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Seantrel Henderson Talks About Battle with Crohn's Disease

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The critics of that study point out that people who get high report feeling better.


It's not a treatment for Crohn's disease.

Dude, you don't feel better from "getting high." Many people use CBD, which has zero THC and doesn't get you high at all, to reduce symptoms of a myriad illnesses. It is no longer thought of as some sort of eastern, hippie, controversial, new age treatment in the medical community. It is prescribed to young children throughout the western world. Dude, you gotta stop chiming on this one. You are so far out of your element it's startling.


My doctor, a leading expert in treating Crohn's disease, disagrees with that statement.

I freaking have Crohn's Disease AND I live in Colorado and I disagree with his statement. I think I would be more qualified to speak to this than just about anyone on this board outside of an actual GI doctor.

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Because the NFL doesn't have an exception for medicinal use, AFAIK.


Some states enacted laws decades ago allowing for the possession of marijuana if individuals received prescriptions from doctors.

But federal law prohibits doctors from prescribing marijuana, rendering those laws invalid.

Doctors can only write a recommendation for medical marijuana, which is different than a prescription, which will make it very difficult to fight with NFL.

They can even (and do) prohibit some other legal mediation.


There is no right to play football - it is a job contract.

You're interpreting a level of specificity that is not stated in the legislation.


The use of marijuana need not put a disease in remission; that's not really what medical marijuana is used for anyway; it is to treat symptoms like pain associated with various conditions.


If there is NY law or other state law saying it is OK for Henderson to be treated with ingested marijuana pursuant to regulations x, y, and z, and that is what he did, this suspension won't stick.


Keep in mind we don't know hardly anything about this at this time.


But it is plausible that Henderson's use was legal, which is the relevant point.


Negative. Federal law overrides whatever state law states on this matter.

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The critics of that study point out that people who get high report feeling better.


It's not a treatment for Crohn's disease.


It's definitely a mask for all kinds of pain.


Sometime after the combine he failed yet another drug test prior to this one.


My understanding is that this dude was using on an every day basis at the U and as easy as it is to pass an NFL MJ pisstest he probably was using regularly in the NFL until he got that second strike.


It's possible that is when his crohn's pain manifested.

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Some states enacted laws decades ago allowing for the possession of marijuana if individuals received prescriptions from doctors.

But federal law prohibits doctors from prescribing marijuana, rendering those laws invalid.

Doctors can only write a recommendation for medical marijuana, which is different than a prescription, which will make it very difficult to fight with NFL.

They can even (and do) prohibit some other legal mediation.


There is no right to play football - it is a job contract.


Negative. Federal law overrides whatever state law states on this matter.

State and Federal law are completely irrelevant, the NFL can set it's own drug policy like all other private corporations.

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You can always count on WEO to take the negative point of view.....like clockwork



WEO is a troll, plain and simple. The classic example. I find it hard to believe this community treats him as a legitimate member, but then again, at first I did, too.


It's definitely a mask for all kinds of pain.


Sometime after the combine he failed yet another drug test prior to this one.


My understanding is that this dude was using on an every day basis at the U and as easy as it is to pass an NFL MJ pisstest he probably was using regularly in the NFL until he got that second strike.


It's possible that is when his crohn's pain manifested.



Yes, it is possible. It is also highly unlikely and a fairly moronic statement on your part.

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Yes, it is possible. It is also highly unlikely and a fairly moronic statement on your part.


It's not uncommon for Crohn's to go undiagnosed for years. Long enough that there are studies comparing people who are diagnosed >24 mos after symptoms to those diagnosed earlier.


I don't know what the medical plan is like at the U, but typically when a college student complains of pain in his gut the answer is stress management and quit with the beer bong, not GI workup. Much less when a football player complains of pain in his gut, well duh you're a football player, what do you expect, do more core exercises.


On the other hand, maybe he just likes to toke.

Edited by Hopeful
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WEO is a troll, plain and simple. The classic example. I find it hard to believe this community treats him as a legitimate member, but then again, at first I did, too.



Yes, it is possible. It is also highly unlikely and a fairly moronic statement on your part.



I don't like you either........you are the Chris Kelsay of TSW......big head/no post content + won't go away. :lol:


Definitely not "highly unlikely" though. Very possible is more like it.


First off, wrt his need to use MJ.....with his football career on the line.....after many failed tests and 3 MJ suspensions at the U......he failed another drug test at the combine. :lol:


So this is at mininum 6 fails........probably a lot more.....but at minimum 6.


And if you know the Henderson story, he hadn't been bothered by the Crohn's symptoms until last year.

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I don't like you either........you are the Chris Kelsay of TSW......big head/no post content + won't go away. :lol:


Definitely not "highly unlikely" though. Very possible is more like it.


First off, wrt his need to use MJ.....with his football career on the line.....after many failed tests and 3 MJ suspensions at the U......he failed another drug test at the combine. :lol:


So this is at mininum 6 fails........probably a lot more.....but at minimum 6.


And if you know the Henderson story, he hadn't been bothered by the Crohn's symptoms until last year.

Who could possibly not like The Dean?


Kind of a doushy statement right there Bado

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I don't like you either........you are the Chris Kelsay of TSW......big head/no post content + won't go away. :lol:


Definitely not "highly unlikely" though. Very possible is more like it.


First off, wrt his need to use MJ.....with his football career on the line.....after many failed tests and 3 MJ suspensions at the U......he failed another drug test at the combine. :lol:


So this is at mininum 6 fails........probably a lot more.....but at minimum 6.


And if you know the Henderson story, he hadn't been bothered by the Crohn's symptoms until last year.



Are you suggesting marijuana use CAUSED his Chron's disease or that he is faking it?


I see no evidence Chron's can be caused by marijuana use. And I see ample evidence (though not accepted by everyone) that marijuana can be used as a treatment for it.


Chron's disease can be diagnosed through a series tests. And it can present itself at any time, during one's life. It is NOT unusual for it to appear in one's 20's, for example. I expect team doctor's have examined him, and concurred with the diagnosis. I know two people who found out they had the disease later in life (one in their 20's, one in their 30's). For one, cannabinoids helps their symptoms. For the other, it does not.


Assuming someone fakes something as serious as Chron's, with NO evidence, is something you should be ashamed of.


And, by the way, I don't dislike you, particularly, and I respect your football acumen (in general). I just think you can be a huge dick, sometimes. This is one case where that is evident.

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Are you suggesting marijuana use CAUSED his Chron's disease or that he is faking it?


I see no evidence Chron's can be caused by marijuana use. And I see ample evidence (though not accepted by everyone) that marijuana can be used as a treatment for it.


Chron's disease can be diagnosed through a series tests. And it can present itself at any time, during one's life. It is NOT unusual for it to appear in one's 20's, for example. I expect team doctor's have examined him, and concurred with the diagnosis. I know two people who found out they had the disease later in life (one in their 20's, one in their 30's). For one, cannabinoids helps their symptoms. For the other, it does not.


Assuming someone fakes something as serious as Chron's, with NO evidence, is something you should be ashamed of.


And, by the way, I don't dislike you, particularly, and I respect your football acumen (in general). I just think you can be a huge dick, sometimes. This is one case where that is evident.


Agree on all counts, I'll add it's also not uncommon for people who are diagnosed in their 20s to have had the disease since their early teens and not be aware.

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Who could possibly not like The Dean?




Me? :thumbsup:


You would think at some point that some of you personal attackers would realize that I am here to talk about Bills football.......not to get in line for the circlejerkery you'd like.


Responding to my Bills related takes with personal attacks and then asking why I'm so mean is just priceless. :lol:


You guys act like I am a member of the media and that I need to be nice to you. I am not and do not.


You want to see douchey? Look in the mirror. Do you ever see me initiating personal attacks or dump on Bills fans who start threads to initiate a football discussion here? Nope. You? Yup.


It just is what it is John.


A lot of good posters/content providers do not post here any longer because the needless, unwarranted personal attacks for having an opinion that reflects the success level of the team.....gets under their skin.


The attacks just make me laugh and watching y'all get a redhead about it when I give it back to you is what I have to settle for too often in lieu of Bills football discussion. :thumbsup:

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Me? :thumbsup:


You would think at some point that some of you personal attackers would realize that I am here to talk about Bills football.......not to get in line for the circlejerkery you'd like.


Responding to my Bills related takes with personal attacks and then asking why I'm so mean is just priceless. :lol:


You guys act like I am a member of the media and that I need to be nice to you. I am not and do not.


You want to see douchey? Look in the mirror. Do you ever see me initiating personal attacks or dump on Bills fans who start threads to initiate a football discussion here? Nope. You? Yup.


It just is what it is John.


A lot of good posters/content providers do not post here any longer because the needless, unwarranted personal attacks for having an opinion that reflects the success level of the team.....gets under their skin.


The attacks just make me laugh and watching y'all get a redhead about it when I give it back to you is what I have to settle for too often in lieu of Bills football discussion. :thumbsup:

hmmmmmm so the Dean states that he doesnt dislike you.....and you state that you DONT like him


But your being personally attacked?




I personaly think that a lot of your posts have merit (and by the way.....I have said so....repeatedly)


One thing you have a very bad habit of doing is attacking and belittling people that dont agree with your takes.....


Sorry you cant handle it and feel the need to lash out

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The way I read it was that he was suggesting the drugs were actually masking the disease, so he maybe didn't realize he had it until he stopped smoking.


Well, I guess we'll never know until he responds with some coherent answer, unlike the rant he gave to John. As I said earlier, I don't dislike BADO (notice the all caps name?). But he can be a bit dickish.


IMO, if you are going to make accusations about someone faking injury/disease/etc, you should come with some actual evidence.

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For fear of reading something so stupid that it would cause me to die, I skipped all comments before writing this.


My sister has been battling this disease for about 25 years. She's 47. Two days ago, she underwent a surgery to remove a significant portion of her digestive tract. She's been in pain, daily, for at least the last decade - mostly her butt - and now she will have a colostomy bag, since she now has no anus. She is an education professional and has been unable to engage in any social activity with her colleagues for her entire career. She's looking forward to living pain free and the risk of cancer has also been significantly reduced due to her surgery.


This disease is no joke.

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For fear of reading something so stupid that it would cause me to die, I skipped all comments before writing this.


My sister has been battling this disease for about 25 years. She's 47. Two days ago, she underwent a surgery to remove a significant portion of her digestive tract. She's been in pain, daily, for at least the last decade - mostly her butt - and now she will have a colostomy bag, since she now has no anus. She is an education professional and has been unable to engage in any social activity with her colleagues for her entire career. She's looking forward to living pain free and the risk of cancer has also been significantly reduced due to her surgery.


This disease is no joke.

Past every thing else that has been said in this thread which is pretty insignficant compared to yours.....let me say I am sorry that your sister is experiencing this and I wish her the best gug

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And if you know the Henderson story, he hadn't been bothered by the Crohn's symptoms until last year.


I think we both know what's been in the media

It is possible for someone to go from first symptoms ever to requiring emergency surgery in a couple of months, but what is more common is someone is actually suffering symptoms for years, they just aren't recognized until they turn severe.

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