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is it really that controversial of a theory that putting high risk guys into situations with mentors and accountability tends to result in better outcomes than putting them into situations without those? im again not saying that one can only succeed, and the other can only fail -- but if putting odds on both, the numbers wouldnt be the same, would they?


again, im not drawing a direct line. you send MD to a strict setting and he still might have the same issue (hell, he had issues with marrone).... but we see it playing out on and off the field right now. we have gotten a lot of guys that are gifted athletes but lacking in smarts, and impulse control. im not saying that is wrong, but paired with a coach that also lacks in discipline and impulse control, it seems a situation that can easily go downhill.

I will tell you what is upsetting to me


Marcel actually showed up in shape this year......it looked like he was actually taking it seriously.

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Question 2 is irrelevant but to answer question 1, he could have been as they call him, "a player's coach", talked to him about life (as Dareus says that they do), tell him how important he is to the team and how he needs him to teach the young guys how to be a professional by leading by example if not by words.

How's everything with the family blah blah blah. Talk a lil liquor talk a lil weed, joke about him being suspended and then get serious and remind him that his NFL career isn't guaranteed to last longer than a day. Any day on the field can be your last. Tell him he can do all that weed smoking after his career in the NFL is done.

Now let's say he does all that and Dareus still smokes right? Guess what? Whaley will have something to say to Rex, Russ Brandon will have something to say to Rex, Pegulas will have something to say to Rex. They don't NEED to say ANYTHING to Dareus because they hired someone to manage the players get it? It's a small blame but at the end of the F'ing day, its a FREAKIN blame. Nobody saying rex is 100% to blame and I'm gonna stop typing cuz I'm starting to get upset at this bufoonery. He gets a blame whether you believe he should or not.

It's not irrelevant, you just choose to ignore it. 2nd offense indicates a pattern of behavior that precedes Rex.

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Dareus is an idiot. The players agree to the CBA implicitly. You get caught with drugs or fail a drug test and you're guilty. Josh Gordon anyone? 1 game, then 4 games, then a season. Who is willing to give up $3.58m dollars so that they can smoke weed? The Bills will get back a pro-rata share of his salary and bonus for these games he's going to miss and it will be about that. I'm truly tired of these athletes that think that somehow they can game the system or just don't care. Dumb is not a valid defense, nor is the "it's just weed" argument. That argument is for idiots.

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Dareus is an idiot. The players agree to the CBA implicitly. You get caught with drugs or fail a drug test and you're guilty. Josh Gordon anyone? 1 game, then 4 games, then a season. Who is willing to give up $3.58m dollars so that they can smoke weed? The Bills will get back a pro-rata share of his salary and bonus for these games he's going to miss and it will be about that. I'm truly tired of these athletes that think that somehow they can game the system or just don't care. Dumb is not a valid defense, nor is the "it's just weed" argument. That argument is for idiots.


And here's the kicker. These retards KNOW when they're going to be tested and STILL get caught.

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It can be as low as F'ing .0000000001% for all i care. At the end of the day he gets a percentage of the blame right? No seriously. Right or F'ing wrong? To say he's 100% not to blame is what we're talking about here.



While were blaming everyone - he's a players coach. Therefore he expects this kind of thing to be vetted through KW. Therefore it's KW's fault.


Lets throw TT in there. He's the QB. His team.

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Guest K-GunJimKelly12


And here's the kicker. These retards KNOW when they're going to be tested and STILL get caught.

Marcel the slow adult.

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I don't think thats what an NFL coaches job is. At all. 0%



I disagree. Look, it's not easy and Rex can't get all the blame. And yes BB had Hernandez and Phil Jackson and Mike Tomlin are great coaches whose players apparently raped chicks and got away with it, but the coaches do get some blame.


When there is a thread on the board called "Lockport Tire Fire" and I opened it assuming it would be about Rex, that means the wrong tone is being set. He is completely out of control. He hired his goofball brother whose defense was so bad it was almost statistically impossible. He a nice dude who genuinely likes his guys but and they like him but there isn't even one story.....in all of his years......about a player saying how Rex helped him get his head on straight. That's not his gig. So it's not surprising that guys all over the roster are getting into trouble because they are surrounded by a lack of organization. To ignore that as a potential factor is just silly. It may not have been a factor in this case, but to say it can't be is just wrong.

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So stupid...legalize the **** already

No! What is stupid, is the 100 million dollar man, that doesn't realize he needs to give up illegal substances for the rest of his playing career, then once finished, he can smoke all the pot he wants without jeopardizing his salary. Clearly not playing with a full deck.

Edited by LabattBlue
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No! What is stupid, is the 100 million dollar man, that doesn't realize he needs to give up illegal substances for the rest of his playing career, then once finished, he can smoke all the pot he wants without jeopardizing his salary. Clearly not playing with a full deck.

Frankly yes......this bothers me a lot.


Marcel is now one hit away from a year suspension.......so mentally....why is this not registering

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