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Comic Con in San Diego has brought us a bunch of looks into upcoming movies and shows. I'm most interested in Marvel's Netflix lineup. Here's the trailer for Luke Cage, featuring ODB:




Here's just a teaser trailer for Marvel's The Defenders:


Here's another teaser for Iron Fist:



Are you there?


I read the line-up and I was not that impressed by the panels they have this year, movie wise.


Why was there a panel for "Snowden"? Sounds like they have a stinker on their hands. Not that Oliver Stone movies are that good anyway.


Tomorrow is the Warner Bros. & Marvel Studios panels. I don't know what they are showing, but I look forward to hearing what Marvel has to offer. As for Warner Bros., the only thing I am interested in from them is "Kong: Skull Island".


I want "King Kong Vs. Godzilla" to become a reality.


Are you there?


I read the line-up and I was not that impressed by the panels they have this year, movie wise.


Why was there a panel for "Snowden"? Sounds like they have a stinker on their hands. Not that Oliver Stone movies are that good anyway.


Tomorrow is the Warner Bros. & Marvel Studios panels. I don't know what they are showing, but I look forward to hearing what Marvel has to offer. As for Warner Bros., the only thing I am interested in from them is "Kong: Skull Island".


I want "King Kong Vs. Godzilla" to become a reality.


I couldn't go this year. I was supposed to be there today and tomorrow but had a scheduling conflict unfortunately.


I'm with you though, by and large it's been a yawner from what I've heard.


In terms of Snowden having a panel I think that's just a sign of the times. Even indie movies have to have a presence at comic con now, at least when they have a major marketing department behind them (which that film does).


My sister has been to Comic Con, but I haven't.


I went to Wonder Con when it was in San Francisco. I'm still mad that they moved it to Los Angeles.


I enjoyed going to it. Maybe some day I'll go to the San Diego event.


Do they have a timeline for the Netflix shows? I know it's much further down the road, but I can't wait until they start up the Punisher.


Do they have a timeline for the Netflix shows? I know it's much further down the road, but I can't wait until they start up the Punisher.


I know Luke Cage is the next to be released at the end of Septmeber, that'll be followed by Iron Fist early 2017. After that will be The Defenders (guessing April 2017), then Daredevil 3 / Jessica Jones 2 in the fall of 2017 or spring of 2018.


For Vader: Skull Island trailer just dropped --





Here is the same trailer for people who can't go on Twitter.


I have to admit, This is probably one of the movies I'm excited to see; More than Justice League.


I posted a YouTube link to this trailer... ;)


Also, you don't need to be a twitter member to see any of the links I posted.


Not Marvel, but Wonder Woman's full trailer debuted:


And, the Justice League trailer dropped as well:



Nice trailer for Wonder Woman, even if it is a bit long.


Seeing her fighting the soldiers while wearing that outfit, looks a bit silly. That was my concern for the first time we saw Captain America fighting in WWII while running around in that costume. However, it worked for Captain America.


The Justice League trailer, needs more work. Looks ok, but it is a long ways off.



I know Luke Cage is the next to be released at the end of Septmeber, that'll be followed by Iron Fist early 2017. After that will be The Defenders (guessing April 2017), then Daredevil 3 / Jessica Jones 2 in the fall of 2017 or spring of 2018.


For Vader: Skull Island trailer just dropped --





I like what I see. Keep the giant monster movies coming.




No word on "Thor: Ragnarok" or "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2"?


I think their panel just wrapped a few hours ago. I don't think they've released the trailer online, though I heard they showed two full scenes and a trailer so I'm sure it'll be out soon. They also revealed Kurt Russell's character (Ego).


Then there's this news which might be my favorite of the bunch:


Comic-Con: 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' Revival Set at Netflix With Felicia Day, Patton Oswalt





I think their panel just wrapped a few hours ago. I don't think they've released the trailer online, though I heard they showed two full scenes and a trailer so I'm sure it'll be out soon. They also revealed Kurt Russell's character (Ego).


Then there's this news which might be my favorite of the bunch:


Comic-Con: 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' Revival Set at Netflix With Felicia Day, Patton Oswalt



Yes, I had heard about this. Very exciting news, indeed!


Does this mean that Rifftrax will be no more. That would be very sad.


Thanks for posting all the movie trailers. All I need to see now, is that new "Rogue One" trailer they released at Star Wars Celebration.


Good point.


Still it should be fun to see.


I know next to nothing about the character (and Iron Fist too), but I'm very much looking forward to it too. I was thinking about this on the drive into work this morning when I heard a brief mentioning of these movies on the radio and it really sums up the DC vs. Marvel movies perfectly. As the movies are about to come out, I want to like the DC ones, but I expect to like the Marvel ones. They've earned that with the solid work they've put out over and over.


And speaking of the one thing that DC does do right, they're doing a one night only showing of the Killing Joke in theaters tonight. I may check that one out. It's going to be a chance to hear Mark Hamill have a hell of a lot of fun with a twisted storyline.



I know Luke Cage is the next to be released at the end of Septmeber, that'll be followed by Iron Fist early 2017. After that will be The Defenders (guessing April 2017), then Daredevil 3 / Jessica Jones 2 in the fall of 2017 or spring of 2018.


For Vader: Skull Island trailer just dropped --



Don't forget that the Punisher is getting a Netflix show.


It really looks like DC is remaking Captain America and calling it Wonder Woman. I'll still see it, and it looks better than batman v superman. That was trash. Hopefully DC has actually learned it's lesson and Justice League will be good.

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