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Tom Brady quote...


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i'm backing out? you are so confused you don't even have a clue which was the conversation is headed.......


all i said (from the start) is that tom brady cares about money and used the GM example to prove it.......you tried to refute it by saying that he is suing them over principle, not money, which could not be more foolish if you tried.........he is suing them over money.......


i don't need to back out of anything because now your agreeing with me that he does care about money.......you look so silly talking in circles and beating down your own points.....



What else do you suggest he sue them for?


They used his likeness without his permission. Money is the only possible punishment (that's how civil cases work).


If he doesn't sue, what is to stop them from doing it again, and again? From his comments about his salary, I wouldn't be surprised if whatever he wins from this goes to charity.

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Some players around the league would laugh at Brady for not making a big stink that he's nowhere near the highest-paid quarterback in football. He's due to make a salary of $5.5 million in 2005, with a salary-cap number of $8.37 million. I asked him last week about his seeming reticence to tub-thump, even though no other marquee player has what he has right now -- three Super Bowl rings by age 27. "To be the highest-paid, or anything like that, is not going to make me feel any better," he said. "That's not what makes me happy. In this game, the more one player gets, the more he takes away from what others can get. Is it going to make me feel any better to make an extra million, which, after you take everything [taxes and other deductions] away, is about $500,000? That million might be more important to the team.''




Question is - with only making $5.5 million and having all of those superbowl rings , will he be able to feed his family.


Maybe I should ask Lawyer Milloy and The NHL players association?

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What else do you suggest he sue them for?


They used his likeness without his permission. Money is the only possible punishment (that's how civil cases work).


If he doesn't sue, what is to stop them from doing it again, and again? From his comments about his salary, I wouldn't be surprised if whatever he wins from this goes to charity.



i would suggest he sue them for money IF HE CARES ABOUT MONEY.......


if he doesn't care about money, which some have claimed, then he shouldn't sue them at all........why would he? why would he care if they make a buck off him or not? why would he care if they did it again and again?


the point is he does care about money, which is what i said from the start........the lawsuit is not about principle and anyone who thinks so is as simple as they come.......it's about getting paid........

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i'm backing out? you are so confused you don't even have a clue which was the conversation is headed.......


all i said (from the start) is that tom brady cares about money and used the GM example to prove it.......you tried to refute it by saying that he is suing them over principle, not money, which could not be more foolish if you tried.........he is suing them over money.......


i don't need to back out of anything because now your agreeing with me that he does care about money.......you look so silly talking in circles and beating down your own points.....


You are putting words in my mouth that I didn't say. See, up in the top left corner of each post is the screen name of the person posting that message. My name doesn ot appear next to a post that says what he is or is not suing for. I simply stated that the law suit is justified from what I've heard.


I went on to say that I believe Brady cares more about winning than about money. When you tried to prove that I had said Brady didn't care about money you pulled a quote from me that plainly said no such thing.


I still would like to know how you get from my posts that I think Brady doesn't care about money. "your reading comprehension is questionable if you thought i did......."

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i would suggest he sue them for money IF HE CARES ABOUT MONEY.......


if he doesn't care about money, which some have claimed, then he shouldn't sue them at all........why would he? why would he care if they make a buck off him or not? why would he care if they did it again and again?


the point is he does care about money, which is what i said from the start........the lawsuit is not about principle and anyone who thinks so is as simple as they come.......it's about getting paid........


You know, I just went back and re-read just about this whole thread. I cannot find one person here saying the Brady doesn't care about money. You're the only one who mentions that, really. Re-read the thread -- or at least the four or five posts before your first post in this thread.

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You are putting words in my mouth that I didn't say. See, up in the top left corner of each post is the screen name of the person posting that message. My name doesn ot appear next to a post that says what he is or is not suing for. I simply stated that the law suit is justified from what I've heard.


I went on to say that I believe Brady cares more about winning than about money.  When you tried to prove that I had said Brady didn't care about money you pulled a quote from me that plainly said no such thing.


I still would like to know how you get from my posts that I think Brady doesn't care about money. "your reading comprehension is questionable if you thought i did......."



by refuting my posts and calling them "irrational", you are questioning the content.......what is the content? that brady cares about money.......that was my point from the beginning........nothing more, nothing less........try to keep up........

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why would he care if they make a buck off him or not? why would he care if they did it again and again?


Because one of these days they may use his image wearing lederhosen, and then they'd run an Oktoberfest GM Factory Giveaway special and could get away with using his image LIKE THIS because they had previously used his likeness with his knowledge but without his permission...and thus a precedence is set.


(Actually, I have no idea if that's true. I just think the idea of Brady wearing lederhosen needed to break up this thread.)

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by refuting my posts and calling them "irrational", you are questioning the content.......what is the content? that brady cares about money.......that was my point from the beginning........nothing more, nothing less........try to keep up........


That's the thing, smart guy. No one has refuted your "point." You're posts are irrational because you are arguing something that no one has disagreed with.

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That's the thing, smart guy. No one has refuted your "point." You're posts are irrational because you are arguing something that no one has disagreed with.



fantastic, you agree with me, which is what i've been trying to tell you all along.....now that is settled, why don't you try to pick a fight on another topic that has nothing to do with the original point?........

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fantastic, you agree with me, which is what i've been trying to tell you all along.....now that is settled, why don't you try to pick a fight on another topic that has nothing to do with the original point?........


Talk about picking a fight?! Look at your first post on this thread. Where in the world did that come from? Why won't you respond to my repetitive questions about where I disagreed with you? Why don't you explain how you read what I wrote and came up with the idea that I believe Brady doesn't care about money?


I'm not looking for a fight over a Pat, but I think every post of yours was meant to do just that.

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Talk about picking a fight?! Look at your first post on this thread. Where in the world did that come from? Why won't you respond to my repetitive questions about where I disagreed with you? Why don't you explain how you read what I wrote and came up with the idea that I believe Brady doesn't care about money?


I'm not looking for a fight over a Pat, but I think every post of yours was meant to do just that.



your first post to me in the thread:


"Your point is being missed because it is irrational. GM stole from Tom Brady's services.


If you were to rent out an house to someone for three months and the renter paid you for three months, wouldn't you want another month's rent if the renter stayed for four months? That is waht GM did. They paid Brady to rent his image and then they decided to use it some more without paying more rent. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FOOTBALL PAY."


first, you insulted me by calling my point irrational.......that is a good start to picking a fight with me......


then you went on a diatrabe that had nothing to do with my point, and branched off into an area that i had no interest in dicussing........


my point was, and still is, that BRADY CARES ABOUT MONEY.......if you agreed with that, why did you even respond to my post?


like i said, you might as well move on and pick a fight elsewhere cause you've already lost this one.......

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your first post to me in the thread:


"Your point is being missed because it is irrational. GM stole from Tom Brady's services.


If you were to rent out an house to someone for three months and the renter paid you for three months, wouldn't you want another month's rent if the renter stayed for four months? That is waht GM did. They paid Brady to rent his image and then they decided to use it some more without paying more rent. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FOOTBALL PAY."


first, you insulted me by calling my point irrational.......that is a good start to picking a fight with me......


then you went on a diatrabe that had nothing to do with my point, and branched off into an area that i had no interest in dicussing........


my point was, and still is, that BRADY CARES ABOUT MONEY.......if you agreed with that, why did you even respond to my post?


like i said, you might as well move on and pick a fight elsewhere cause you've already lost this one.......


I stand by my statement that your point was irrational. I just looked back and the first time I replied to one of your posts. You wrote that the GM lawsuit was "it's all about the money." I disagree with that. My post showed my he had to sue, as did the post of several others on in this thread since then. You then decided to attack me my saying I wrote something that I did not. Really, if you want to continue this, we should probably take over to PMing.

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I stand by my statement that your point was irrational. I just looked back and the first time I replied to one of your posts. You wrote that the GM lawsuit was "it's all about the money." I disagree with that. My post showed my he had to sue, as did the post of several others on in this thread since then. You then decided to attack me my  saying I wrote something that I did not. Really, if you want to continue this, we should probably take over to PMing.



i have no interest in discussing it because, like i've said, you agree with my point and i don't think you have much to offer in the discussion beyond side elements that have nothing to do with my original point........

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so why isn't he suing them for one dollar instead of 2 million of them?



You think a $1 lawsuit is going to discourage GM or anyone else from then later using his image in any way they see fit? The $2 mill is to make the point that there will be a penalty for illegally using him to sell their or anyone else's product.


LA hit the nail. What if a adult sex toys shop wants to start using his image to sell their product? The only possible reprisal they face is a $1 lawsuit?? Not much risk in that situation.


And the main point (as many others have said) is that Brady puts TEAM ahead of MONEY. He cares more about having the best team than having the best salary.

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your missing the point.........if he doesn't care about things like "pay" and "compensation", then why does he give a damn?


You can't possibly be this dense.


If GM uses Brady's likeness without his permission, and he doesn't do anything about it (or sues them, but for a very small amount of money), it sets a precedent. The precedent, of course, is that using Tom Brady's likeness without his permission results in little or no monetary penalty.


This opens the door for companies with which Brady doesn't want to be associated (a sleazy porno distributor, for example) to begin using his likeness without his permission, knowing that he will not be in a position to sue them having already set a precedent of being lenient in such matters.



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Nice Win (again) HD. Here's to hoping we can compete with the Pats this season.


Thanks. And I have no doubt the Bills will be more competitive in '05 than in '04, even with a 1st-year starter at QB. I've seen first-hand what Bledsoe can do to a team, and it isn't pretty.


I actually like Losman a lot as a prospect. He's got a great mix of athleticism and pure throwing skills, IMO. QBs are always booms or busts, though, but I think Losman has as good a chance as any to become a real good one.


As much as I'll miss two all-but-guaranteed wins a year, I do look forward to seeing the new-look Bills against my Pats this year. Hopefully Belichick gets in J.P.'s head this year and stays there. :(

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Here's the thing: with the amount of oral servicing Tom Brady gets from the news media outlets across the country, he doesn't have the time (or care) to B word for more money. Just wait till The Patsies Bubbles bursts next season with their NFL best system out of place. 6-10, and all of the sudden Marcia wants more $$$$....who knew....

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