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LAMP, Gettin' Hitched

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Did you get a conflict diamond?


Definitely make sure you get a conflict diamond. Your love is real, and worth dying for, so make sure someone actually did.


And here I thought they were called "conflict diamonds" because of all the problems you'll have after you get married.

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  • 3 months later...

She said yes.

Was she drunk? That may void the deal.


Seriously, my son got engaged a few weeks ago. Most of the venues they wanted waaaaay out in October are booked already. Act fast. They were told if you wait to Xmas, it's almost too late to ge a place. Congrats and good luck on the process. We just have the Rehearsal Dinner to do, but we want all the out of town folks, so it may be as big as the reception.

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Congrats! How did you pop the question?

We went to a friends house for a movie night, since that was my first date with her. I dressed terrible. And old Bills t shirt with holes in it, dirty shorts. She was suspicious, so I did that to throw her off. Also had my boss tell her that I had New Years Eve off, even though I didn't, to throw her off my trail.

Then about 20 minutes into the Home Alone 2, I got up to go to the bathroom. About ten minutes later, the movie flickered out, and changed to a slideshow I wrote, with my friend helping out with the technical aspects of it, with "Wouldn't It Be Nice" from the Beach Boys playing. It had pictures from throughout our relationship, and a few paragraphs that I'd written about what she means to me.

When it was over, I came out in my full suit. I made what seemed to be the slowest ten foot walk of my life, Got on my knee, composed myself (My allergies were acting up, totally wasn't crying. I'm a man after all), and asked her to marry me.

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We went to a friends house for a movie night, since that was my first date with her. I dressed terrible. And old Bills t shirt with holes in it, dirty shorts. She was suspicious, so I did that to throw her off. Also had my boss tell her that I had New Years Eve off, even though I didn't, to throw her off my trail.

Then about 20 minutes into the Home Alone 2, I got up to go to the bathroom. About ten minutes later, the movie flickered out, and changed to a slideshow I wrote, with my friend helping out with the technical aspects of it, with "Wouldn't It Be Nice" from the Beach Boys playing. It had pictures from throughout our relationship, and a few paragraphs that I'd written about what she means to me.


When it was over, I came out in my full suit. I made what seemed to be the slowest ten foot walk of my life, Got on my knee, composed myself (My allergies were acting up, totally wasn't crying. I'm a man after all), and asked her to marry me.

Holy Moly! What have we become! That Gal is in for a real treat, ride of her life!




Still shaking my head @ theatrics that surrounds almost everything we do.




Oh... Somehow I find myself cursing and blaming Sesame Street for all this.




"...Real life becomes slow and boring

Childrens programmers use a technique called the orienting reflex," known as OR, to capture and keep a childs attention. OR works in this way: If we see or hear something the brain doesnt recognize as the correct sequence or a typical life event such as a dancing alphabet or quick zooms and pans, we focus on it until the brain recognizes that it doesnt pose a threat. The problem with watching too many programs that rely on OR is that real life becomes slow and boring by comparison.


We think that with continued exposure to high intensity, unrealistic action, youre conditioning the mind to expect that level of input, Christakis explains. When the child doesnt get the fast-paced input that television provides, he or she becomes bored and inattentive.


It used to be that as educators we talked about the 'two-minute mind,'" says Healy. "Now its the 30-second mind." Of course, having an extremely short attention span makes listening, problem solving and learning to read difficult..."

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Well done! I am a sucker for the surprise, thoughtful proposals. I remember being on a cruise and our table mates got engaged and I was like: "how did you do it?" And the guy said: "huh? Just asked her." Quite lame.

Yeah. Considering she knew it was coming, and it was essentially a formality, I had to come up with a way to truly surprise and wow her.

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