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July Movies: Star Trek, Jason Bourne, BFG, and Tarzan

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Changing character to make it gay is ultimate tokenism.


I agree -- but the Kelvin timeline is different (nerd alert!), and by extension he's a different Sulu than the one from the original series and films. Thus, this wasn't changing a character, rather it was merely revealing a side of this new Sulu we never knew before.



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I agree -- but the Kelvin timeline is different (nerd alert!), and by extension he's a different Sulu than the one from the original series and films. Thus, this wasn't changing a character, rather it was merely revealing a side of this new Sulu we never knew before.



Messing with time travel can turn someone gay.


If that is the case, they can reveal that Spock is really a robot, and the Vulcans were a race of Cylons.

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Messing with time travel can turn someone gay.


If that is the case, they can reveal that Spock is really a robot, and the Vulcans were a race of Cylons.


They cannot do that without breaking trademark laws.

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Suicide Squad reviews are coming in, and they're mixed:



Blame it on Batman, but the DC universe has gotten awfully dark in recent years, especially compared with the candy-colored competition over at Marvel. Rather than bringing levity and irreverence to the increasingly unpleasant comic-book sphere, as its psychedelic acid-twisted marketing campaign suggests, “Suicide Squad” plunges audiences right back into the coal-black world of “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” picking up after the Man of Steel’s demise to imagine a government so desperate that its only hope to fight the next “meta-human” threat is by assembling a team of the gnarliest super-villains around.

While that idea doesn’t make a lick of sense — especially since the U.S. wouldn’t be facing a meta-human threat if overzealous federal agent Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) hadn’t unlocked these bad guys to form Task Force X in the first place — implausibility alone doesn’t make it any less enticing to imagine how a director of David Ayer’s caliber might pluck nine of the most ill-behaved characters from the DC stable for an intense spandex-clad, super-powered spin on “The Dirty Dozen.” But for reasons beyond Ayer’s control, he’s beholden to the corporate vision of other recent DC adaptations, most notably Zack Snyder’s sleek-surfaced and oppressively self-serious riffs on the Superman legend. While it would have been amazing to see the director (fresh off WWII-set suicide-mission movie “Fury”) push his own nothing-to-lose anarchic boundaries, he’s ultimately forced to conform to Snyder’s style, to the extent that “Suicide Squad” ends up feeling more like the exec producer’s gonzo effects-saturated “Sucker Punch.”


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Saw Bourne against my better judgement.


I found it boring and predictable. Unfortunately it was exactly what I thought it'd be. The same exact story with all the same plot devices. Not sure why they had to make another one.

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I realize I'm in the wrong month but I finally watched Batman v. Superman last night and I don't know what all the negative fuss was about. I found it entertaining, thought the acting performances were fine, and enjoyed the setup of future Justice League films.


I'm a sucker for superhero films but there have been bad ones...I didn't think this was one.

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I realize I'm in the wrong month but I finally watched Batman v. Superman last night and I don't know what all the negative fuss was about. I found it entertaining, thought the acting performances were fine, and enjoyed the setup of future Justice League films.


I'm a sucker for superhero films but there have been bad ones...I didn't think this was one.


It's a taste thing for sure. Some people REALLY loved the movie, just a lot more didn't. I was one who really disliked the film (on a story level not a visual level), but I think that's a minority opinion. More people were just "meh" about it.


I tried watching Snyder's cut of the film -- which adds over 30 minutes I think to the run time -- but couldn't make it out of the first act.


I have been much more excited for Suicide Squad (love the director). The early reviews haven't been great (edit: I just got a whole new batch of reviews that are panning it so maybe I was being too kind) -- and it's tracking to win the weekend at the box office but it doesn't look to be a huge opening weekend (by tent-pole standards anyway). I'll still go see it this weekend if I get time.

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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It's a taste thing for sure. Some people REALLY loved the movie, just a lot more didn't. I was one who really disliked the film (on a story level not a visual level), but I think that's a minority opinion. More people were just "meh" about it.


I tried watching Snyder's cut of the film -- which adds over 30 minutes I think to the run time -- but couldn't make it out of the first act.


I have been much more excited for Suicide Squad (love the director). The early reviews haven't been great (edit: I just got a whole new batch of reviews that are panning it so maybe I was being too kind) -- and it's tracking to win the weekend at the box office but it doesn't look to be a huge opening weekend (by tent-pole standards anyway). I'll still go see it this weekend if I get time.


The one I watched was 2:33 -- was that the original or the director's cut?

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Watched Mike and Dave Need A Wedding Date or whatever it is called.


Loved it and laughed from start to finish. It is a "dumb" comedy but done well. Doesn't try to be anything other than a fun movie and it succeeded.

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I realize I'm in the wrong month but I finally watched Batman v. Superman last night and I don't know what all the negative fuss was about. I found it entertaining, thought the acting performances were fine, and enjoyed the setup of future Justice League films.


I'm a sucker for superhero films but there have been bad ones...I didn't think this was one.


My group of friends were on the "meh" fence until the "maaahrtha!" moment, then it proceeded into the suck zone.


If you want one reason why people didn't like BvS, it was that.

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I wish they'd just make new characters instead of recasting old ones.


Yep. Couldn't agree more.



JJ said in an interview that they will not recast Checkov and have no idea how they will explain his absence, but I'd guess they would simply promote him elsewhere within the fleet and leave it at that. Anton will be missed, he was really an awesome person.



Good grief, they recast the entire crew of the Enterprise, and now they can't either recast one person, or write a convincing reason for him to be absent? How bloody unimaginative can you get? Besides, Checkov wasn't even an original crew member - he was added to the cast specifically to reach out to the teeny boppers of the 60's, and Koenig was picked because of his supposed resemblance to Davey Jones of the Monkees.

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Suicide Squad is getting hammered in the early reviews. If you remove the inflated rating of Ghostbusters (from fear of feminist backlash), this would be the worst rated summer of movies since the dawn of the internet age.


It's officially the Summer of Suck.


I'm still going to see it, but if it disappoints once again, I'm giving up on DC completely.

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Yep. Couldn't agree more.



Good grief, they recast the entire crew of the Enterprise, and now they can't either recast one person, or write a convincing reason for him to be absent? How bloody unimaginative can you get? Besides, Checkov wasn't even an original crew member - he was added to the cast specifically to reach out to the teeny boppers of the 60's, and Koenig was picked because of his supposed resemblance to Davey Jones of the Monkees.


Actually, Chekov was added because the Russians publicly bitched about how Russia wasn't represented, even though they had a space program the equivalent of the US's.


Koenig was cast to appeal to the teeny-boppers and because of his Davey Jones resemblance, though.


My group of friends were on the "meh" fence until the "maaahrtha!" moment, then it proceeded into the suck zone.


If you want one reason why people didn't like BvS, it was that.


What? Batman vs. Superman vs. Mothra?


I wanna see THAT movie.

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Re BvS: I felt the extended cut really made the film complete, and I wish they would have released that in theaters. Though I understand WB's hesitation with that.


On SS: Not surprised by the reviews... the trailers didn't look great to me, and I've never been a huge fan of the concept. That being said, I'm a sucker for the DCEU, so I'll be seeing it.




Moving on to Star Trek... I found Beyond to be a very enjoyable and balanced film, which the trailers did not show me. Heading into it, I was worried that it was going to be a mess. The first 30 mins or so of the film gave us some of the 'downtime' greatness that Star Trek is famous for, and I wish we had a show, or a few shorts to flesh out the crew more in between blockbuster movies. The story itself was interesting, and I'm glad they are exploring new characters, since they have the freedom to do so. The arc of Kirk's maturation has been really strong, and Bones/Scotty got more play this movie, which was much needed. The climax of the film was pretty cheesy, but so much fun. Overall I'm enjoying the Trek reboot. I wasn't huge into TOS, but I am a gigantic fan of the TNG era Trek shows, so YMMV depending on where you come from as a fan. I'm really looking forward to the next movie, but I do worry about the series longevity since box office receipts have been disappointing. I will say, with the strength of the acting, I think they could go with a smaller budget more character driven movie, and do just fine, if there's worries of making money back.

I enjoyed the small moments they took to honor Leonard and Anton, they'll be missed. Chekov had his moments in Beyond, but I don't think the character is mandatory for the series. In fact, I'm kind of excited to see them bring in a new character, instead of re-casting, further giving the series freedom to move in various directions.

Edited by Dorkington
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Re BvS: I felt the extended cut really made the film complete, and I wish they would have released that in theaters. Though I understand WB's hesitation with that.


On SS: Not surprised by the reviews... the trailers didn't look great to me, and I've never been a huge fan of the concept. That being said, I'm a sucker for the DCEU, so I'll be seeing it.




Moving on to Star Trek... I found Beyond to be a very enjoyable and balanced film, which the trailers did not show me. Heading into it, I was worried that it was going to be a mess. The first 30 mins or so of the film gave us some of the 'downtime' greatness that Star Trek is famous for, and I wish we had a show, or a few shorts to flesh out the crew more in between blockbuster movies. The story itself was interesting, and I'm glad they are exploring new characters, since they have the freedom to do so. The arc of Kirk's maturation has been really strong, and Bones/Scotty got more play this movie, which was much needed. The climax of the film was pretty cheesy, but so much fun. Overall I'm enjoying the Trek reboot. I wasn't huge into TOS, but I am a gigantic fan of the TNG era Trek shows, so YMMV depending on where you come from as a fan. I'm really looking forward to the next movie, but I do worry about the series longevity since box office receipts have been disappointing. I will say, with the strength of the acting, I think they could go with a smaller budget more character driven movie, and do just fine, if there's worries of making money back.


I enjoyed the small moments they took to honor Leonard and Anton, they'll be missed. Chekov had his moments in Beyond, but I don't think the character is mandatory for the series. In fact, I'm kind of excited to see them bring in a new character, instead of re-casting, further giving the series freedom to move in various directions.


I can't believe they're having a hard time making money. They're awesome movies. Fun foremost, which in my book is what matters.

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