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I remember one from the late 90s against the Patriots where the guys head was out of bounds due to a big hit when he caught the pass and they ruled it a completion. I think that cost us the game

it was OT, Pats end of field, and Pats receiver caught ball clearly inbounds but near sideline, got two feet down, turned upfield to run and was destroyed and knocked out by a Bills DB( forget who) . Ball came lose, Bills recover fumble, Bills going to win game.


During replay everyone was looking to see if either the ball or any part of the Bill that recovered the ball had touched the sideline...nope all good, we were celebrating!


Ref comes on to explain that the crown of the knocked out Pats player was touching the sideline, his little toe was touching the ball 3 feet inbounds, therefore ball was out of bounds as well before Bills recover, Pats keep ball :wallbash::thumbdown:


Bradys first year starting, we all thought he still sucked...the call foreshadowed how lucky that bastard would be for the next 16 years

Edited by plenzmd1
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