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(OT)What is Bill Polian thinking?

Golden Wheels

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The Indianapolis Colts have failed to advance in the playoffs the last 2 years because they did not have a defense to match New England's.


So what do they do? Throw a monstrous 7-year contract at offensive tackle Ryan Diem. (The same guy who was burnt like toast by Willie McGinest in this year's playoffs.)


Because they have to get under the cap, the Colts are expected to cut tight end Marcus Pollard and place-kicker Mike Vanderjagt.


I don't know what Polian and Irsay are thinking, but they are nuts if they don't shore up that defense. And as a Bills fan, I hope they don't anytime soon.


Indianapolis Star: Colts Ink Diem for 7 Years

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He's thinking that he has to keep that offensive line together at any cost in order to keep Peyton Manning in one piece. Let's face it Peyton Manning is the Indianapolis Colts. As long as they can keep him healthy they'll continue to make the playoffs each year, keep the stadium full, and keep his face on every box of Wheaties from coast to coast. So why upset the apple cart just to chase after a trophy?

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I think they are thinking like business men rather than sportsmen. They can market the heck out of Peyton Manning as they sale luxury boxes they not split with the players under the CBA, and Peytin markets the hell out of himself with comericial and NFL player money he need not split with them.


The prescence of Dungy, the best defensive HC in the league gives them a dumb luck chance of advancing in the sport to the SB, but unfortunately the limits of the Polian ability to find an off CBA HC to allow them to go cheap on the D and negotiate with players to go cheap on ST has been ruined by the refs last year (allowing the NE DBs to nullify Manning) and the weather this year as they are not good enough to get homefield advantage so they can have Manning throw in a dome.


Still leaving Baltimore at midnight in the Mayflower moving vans have shown the Irsays are primarily in this for the Benjamins and Polian has done a good job to come up just short the last two years.


My guess for what they are doing is laughing all the way to the bank.

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