham to complain that Odell Beckham Jr doesn't want to bang her.

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As for dialogue, you're not actually responding to what I posted, just restating what others have said many times. IMO that's not really dialogue, it's talking so you can hear yourself talk. The article I posted references him sitting down with an Army ranger to talk about better ways of protest. He understands that a lot of people are assuming he is being disrespectful of the military, and he is open to talking to people who have been in the military to try and understand their perspective.


As for the findings that black people are no more likely (or even less likely) to be the subject of deadly force by police, I acknowledge it's out there, and I'm not saying it's wrong. But it's a small part of the overall message, although people getting shot by Police tends to spur the most outrage. And by the way, far too many people of all races are getting shot by Police, and I'm glad that people in this country are pissed off when it happens.


The language I used was that many supporters of Trump who have specifically mentioned how political correctness is a big problem in this country don't seem to like it when someone is politically incorrect in way that offends them. I didn't say that all (or even most) people who have a problem with Kaep's protest support Trump, I said the folks that do support Trump for being anti-PC seem to not like when someone is not PC and also disagreeing with them..

I responded to your post, but not to the article you linked because it's yet another SJW journalist inserting his views into Kaep's actions.


I didn't need to respond to the article because I watched Kaep's press conference where he struggled to articulate his thoughts other than drone on about starting a dialogue and how his action has been misinterpreted by the media.


And while a lot of people took umbrage at him disrespecting the flag and the military, if you noticed many of us objected to him calling out the ENITRE country for being bigoted and oppressive to blacks and people of color. And if he or his defenders want to start a dialogue, that would be a great place to start. Why do Indians and Asians blow whites away in achievement if people of color are oppressed?

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Since one of the apparent goals of the Black Lives Matter movement is to create European Muslim-style police no-go zones in America’s worst neighborhoods, why not posh Levi’s Stadium as well?



Are there really no go zones in Europe? A friend told me about them being around Detroit, but I looked that up and it was false.

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