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Jerry Sullivan at it again

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Factually inaccurate would mean that he WAS on pace for a great year.


Let me help you out here............in matters of opinion......there is this concept called SUBJECTIVITY.


You also don't think Woods was going to have a great year either..........you've expressed your opinion that he is at best JAG.


So basically you are trying ever so hard to find something to quibble over.


You've made yourself into my pet troll.


Congratulations. :thumbsup:


The troll is the one making things up and changing the conversation. I've been one of the biggest Woods fans around here for awhile now. I never said he's at best a JAG.


You said Woods wasn't on pace for a great year before the injury -- which is a meaningless statement considering the fact he got hurt in camp and the season hadn't even begun. Your statement implies that he was healthy during the season at one point. He wasn't. I pointed that out and you lash out because you were trolling.


So, you're wrong with everything you've typed above. Good work, go back on your meds.

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The troll is the one making things up and changing the conversation. I've been one of the biggest Woods fans around here for awhile now. I never said he's at best a JAG.


You said Woods wasn't on pace for a great year before the injury -- which is a meaningless statement considering the fact he got hurt in camp and the season hadn't even begun. Your statement implies that he was healthy during the season at one point. He wasn't. I pointed that out and you lash out because you were trolling.


So, you're wrong with everything you've typed above. Good work, go back on your meds.




You said that Julian Edelman was JAG but that he was BETTER THAN ANYONE on the Bills other than Sammy Watkins.


Therefore Woods is no better than JAG in your book. So, "at best" Jag. That's the ceiling of that take.


It's pretty simple.


But out of the other side of your mouth you are a really big fan of his. :rolleyes:


If you'd like to retract or revise your opinion of Bob Woods just say so.


It was only like a week or two ago that you tossed him in the trash but you have the right to be wishy-washy.


No awards for not being wishy-washy on TSW. :thumbsup:

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You said that Julian Edelman was JAG but that he was BETTER THAN ANYONE on the Bills other than Sammy Watkins.



That's not true, not by any stretch.


I said I'd take Woods over Edleman on every team not QB'd by Brady. Go back and read what I wrote, this time pay attention while doing so.



Therefore Woods is no better than JAG in your book. So, "at best" Jag. That's the ceiling of that take.


It's pretty simple.


Yup it is simple. You're making stuff up. Go back on your meds.



But out of the other side of your mouth you are a really big fan of his. :rolleyes:


Not out of the other side of my mouth. Go look at my posting history. I've been a fan of Woods since college and haven't been shy about saying so. The only people I've ever really gone out of my way to defend from time to time have been Woods, Shady, Sammy and Whaley.


Stop making stuff up.



If you'd like to retract or revise your opinion of Bob Woods just say so.



My opinion has been consistent on Woods, thanks though.



It was only like a week or two ago that you tossed him in the trash but you have the right to be wishy-washy.


No awards for not being wishy-washy on TSW. :thumbsup:


Are there awards for being mentally unstable and constantly making shite up? Cause if so, you got my vote.

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Do not fart in my face again! :sick:

That was surely not a fart. I would never do that !

I am saying to anyones face. Pffhht. meaning " malarkey"

i am old school and never fart or burp.




almost never


That's not true, not by any stretch.


I said I'd take Woods over Edleman on every team not QB'd by Brady. Go back and read what I wrote, this time pay attention while doing so.



Yup it is simple. You're making stuff up. Go back on your meds.



Not out of the other side of my mouth. Go look at my posting history. I've been a fan of Woods since college and haven't been shy about saying so. The only people I've ever really gone out of my way to defend from time to time have been Woods, Shady, Sammy and Whaley.


Stop making stuff up.



My opinion has been consistent on Woods, thanks though.



Are there awards for being mentally unstable and constantly making shite up? Cause if so, you got my vote.

wait a minute here. If i knew it was a competitive event? I surely would be putting extra effort forth.

I am all about winning.

Own the mentally unstable, tell me i don't? But willing to work harder to make sht up.


Lucy from Peanuts said.. i read this when i was about seven so maybe it is not true


She was telling Linus about Fire Hydrants appearing out of nowhere regularly. and he was impressed at her knowledge of such things


as an aside she told Charlie Brown


" Its because i make them up"

for some reason i never forgot that

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That's not true, not by any stretch.


I said I'd take Woods over Edleman on every team not QB'd by Brady. Go back and read what I wrote, this time pay attention while doing so.



Yup it is simple. You're making stuff up. Go back on your meds.



Not out of the other side of my mouth. Go look at my posting history. I've been a fan of Woods since college and haven't been shy about saying so. The only people I've ever really gone out of my way to defend from time to time have been Woods, Shady, Sammy and Whaley.


Stop making stuff up.



My opinion has been consistent on Woods, thanks though.


Regarding Edelman in the "Breaking down Kolby Listenbee..." thread post #54.....I quote you:


"I'm not saying he's terrible. He's better than anyone on the Bills roster not wearing #14 at the position."


To which I replied:


"Better than anyone on the Bills except Sammy but he's JAG?

I thought you liked Bob Woods a lot? Wrong guy?"

To which you replied in post #65 .....and I quote:

"Yes, he's probably better than anyone in the Bills WR room who doesn't wear #14."

and furthermore you said.....and I quote:

"But saying he's better than anyone outside of Sammy on the Bills roster isn't a ringing endorsement. It's more a statement to how little WR talent this team has currently."

It's weird that you are denying this......I get it, you hear some good reports out of camp and now you wanna' backpedal but just admit it.......don't pretend it didn't happen. :doh:

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It's weird that you are denying this......I get it, you hear some good reports out of camp and now you wanna' backpedal but just admit it.......don't pretend it didn't happen. :doh:


It's not weird, it's just evidence that you're trolling. And doing a poor job of it. Read what I wrote without cherry picking, or you know, link the thread so people can read it in context. It's pretty evident what my opinion on Woods is and it's been consistent.


Let's just remind people what started this divergence:


...as Barley pointed out.....he wasn't on pace for a great year prior to the injury either.



You made a bullshite statement, not a subjective statement, an objectionably false statement and got called out for it.



Facts are important: He injured the groin in camp and played through it. He wasn't healthy at all in the regular season.


Rather than acknowledge your error, or you respond by changing the subject and making stuff up...


... Trolling right along.

wait a minute here. If i knew it was a competitive event? I surely would be putting extra effort forth.

I am all about winning.

Own the mentally unstable, tell me i don't? But willing to work harder to make sht up.


Lucy from Peanuts said.. i read this when i was about seven so maybe it is not true


She was telling Linus about Fire Hydrants appearing out of nowhere regularly. and he was impressed at her knowledge of such things


as an aside she told Charlie Brown


" Its because i make them up"

for some reason i never forgot that



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It's not weird



Notice how you start out every response in immediate denial of something like being weird. :lol:


That in itself is weird.....let alone your denial of what you wrote.


You also said that Edelman wouldn't be a #2 WR anywhere outside of the Patriots..........and being that Woods is no better than Edelman then Woods would be at best a #3 WR, right?

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Signing a petition to get rid of Jerry Sullivan seems counter productive because it would imply that people read his drivel. I think just about the right number of people have spent the time on that website.


Sullivan sucks and it's pathetic that he's still employed.

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Signing a petition to get rid of Jerry Sullivan seems counter productive because it would imply that people read his drivel. I think just about the right number of people have spent the time on that website.


Sullivan sucks and it's pathetic that he's still employed.



Well, piping up to complain about Jerry Sullivan.......as you just did........implies that people read his drivel.


Putting your name on a petition to have him fired just shows a match of courage and conviction because it takes a complete f*cking dick to demand some middle class dude be fired for doing his job exactly as his employer wants. :lol:


Complaining about the personalities at TBN is what TBN wants........if people want change they should demand it from the paper itself.


It won't work because the amount of people who get rankled by Jerry Sullivan, or even the negative takes in TBN in general, is actually insignificant..........but at least the process would make some sense.

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sure that is not a simplistic glancing overview Mr Wawrow ?

If you would follow our beloved Deranged and #badol's discourse you may well find some juicy bits of fun, hilarity, harshness, bile, clarity, vision hope and desperation mixed with disparity . its all right here.

knee jerk?

I beg to differ, we offer teams of Psychoanalysts opportunity aplenty.

look deeper Mr Wawrow.

Often times , there is more to be revealed when noticing a ripple in the the pond

heck yes


please do


who expected this? voting for TrumpIedorf i imagine ?


What substance and well thought-out contributions. Thanks for enlightening everyone with your words of wisdom.




Reminds me of this scene; https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hkodTydUR0E#!


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Sullivan can be an idiot, but he is right about Woods, we have been waiting for him to make a difference, and it is not going to happen on this team

JS often takes the neg side and it is rare he sees the positive side. On the other hand he does not hide on this board using a fake name like certain other writers/bloggers do



Whose on the board here?

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What substance and well thought-out contributions. Thanks for enlightening everyone with your words of wisdom.




Reminds me of this scene; https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hkodTydUR0E#!


I might imagine you are being sarcastic with me, as i am hardly one to enlighten another.

Pretty sure most everyone is aware of that

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