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Kaepernick and the National Anthem

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I am surprised that the NFL has not fined him over this! As they need to do that and/or suspend him.


SF should just tell him he needs to stay in locker room until after game starts. SF could choose to fine him for conduct but then would need to deal with NFLPA,

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Might I suggest you read the court finding that slapped down the North Carolina Voter ID (Suppression) Law.


Wait, I thought that the govt is out to oppress black people? Are courts not getting the memo?


How come when judges rule the way you like, they are upholding the Constitution? And when you disagree it's a partisan decision?


When was politics not involved in government?


Even better, when Trump talks about making America great again, when exactly would he say it was great? No one I have asked has had an answer for that one.


Funny that you would say that.

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Wait, I thought that the govt is out to oppress black people? Are courts not getting the memo?



He already stated those laws were racist because some people "don't have the wherewithal" to figure out how to obtain a free government ID. Why he thinks black people are less capable than white people of navigating the enormous challenge of going down to DMV and asking for an ID he has yet to explain. But you can be sure the answer includes the rationale that someone else is racist.

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He already stated those laws were racist because some people "don't have the wherewithal" to figure out how to obtain a free government ID. Why he thinks black people are less capable than white people of navigating the enormous challenge of going down to DMV and asking for an ID he has yet to explain. But you can be sure the answer includes the rationale that someone else is racist.


It might have something to do with the govt introducing crack/AIDS/Bubonic Plague/the heartbreak of psorasis to the black community in order to fund foreign covert operations.

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The number one trending topic on twitter is Jerry Rice. Also trending were 3 other things related to what he said..........Black Twitter was aflame and everybody hates Jerry Rice now. So much that one of the trending topics was Randy Moss, because of so many people saying Randy Moss was better anyway. I wondered what horrific thing did he say?..........Well, here it is:


  1. All lives matter. So much going on in this world today.Can we all just get along! Colin,I respect your stance but don't disrespect the Flag.

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He already stated those laws were racist because some people "don't have t he wherewithal" to figure out how to obtain a free government ID. Why he thinks black people are less capable than white people of navigating the enormous challenge of going down to DMV and asking for an ID he has yet to explain. But you can be sure the answer includes the rationale that someone else is racist.


I love how you twist words into what I believe when it's highly probable it fits into your mindset. That's a pretty neat trick you're trying to pull.


It might have something to do with the govt introducing crack/AIDS/Bubonic Plague/the heartbreak of psorasis to the black community in order to fund foreign covert operations.


Good one. Engage in ridiculous hyperbole to discredit the veracity of what I posted earlier that is part of the historical record. Makes you feel comfortable and good for you.

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I love how you twist words into what I believe when it's highly probable it fits into your mindset. That's a pretty neat trick you're trying to pull.


Good one. Engage in ridiculous hyperbole to discredit the veracity of what I posted earlier that is part of the historical record. Makes you feel comfortable and good for you.

why? because the GOP candidate , projected winner, will have more legal votes than the other?

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You're funny.

so, an election won by having more votes is somehow tied to voter ID ? so all the people who voted legally should have their votes discarded because the losing candidate feels that "his voters" were hampered by the fact they couldnt find the energy to get an ID ? as in this case, is required?

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so, an election won by having more votes is somehow tied to voter ID ? so all the people who voted legally should have their votes discarded because the losing candidate feels that "his voters" were hampered by the fact they couldnt find the energy to get an ID ? as in this case, is required?


You didn't listen. That was a GOP congressman who admitted that his state's Wisconsin voter id law was designed to suppress the Democratic vote in November. Funny you're still posting nonsense in the thread after complaining about it being here.

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You didn't listen. That was a GOP congressman who admitted that his state's Wisconsin voter id law was designed to suppress the Democratic vote in November. Funny you're still posting nonsense in the thread after complaining about it being here.

i cannot believe the nonsense i read, thats why. and the old relic of voter ID laws to stifle votes is nonsense, regardless .so all of a sudden this GOP politician is credible? you found one huh?

Edited by dwight in philly
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This is a no-brainer, having some sort of identification is a requirement throughout most of the world, it is good sound policy to help ensure voter integrity and the vast majority of Americans support it. The only reason why there is such opposition to it is because Democratic leaders believe that somehow this will give an infinitesimal advantage to their opposition. They aren't opposed to it because they believe it's bad policy.


It's already supported by 80% of the public and the only reason why it isn't a 90% issue is because you will always have partisan lemmings who will follow what the party does on at least 90% of the issues because that is what they are conditioned to do. It's just a matter of time before the U.S catches up to the rest of the world when it comes to having to present ID in order to vote.

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i cannot believe the nonsense i read, thats why. and the old relic of voter ID laws to stifle votes is nonsense, regardless so all of a sudden this GOP politician is credible? you found one huh?


You don't have to believe it, but the courts are already declaring that and striking them down.

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This is a no-brainer, having some sort of identification is a requirement throughout most of the world, it is good sound policy to help ensure voter integrity and the vast majority of Americans support it. The only reason why there is such opposition to it is because Democratic leaders believe that somehow this will give an infinitesimal advantage to their opposition. They aren't opposed to it because they believe it's bad policy.


It's already supported by 80% of the public and the only reason why it isn't a 90% issue is because you will always have partisan lemmings who will follow what the party does on at least 90% of the issues because that is what they are conditioned to do. It's just a matter of time before the U.S catches up to the rest of the world when it comes to having to present ID in order to vote.

well said.. it is all about the democrats stacking the deck.. it is obvious..

Edited by dwight in philly
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You don't have to believe it, but the courts are already declaring that and striking them down.



You don't have to believe it, but the courts are already declaring that and striking them down.


You mean like this one?


Or maybe you meant this one?


Courts vary, in some areas they will vote one way and in another area they'll vote another way.

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You don't have to believe it, but the courts are already declaring that and strikinsg them down.

Why even have elections, the courts make all the decisions so let the Sup Court run the country then the disenfranchised who can get a drivers license, health care, welfare, food stamps, a job, navigate the internet, buy on line, purchase a car, buy a house, rent a house, and maybe even find a drug dealer will not have to worry about the inability to get a voter ID.

This lack of voter ID is more about feeling under privileged, either by choice because historically their families have not placed importance on it or lack of confidence in being involved. I refuse to accept that in the most democratic of all countries in the world that a person who wishes to vote cannot.

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Everybody vote absentee... That is where the fraud is. More repubs vote absentee I take?


I am a for voter id if they abolish a absentee voting.

There is nothing wrong voting as an absentee voter. If you are in the military or are working out of the country that may be your only option to vote. My central point is that it is known that there is more fraud problems with the absentee vote than with voters going to the polls. The measures that are proposed to curtail voter fraud don't address the area in which it happens the most.


Statistically more republicans use the absentee ballot than democrats. But that is not an issue that should matter. If the legislators are serious about curtailing voter fraud then they should deal with it where it does exist.


Hire Russian hackers to simulate voter fraud; feds are reporting several groups hacking into several state agencies including Arizona and Illinois.

It's getting scary.



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I refuted your theory and statistics and you've moved on to another topic.


The problem isn't just the voter ID laws, but looking just at that we know that in the states in question, what constitutes a valid ID is dependent on which groups use which IDs.


Then there are the issues of shutting down polling places in poor, black neighborhoods and closing the polls on weekends when it's much easier for many poor blacks to vote.


What do you think the reasons are for all of these things when taken together?


Don't be lazy.


Read the court's decisions. It's easy to find with Google.


You didn't refute anything. You just didn't agree with what I posted.


If you had the simple ability to just answer my question, you would ultimately realize my intent was to eliminate the objections.


If polling places are really closed early in black neighborhoods, let's mandate they all stay open to an agreed upon time. If people are too stupid or lazy to find their way to a DMV, let's send out teams of people to help them get an ID. (Tell them we'll draw names for a free iPhone in each district and watch how long your line is.) Let's drive them to the DMV. Let's drive them to the polling places. Let's get people everything they need so that it truly and genuinely is one person, one vote.


Let's invest in this so as to eliminate the ridiculous accusation that voter ID laws keep black people from voting because even the most simple-minded of people saw what happened in 2008 and 20012, when the percentage of black voters were higher than white. They vote when they want to, but it doesn't stop the simple-minded from making yet another ridiculous topic all about racism.


So stop with the ridiculous excuses. Let's come up with a plan to get everyone an ID, and they insist they use that ID to vote.


We spent $3B giving out money to people to trade in their cars, so surely we can come up with the money to have a program in place to ensure everyone has what they need to get an ID.


You with me?

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If you feel the need to anger a portion of Americans to bring attention to a problem in America - that in totality didn't cause/support the problem. I think you at least have to acknowledge you bothered/angered people that didn't deserve it.

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