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Confess your sins

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Bless me father because I come here in search of hookers, booze and blow. I am consumed with jealousy over the fact that Gugny has penii and huge balls. I'm depressed because DC Tom called me an idiot...


If you're looking for hookers and blow, the private lots are over there my child. 15 hail marys and 22 our fathers for knowing that gugny has huge balls. AS for DC Tom, there's a special place for him. Go in peace....

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Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It's been 30 years since my last confession...


I've not shared my HOT SPORTZ TAKEZ regarding the Bills on this board in five to seven years and mostly lurk around the off topic board instead. I always thought the main board had enough hot takes....

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several years, I remember the first time he slipped it to me. Just so much of it.


I see. And have you made any penance for this meat slipping?

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It's been 30 years since my last confession...


I've not shared my HOT SPORTZ TAKEZ regarding the Bills on this board in five to seven years and mostly lurk around the off topic board instead. I always thought the main board had enough hot takes....


This is a mortal sin. Get thee to a nunnery.

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Is it a sin to profit from making other people sin? I don't think so but I'm no expert.


Let's say I made boo coo $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from enlisting Beerboy's use of a trapeze, blindfold, rubber suits and other devices to pleasure a female movie star. Let's say that female movie star was tricked into thinking it was a male movie star with her but that Beerboy had been swapped in once the blindfolds went on. Let's say that the female movies star's preferences changed once she found out about the swap and that she became generally surly when she had been considered super nice? Let's say that even though she is surly and here preferences changed, she and Beerboy still can't quit each other and I am still making $$$$$$$$ from this even though her career went way downhill and she probably can't afford it?


Would that be a sin on me or am I right for seeing it as Beerboy's fault?


Pictured below is a simulation or actual picture of the situation before it started. It may or may not have been altered to protect identities. You'll note that the fact that you don't know if the picture has been altered is just another layer of encryption. Don't bother trying to figure this out. Just tell me if it is a sin. Thanks.





P.S. If there is any sin on me can I make up for it by confessing other people's sins like perhaps the killer of Sven?

Edited by 4merper4mer
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Is it a sin to profit from making other people sin? I don't think so but I'm no expert.


Let's say I made boo coo $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from enlisting Beerboy's use of a trapeze, blindfold, rubber suits and other devices to pleasure a female movie star. Let's say that female movie star was tricked into thinking it was a male movie star with her but that Beerboy had been swapped in once the blindfolds went on. Let's say that the female movies star's preferences changed once she found out about the swap and that she became generally surly when she had been considered super nice? Let's say that even though she is surly and here preferences changed, she and Beerboy still can't quit each other and I am still making $$$$$$$$ from this even though her career went way downhill and she probably can't afford it?


Would that be a sin on me or am I right for seeing it as Beerboy's fault?


Pictured below is a simulation or actual picture of the situation before it started. It may or may not have been altered to protect identities. You'll note that the fact that you don't know if the picture has been altered is just another layer of encryption. Don't bother trying to figure this out. Just tell me if it is a sin. Thanks.





P.S. If there is any sin on me can I make up for it by confessing other people's sins like perhaps the killer of Sven?


Greed is a mortal sin, my hamster. 50 hail marys and 123 our fathers.

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Bless me father, for I have sinned. I've never been to confession before.


I took a beer out of the refrigerator at my neighbor's home without putting another one in to chill.

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Greed is a mortal sin, my hamster. 50 hail marys and 123 our fathers.



Dude I didn't ask anything about greed. Just because everyone else is satisfied with peanuts doesn't mean I have to be. That's not greed, it's work ethic.


I came to you to ask about Beerboy's dalliances and whether putting him up to them was a sin because of the results. I knew of his ineptitude when I did it and I freely admit that. I did not ask for your advice on my high income because I don't need it. I'd find another way to make the $$$$$$$$$$$, trust me. I just feel bad that if lesbianosity is a sin that I caused it by hooking this unnamed chick up with Beerboy. Is lesbianosity a sin? Does that count against me?


I can't get any answers on this via GvG because it is against the rules of GvG.

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Bless me father, for I have sinned. I've never been to confession before.


I took a beer out of the refrigerator at my neighbor's home without putting another one in to chill.


This is indeed serious, my son. Coveting thy neighbor's malted beverages...hm. You should replace his beer with a case.



Dude I didn't ask anything about greed. Just because everyone else is satisfied with peanuts doesn't mean I have to be. That's not greed, it's work ethic.


I came to you to ask about Beerboy's dalliances and whether putting him up to them was a sin because of the results. I knew of his ineptitude when I did it and I freely admit that. I did not ask for your advice on my high income because I don't need it. I'd find another way to make the $$$$$$$$$$$, trust me. I just feel bad that if lesbianosity is a sin that I caused it by hooking this unnamed chick up with Beerboy. Is lesbianosity a sin? Does that count against me?


I can't get any answers on this via GvG because it is against the rules of GvG.


No, beerboy's sins are his own, my hamster. Your sins belong to you.

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