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Mr. Robot

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Oh well, look like the cancers back. (Laugh track)


this episode was fantastically fiendish :devil: . The whole 80's thing was awesome, which usually makes me cringe when other shows try that nonsense. I told my wife you are missing it and she says I thought it was a commercial (get off your friggin phone!!!)


Love the death stare between Angela and the Dark Army liaison then act like nothing happened (wonder what they shoved under his finger nail?)

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What the !@#$ is going on here lol


This show is strait up crazy. I knew Wellick wasn't dead and that mr Robot was lying to Elliot.


Would like to know if Darlene and cisco made it.


Can't imagine what Elliot and Welly actually accomplished together?


hopefully tranny darkarmy guy gets whacked, so annoying.

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