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Neo Nazi's vs Sacramento Bro's. Ozy, are you okay ?

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My name is Justin Timberlake and I approve of this message.

Wtf ? Saw a tweet from a girl shaming Timberlake for "stealing" from black culture but not doing enough to help the black community out.


Didn't know helping the black community was Timberlakes burden to carry. What a bunch of horsecrap.

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Check your privilege, shitlord!



And in other news, "transgender" folks don't understand irony:




Has anyone considered that, when something continues to bite the hand that feeds it, it might be time to stop feeding it?

Edited by LeviF91
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Wtf ? Saw a tweet from a girl shaming Timberlake for "stealing" from black culture but not doing enough to help the black community out.


Didn't know helping the black community was Timberlakes burden to carry. What a bunch of horsecrap.

you don't get the hypocr hypocrisyof Justin Timberlake. He takes on an urban, R&B affect is the argument, stands holier than thou behind a hashtah. Yet, is a little pre Madonna punk.
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