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Meg Ryan 2016

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I wish it was possible to see what the real Meg Ryan looks like at 54.


I'm not going to bash her for going overboard with plastic surgery -- the Hollywood culture is to blame for that, along with some obviously low self-esteem -- but wow, it's such a shame.

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I wish it was possible to see what the real Meg Ryan looks like at 54.


I'm not going to bash her for going overboard with plastic surgery -- the Hollywood culture is to blame for that, along with some obviously low self-esteem -- but wow, it's such a shame.

Especially for women. It's sad. I mean I love the fact that as a guy who can age gracefully and still have 20 year olds want to date you. But being an aging actress is about as rough as it can get for self esteem.

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Especially for women. It's sad. I mean I love the fact that as a guy who can age gracefully and still have 20 year olds want to date you. But being an aging actress is about as rough as it can get for self esteem.


That's just because you were a superstar LB on the Yuma Community College B team. Braggart.

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I don't know why anyone would opt for plastic surgery(besides a burn victim). They never look human after. I heard a comedian describe it as"it looks like you put a rubber over a pumpkin". !@#$ing vain mother!@#$ers

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Especially for women. It's sad. I mean I love the fact that as a guy who can age gracefully and still have 20 year olds want to date you. But being an aging actress is about as rough as it can get for self esteem.


Men age like wine,

Women age like milk.


Darwinism- As a man's stock rises, it meets the plummeting worth of an aging woman. In this way, any guy has a shot with any girl when their values eventually meet. So don't worry if you're not getting laid in highschool. That prom queen will come running in her 40's...

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I worked in a restaurant years ago and we were having issues with the linen service. The sales person came in and said "so what do you think?" Thinking she meant the service and because it'd not really improved I said "eh, it's ok". She had a very disappointed look. When she turned around I saw the stitches behind her ears and realized she was talking about the plastic surgery she just had. Whoops.

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I don't know why anyone would opt for plastic surgery(besides a burn victim). They never look human after. I heard a comedian describe it as"it looks like you put a rubber over a pumpkin". !@#$ing vain mother!@#$ers


Hyperbole much?


Cosmetic surgery has its place, and no woman should be faulted for doing something to make herself feel more confident or satisfied. The problem comes when she becomes addicted to seeking perfection.

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