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Pegula: We Aren't Talking About 16 Years; Talking Future

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So what exactly is Pegula supposed to do about it? Seriously, what are you asking for? Terry & Kim are probably doing exactly what you want...making the team better. But I guess there needs to be some human sacrifice too if I read you correctly.

Completely agree. I even agree that Rex should not get an ultimatum. What Pegula has done for the teams and fans of Buffalo is nothing short of miraculous. He gets A LOT of runway IMO.


Also IMO he made a gigantic mistake with his first coaching hire. He can't compare Rex to anything but a half season obnoxious Marrone. I loved the Rex hire initially. I loved it. Now I can see the reasons Rex won't win. I also get the reasons why Pegula either might have to keep him, might not yet realize how bad Rex is for the present and near/mid future or both. I don't see how anybody can get upset with Pegula.

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Please don't let the WGR hosts besides Murph see this thread- they will have nothing to talk about!


Every other day is a show about who will replace Rex? should we fire Whaley now? should the whole staff be fired? What was the worst loss of the drought?

what was the worst play of the drought? Will the drought ever end? When will the drought end?


Seriously - the most negative nancy's I have ever heard. They will not be happy that the Pegula's are not wallowing in their misery-

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This means nothing to me.


If the team falls flat on its ass and goes 6-10 or worse then this will all mean nothing and Whaley, Rex and company will be gone.


Yeah. Who cares what the owner of the team thinks when we have your treasured opinion to lean on.

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The owner of the team can change his mind in a hurry is my point. Your telling me if this team goes 6-10 or worse this year everyone is back?


No way....and I'm not sure why some fans would want them back.


Sounds like you're rooting for this. Enjoy the season.

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Somebody needs to tell Kim to turn down the volume as the club seats are almost unbearable with the echoed blasts off the concrete overhang.


And lose the phuckin' train horn already. It's obnoxious.





Totally agree, I hate that thing. I would rather they go back to that video of the loud, stampeding herd of Buffalo.


Love that thing

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Pegula on new stadium plans - there's not much going on, pretty quiet #Bills

Wow it seems like years (3weeks) since some one in the media has brought up the remodeling of the Ralph topic. I was getting worried. It seemed to me Murph asked his questions differently to his boss, Right?
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Wow it seems like years (3weeks) since some one in the media has brought up the remodeling of the Ralph topic. I was getting worried. It seemed to me Murph asked his questions differently to his boss, Right?

Keep in mind if a new stadium were absolutely going to happen the Pegulas would be nuts to say anything before they acquire the land needed.
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ABSO FREAKING LUTELY....god love Ralph for keeping the Bills here but he was a terrible owner. This is year 2 of Pegula's ownership that's the way I look at it as well. Guys on this team who were 5 or 6 year old kids 16 years ago - you would have to be a moron to blame them. They have NOTHING to do with it- this ain't Ralphs Bills.

This might not be Ralphs team anymore but it's headed in the same direction with the owner and marketing / finance man making the football decisions on who to hire as head coach. The GM should have made that choice. There needs to be a defined line between the football side and business side as neither Terry, Kim nor Brandon have the wherewithal to run the football side with success.


If you think Wilson was a terrible owner then we are all headed in the same direction with this new owner as someone in the FO wants to keep things just as they were.

Ralph's trash is still running the front office though, and they have absolutely EVERYTHING to do with it.

Not many fans care to think about this, but it's true.

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He is right....it is year 1 of pegula era


I know people like to tie them all together....but it really is not

horse hockey

Well Pegula definitely has the funds to work on a restoration project. Do the fans have the patience to see it through? Not that the fans are going anywhere. It's year 2 for he and Kim but some out there are getting a little worn down. Seeing a game at the new Dallas stadium is a spectacle. Over the top in ways for sure but well done. Bills fans make the experience at the Ralph cool and we'll make it even cooler when the time is right for a new stadium. That said The Ralph is not that great.

Interesting. I left Jerrah World totally unimpressed with the game experience. The stadium is cavernous & swallows sound, there are some crappy seats too. I go to a game to go to a game, but I do enjoy the pregame experience. Dallas was meh overall for me.



fully pregnant

All he can do is move forward and try to build a winner.

There is no try, there is only do.

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I like how TP reframed the discussion to where we are now. What does this team, and coaching staff have anything to do with the JP Losman, or Rob Johnson days? Nothing.


TP is turning out to be the owner we need in someone who is not meddling but in control, doesn't run to the media like Jones or Snyder, but measured in his communication. Lastly, an owner who lov s the Bills and wants them here for the long haul.

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Pegula - after you lose one guy, to say the season is over is crazy #Bills


Pegula - in my mind, our team hasn't been to the playoffs in one year (my first year) #Bills


Pegula - We aren't talking about 16, we're talking about the future


Pegula - I think these guys have rallied together, they have to. They have a full season ahead of them #Bills


Pegula - Competition makes the team better #Bills


Pegula - anyone who watches the way I want the Bills to operate, it's all to get better. #Bills


#Bills owner Terry Pegula on the ultimatum given to Rex Ryan and Doug Whaley "I don't know where this stuff come from"



Terry Pegula says there are a lot of debates at One Bills Drive, but it's not to threaten anyone's job security. It's to get better.





I love the guy but he is terrible on air, just not a smooth speaker.


It may be one yr for you but it's ALL 16 for us. I realize you don't want that loser mentality but show us enough respect for what we have gone through.

Somebody needs to tell Kim to turn down the volume as the club seats are almost unbearable with the echoed blasts off the concrete overhang.


And lose the phuckin' train horn already. It's obnoxious.




volume of what and what train horn?

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Well Pegula definitely has the funds to work on a restoration project. Do the fans have the patience to see it through? Not that the fans are going anywhere. It's year 2 for he and Kim but some out there are getting a little worn down. Seeing a game at the new Dallas stadium is a spectacle. Over the top in ways for sure but well done. Bills fans make the experience at the Ralph cool and we'll make it even cooler when the time is right for a new stadium. That said The Ralph is not that great.

Have you been to a game in Buffalo recently? The Dallas stadium sucks. It is too big, fans are separated from the field and there is no tailgating. If you want a nice box and a big screen have at it. I would rather watch at home if that is all games at the stadium are about.

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Don't think of it that way. Think of it as a beat up car that needs to be restored. Sure it's has a lot of work to be done but he's only been working on it for one year.

If guys keep going down like they do on this team, it's more like a restored car that then gets run through the garage door on its way to the street. every year. every stinking year this happens. how do you build a team when half a dozen of its important players are in self destruct mode before the first preseason game?

Somebody needs to tell Kim to turn down the volume as the club seats are almost unbearable with the echoed blasts off the concrete overhang.


And lose the phuckin' train horn already. It's obnoxious.



yeah the train horn is really bad. makes the franchise look bad on TV too. the fans know what to do on 3rd and 8, geez this isn't Jax.. win a few games and the place will get louder. oh wait, a half dozen starters are out with injuries... well..... better keep the train horn...

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