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Kaepernick and the National Anthem

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Nope. He should keep on saying that some of the tiki torch carriers in Charlotte are fine people.


Come on, that's an eggageration. There were people there who just wanted their voices heard re: the possible removal of a statue. No reason to think they aren't fine people. He wasn't referring to white supremacists. That should be obvious and the media nonsense afterward was embarrassing , frankly. It was clear that " both sides" were likely to blame for the violence. And that doesn't mean the idiot in the car. He was obviously to blame.

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"Mr President, we voted for you to Make America Great Again. But we're starting to wonder about you. Another failed attempt at using your deal making skills to get Congress to Repeal and Replace. No leadership on getting an Infrastructure bill. Mexico isn't going to pay for the wall. Why should we keep supporting you?"


"Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a b!tch off the field right now. Out! He's fired. Hes fired!'"


"Wha...Uhh...that's right, them people need to be put in their place! USA, USA!"


Whenever Trump has another big failure,he tries to distract with a shiny object of devisiveness. This time calling the mothers of some NFL players 'bitches'. Fortunately the most important person in Washington continues to methodically build a case without distraction: Robert Mueller.

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That's just not true. It's way more pervasive, that's true. But it's still less than 10% of any discussion. You're deep into The Kaepernick and the national anthem thread. That's your choice.

And again. I agree with most everything Kaepernick is saying and stands for (well, kneels for) and yet I strongly don't think he should have ever done it. It's not the right place. I don't need to see it either. I don't want the part of the game to become political either. I totally understand why owners don't want him on their team. And I agree with him.

It's a choice, but who wants to give up watching sports programs about a league that they follow? How about just sticking to sports and giving people what they want, rather than pissing them by having to tolerate drivel in order to watch a sports show.



Sources tell me Bills locker room, for instance, has been very emotional today as some players consider several possibilities for protest.



#Bills veteran Lorenzo Alexander tells me it was his idea to discuss Donald Trump's remarks as a team tonight (as @JeffDarlington noted).


I now have lost respect for Alexander. Get some thicker skin guy.

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"Mr President, we voted for you to Make America Great Again. But we're starting to wonder about you. Another failed attempt at using your deal making skills to get Congress to Repeal and Replace. No leadership on getting an Infrastructure bill. Mexico isn't going to pay for the wall. Why should we keep supporting you?"


"Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a b!tch off the field right now. Out! He's fired. Hes fired!'"


"Wha...Uhh...that's right, them people need to be put in their place! USA, USA!"


Whenever Trump has another big failure,he tries to distract with a shiny object of devisiveness. This time calling the mothers of some NFL players 'bitches'. Fortunately the most important person in Washington continues to methodically build a case without distraction: Robert Mueller.

He's not supposed to be building a case. He's supposed to be an independent investigator.

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That's not what he said, but I'm sure that's what you heard, and you will continue to spread falsehoods as long as they fit your narrow minded narrative.

Actually he did even though we really don't need to go through this all again. He specifically referenced Friday night. Friday night was the tiki torch parade. The antifa idiots and the mass crowd of protestors were on Saturday not Friday night. There were very few protesters on Friday night during the march. Just a handful standing around the monument. He didn't know any of this of course but that is what he said.

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That's just not true. It's way more pervasive, that's true. But it's still less than 10% of any discussion. You're deep into The Kaepernick and the national anthem thread. That's your choice.


And again. I agree with most everything Kaepernick is saying and stands for (well, kneels for) and yet I strongly don't think he should have ever done it. It's not the right place. I don't need to see it either. I don't want the part of the game to become political either. I totally understand why owners don't want him on their team. And I agree with him.

Honest question, what is that based on. I've done a fair amount of research on the topic and the evidence I've found suggests that the problem, at least on a national level is either non-existent or at best overblown. Do you have evidence that suggests otherwise?

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he's right though, that's not what he said

As stated above...

Actually he did even though we really don't need to go through this all again. He specifically referenced Friday night. Friday night was the tiki torch parade. The antifa idiots and the mass crowd of protestors were on Saturday not Friday night. There were very few protesters on Friday night during the march. Just a handful standing around the monument. He didn't know any of this of course but that is what he said.

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Honest question, what is that based on. I've done a fair amount of research on the topic and the evidence I've found suggests that the problem, at least on a national level is either non-existent or at best overblown. Do you have evidence that suggests otherwise?

Btw , I agree with this. I've only spent a couple hours probably checking data , but arrived at the same conclusion. It's statistically close to irrelevant .

Edited by Boatdrinks
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Honest question, what is that based on. I've done a fair amount of research on the topic and the evidence I've found suggests that the problem, at least on a national level is either non-existent or at best overblown. Do you have evidence that suggests otherwise?

I think there are statistics that can show whatever you want them to on both sides of the issue. My personal feelings on the subject are based on the fact that the vast, vast majority of blacks and other minorities seem to strongly believe this is true. And it's based on something in their real world, it's not just made up. It's their experience or the experience of people they know or trust. That in itself doesn't make it true but it's so very pervasive that I believe it to be true. The reason OJ off was not really because he was rich and could afford his lawyers, although that was a major reason. It was equally because so many black people in LA genuinely, honestly believed the police could have framed him when it was blatantly clear they didn't and he was guilty.


That didn't come from the media or whiny liberals. There is still a ridiculous amount of blacks who think he is innocent. Incredible. But it's from something. And it's the same something that Kaepernick is talking about. He also didn't do it wily nilly. He had been discussing it for a year with people before he did it. He's a very smart and thoughtful guy. Very good student. 38 on wonderlic. If people would read some serious in depth interviews he has made discussing his reasons they may not agree at all with him but he's not an idiot or elitist arrogant athlete. At all.


The head of homeland security was pulled over a few times he felt were just because he was black. Marshawn was pulled over 50 times in Buffalo (from a very reliable source) and never got a ticket. Granted he did some idiot things so a lot of them were probably just to piss him off but still. That's why he hated Buffalo.


The point is, this is how they live their lives. Maybe it's perception is reality but that is not my position or belief. But the story on here last week about the players dad who had to tell his son only drive with one friend, you cannot drive with two or three friends because the cops will think you're a gang and you could get hurt is a real threat to them, not just made up.

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I think there are statistics that can show whatever you want them to on both sides of the issue. My personal feelings on the subject are based on the fact that the vast, vast majority of blacks and other minorities seem to strongly believe this is true. And it's based on something in their real world, it's not just made up. It's their experience or the experience of people they know or trust. That in itself doesn't make it true but it's so very pervasive that I believe it to be true. The reason OJ off was not really because he was rich and could afford his lawyers, although that was a major reason. It was equally because so many black people in LA genuinely, honestly believed the police could have framed him when it was blatantly clear they didn't and he was guilty.


That didn't come from the media or whiny liberals. There is still a ridiculous amount of blacks who think he is innocent. Incredible. But it's from something. And it's the same something that Kaepernick is talking about. He also didn't do it wily nilly. He had been discussing it for a year with people before he did it. He's a very smart and thoughtful guy. Very good student. 38 on wonderlic. If people would read some serious in depth interviews he has made discussing his reasons they may not agree at all with him but he's not an idiot or elitist arrogant athlete. At all.


The head of homeland security was pulled over a few times he felt were just because he was black. Marshawn was pulled over 50 times in Buffalo (from a very reliable source) and never got a ticket. Granted he did some idiot things so a lot of them were probably just to piss him off but still. That's why he hated Buffalo.


The point is, this is how they live their lives. Maybe it's perception is reality but that is not my position or belief. But the story on here last week about the players dad who had to tell his son only drive with one friend, you cannot drive with two or three friends because the cops will think you're a gang and you could get hurt is a real threat to them, not just made up.

I believe in Critical Race Theory: The Post.

Edited by jmc12290
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I think there are statistics that can show whatever you want them to on both sides of the issue. My personal feelings on the subject are based on the fact that the vast, vast majority of blacks and other minorities seem to strongly believe this is true. And it's based on something in their real world, it's not just made up. It's their experience or the experience of people they know or trust. That in itself doesn't make it true but it's so very pervasive that I believe it to be true. The reason OJ off was not really because he was rich and could afford his lawyers, although that was a major reason. It was equally because so many black people in LA genuinely, honestly believed the police could have framed him when it was blatantly clear they didn't and he was guilty.


That didn't come from the media or whiny liberals. There is still a ridiculous amount of blacks who think he is innocent. Incredible. But it's from something. And it's the same something that Kaepernick is talking about. He also didn't do it wily nilly. He had been discussing it for a year with people before he did it. He's a very smart and thoughtful guy. Very good student. 38 on wonderlic. If people would read some serious in depth interviews he has made discussing his reasons they may not agree at all with him but he's not an idiot or elitist arrogant athlete. At all.


The head of homeland security was pulled over a few times he felt were just because he was black. Marshawn was pulled over 50 times in Buffalo (from a very reliable source) and never got a ticket. Granted he did some idiot things so a lot of them were probably just to piss him off but still. That's why he hated Buffalo.


The point is, this is how they live their lives. Maybe it's perception is reality but that is not my position or belief. But the story on here last week about the players dad who had to tell his son only drive with one friend, you cannot drive with two or three friends because the cops will think you're a gang and you could get hurt is a real threat to them, not just made up.

But is that their reality or confirmation bias? I see people all the time who think they've been unfairly treated because of race when the reality is that anyone would have received the same treatment.


A lot of minorities, particularly in the black community are taught from a young age that they have a target on their backs due to historical prejudices. With higher crime rates in black communities there is more interaction with police. It's easy to see how perception could be inconsistent with reality.


Sure, statistics can be manipulated, but if we're going to take action to cure a social ill I think it's important to make sure we have the correct diagnosis. A Harvard study set out to show that blacks were disproportionately likely to be shot by police but the opposite conclusion was found.


If we want to have a real and meaningful discussion on the issue we should consider all the evidence objectively and see where it leads us.

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Save your silly apologist bull **** for someone who doesn't know any better you moron.

we apologize for you, is that good enough?

Yup. There are no fine people in Charlotte. That's just a fact.

but it still isn't what Trump said when talking about the wannabe nazis
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we apologize for you, is that good enough?but it still isn't what Trump said when talking about the wannabe nazis

I will repeat this. Actually he did even though we really don't need to go through this all again. He specifically referenced Friday night. Friday night was the tiki torch parade. The antifa idiots and the mass crowd of protestors were on Saturday not Friday night. There were very few protesters on Friday night during the march. Just a handful standing around the monument. He didn't know any of this of course but that is what he said. There were bad people on both sides Friday night. But thee weren't. That was Saturday. On Friday it was virtually all the torch march.

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I will repeat this. Actually he did even though we really don't need to go through this all again. He specifically referenced Friday night. Friday night was the tiki torch parade. The antifa idiots and the mass crowd of protestors were on Saturday not Friday night. There were very few protesters on Friday night during the march. Just a handful standing around the monument. He didn't know any of this of course but that is what he said. There were bad people on both sides Friday night. But thee weren't. That was Saturday. On Friday it was virtually all the torch march.

Can you be a (black) or (white) supremacist and still be a good person?

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