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Police Shamelessly cite Terrorism in Patrolling Private Lots


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I think we crossed paths at that damn tea tax protest. That makes me feel old....


While terrorism at sporting events is a legitimate concern, I think this is rather disingenuous.

Edited by Augie
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I am talking about our elected Officials looking out for us as individuals. Or looking out for the ones who overfund them indirectly to manipulate the masses

this is the biggest issue actually. Officials and their fight to take away our rights. Specifically the right to bear arms. They make everyone believe the government will save them when in fact they are disarming the citizens of this country. I know some touched in this before and stated the chicken littles would immediately bring this up but it is a serious concern in this country.


To me it boils down to the fact that I don't believe my government has the ability to keep me safe in certain situations. Unfortunately in places like Bills games where forearms are not permitted, it makes it tough to bite that bill it of not being able to carry.

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this is the biggest issue actually. Officials and their fight to take away our rights. Specifically the right to bear arms. They make everyone believe the government will save them when in fact they are disarming the citizens of this country. I know some touched in this before and stated the chicken littles would immediately bring this up but it is a serious concern in this country.


To me it boils down to the fact that I don't believe my government has the ability to keep me safe in certain situations. Unfortunately in places like Bills games where forearms are not permitted, it makes it tough to bite that bill it of not being able to carry.

mrags, i think there is alot of projection in this particular matter.

What actually comes of it may be simple and clearly defined.


But as far as individual rights, i hope folks will remain vigilant . Not vigilante ! Even if it does not apply directly to them.

The constitution and Bill of Rights is what bonds us as Americans. So many of our family have died over protecting that national treasure that most are forgotten except on some certain Holidays.

Fly the Flag and know why you do.

Support our troops and civil servants as they should support you and I.

its simple really.

Leave politics out of it and it should be clear

I remember when friends and I started throwing boxes of tea in to the Boston harbor many years ago. Pissed off a lot of people.


I thought that was you !

just to get out of some penny taxes. geez!

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im not stating the property becomes public like its a fact. It just makes sense.

I'm not stating you made up to give support to your opinion like some Buffalo reporters do with "inside sources". It just makes sense.

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It would be no different than you waving a gun on your front porch. Or smoking a joint. Or blowing coke. If a cop can see it from the street it isn't private. And if a cop has probable cause to search they can do as they please. Think of the party's when you were a kid and the cops broke them up. Did you or anyone else in the home call the cops? Probably not, but I bet the neighbors did with noise complaints. It's a different story when a cop comes to your front door and has no business being there than if they can see something from the street.


That's how Steven Page formerly of Bare Naked Ladies was arrested, cops could see him snorting coke from outside the home he was at.



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coloradobillsfan, on 29 Jun 2016 - 09:51 AM, said:snapback.png

> Police are good and bad, but they are still just people. They do not change and become morally superior once they put their uniforms on. They are still the good and bad people they were the night before.


This made me think of the Stanford Prison Experiment

I thought that was the deal though? That once you had the Responsibility and Honor awarded of being a public servant, you stepped up your game accordingly ?


They randomly assigned students as either prisoners or guards in a mock prison in the school basement. The guards became oppressive and abused the prisoners so much they had to end the experiment early.

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coloradobillsfan, on 29 Jun 2016 - 09:51 AM, said:snapback.png


They randomly assigned students as either prisoners or guards in a mock prison in the school basement. The guards became oppressive and abused the prisoners so much they had to end the experiment early.

thays because they were punk kids on power trips. And the other kids they were inprisoning weren't actual inmates.
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Seriously. They are the worst.


Who wants to blow lines with the bare naked ladies ?



me !!!!!!!

How was John Adams to work for? I heard he was tough, but fair.

I heard he was a total whig job

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its too bad you don't have a single say in what's going to happen about this and id like to see you stop them from coming into your lot.


Have fun with it.


It's not 4th amendment rights anymore when you are whoring our your land to make a buck. It's not the same if you are having a private party. I'd really love to be there when you start arguing with them about this.


I'll take my sign down, thank you. It will be a private party and I'll continue "whoring" my land. So someone's car, purse, cooler, etc. in my yard is not protected by the 4th Amendment? There's more to this than just coming onto the property with probable cause. Lots of grey area here. At the end of the day, the Erie County Sheriffs will want nothing to do with this in my opinion.

What's you zoning R-2


I believe so. House with about 3/4 of an acre.

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I'll take my sign down, thank you. It will be a private party and I'll continue "whoring" my land. So someone's car, purse, cooler, etc. in my yard is not protected by the 4th Amendment? There's more to this than just coming onto the property with probable cause. Lots of grey area here. At the end of the day, the Erie County Sheriffs will want nothing to do with this in my opinion.



I believe so. House with about 3/4 of an acre.

the argument isn't about whether or not the Sheriffs want anything to do with it. They're not he the ones patrolling the lots anyway.


The argument is that you have no say over them coming into your lot on game day. Which you don't. You openly invite them in if you are providing a public place for people to park and drink/party/tailgate.


You property is not private if your charging money to park there. It automatically makes it public. Either way, it automatically gives the police a right to walk your property or search. Whichever they feel like doing.


I'd love to be there to hear you tell them to F-off. Id imagine it won't go well for you.

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I'll take my sign down, thank you. It will be a private party and I'll continue "whoring" my land. So someone's car, purse, cooler, etc. in my yard is not protected by the 4th Amendment? There's more to this than just coming onto the property with probable cause. Lots of grey area here. At the end of the day, the Erie County Sheriffs will want nothing to do with this in my opinion.



I believe so. House with about 3/4 of an acre.

How long have you owned the property
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Well, with all due respect the amount of craziness happening in the world means ANY place where there is a large gathering of people seems to be prime targets for losers to hit...with all those drunk people it would be that much easier...


But, not like a cop is going to have much of a chance against dudes with full body armor and AK-47's...

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When Bills fans stop behaving like hooligans at a rowdy Phish concert, they'll have a legitimate cause to complain about these types of things. The behavior in and around the stadium is intolerable. People need to grow the f- up.



At least they can be honest about it and not claim they are doing it to fight terrorism.

People know what goes on in private lots at Bills games. If you don't want to be a part of that, you park n a stadium lot. But others above are right, this is strictly about the Bills, and even more so the NFL, continuing to be embarrassed by the drunken moronic Bills fans like the ones who were on YouTube and worse. But I agree that they should be honest and state it has nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with the behavior of Bills fans.

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People know what goes on in private lots at Bills games. If you don't want to be a part of that, you park n a stadium lot. But others above are right, this is strictly about the Bills, and even more so the NFL, continuing to be embarrassed by the drunken moronic Bills fans like the ones who were on YouTube and worse. But I agree that they should be honest and state it has nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with the behavior of Bills fans.


And NOTHING will stop them from staging even more stunts, even away from stadium, and making it LOOK like being done at stadium just to tweak their noses. Hopefully they can find a commissioner look-alike to join the fun.

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People know what goes on in private lots at Bills games. If you don't want to be a part of that, you park n a stadium lot. But others above are right, this is strictly about the Bills, and even more so the NFL, continuing to be embarrassed by the drunken moronic Bills fans like the ones who were on YouTube and worse. But I agree that they should be honest and state it has nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with the behavior of Bills fans.

Table slaming goes on in the stadium lots. Where was the Whizzer bat guy (first dead spin video which got the ball rolling) Stadium Bus Lot. Russ Brandon pr err bs makes it sound like it's all in the neighborhood lots. Not true. Go watch the classic Bills Army video on YouTube. The bills cultivated the anything goes culture. When they went to the Disney style parking some not all of that culture went to the neighboring lots.


I'll take my sign down, thank you. It will be a private party and I'll continue "whoring" my land. So someone's car, purse, cooler, etc. in my yard is not protected by the 4th Amendment? There's more to this than just coming onto the property with probable cause. Lots of grey area here. At the end of the day, the Erie County Sheriffs will want nothing to do with this in my opinion.



I believe so. House with about 3/4 of an acre.

If you go to the E code book for the town of Orchard Park R-3 R-4 uses section No where does it say you can park cars for $$$. In 2011 the town board passed a law allowing parking on residential property which might not be legal. But the town allows it, and they can take it away just as easy. I can't wait to hear you speak at the next town board meeting July 6 2016 7pm town hall don't be late!

the argument isn't about whether or not the Sheriffs want anything to do with it. They're not he the ones patrolling the lots anyway


Police access is for all police depts not just Orchard Park.
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