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I think their first two albums were very, very good. I liked them a lot. Then, they got horrible. Now they suck. And Chris Martin is the worst front man I've ever seen. Every time I see him do that stupid !@#$ing dance, I want smash the nearest car with a !@#$ing baseball bat. But that's usually my car, so I always refrain. But if I was, like, at a mall or something and I saw Chris Martin doing that stupid !@#$ing dance on a TV in Target, or something ... I'd go to Dick's, buy a baseball bat, then find the nearest car and bash the !@#$ing **** out of it. But it's pretty unlikely that I'll ever see Chris Martin doing that stupid !@#$ing dance on a TV in a mall. So I probably won't need a bat and no one's car is in any danger of getting smashed by me.

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