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Sabres & NHL 2016-17 - Victor Antipin Signs One Year Deal

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The rebuild has been going on for how many years now? And THIS was supposed to be a playoff year. Instead they are certainly among the worst teams in hockey and possibly the worst. Reading this thread, even including things you have written. they are not 1 or 2 players away....they need major improvements in about 8-10 spots.....to sniff the 8 seed. And the GM is somehow good?


I'm not one of those people all bent out of shape by the #1 on Lehner. Sometimes you trade a #1. But any trade for Lehner was a win for the Senators.....and our GM has Senators roots....perhaps a payback of some sort?. Lehner is a terrible goalie who is also psychotic. Every GM makes mistakes, but to seek out a player like Lehner indicates that there are many more mistakes to come. And they have come. And we are 8-10 players away from sniffing an 8 seed. And people think we are on a Cup trajectory? Someone needs to explain that trajectory step by step ending with the Cup being lifted because it makes no sense. You could sooner convince me that Rex Ryan will take up golf and win the British Open.


Murray was handed an ideal situation and he has burned it to the ground. I wonder if Eichel saw what a loser this guy is and basically told Vesey to look elsewhere. If we were on such a great trajectory wouldn't Eichel have been banging on that kids door? Or maybe Eichel wants out, Not one player appears to care every time they are on the ice other than maybe Risto who is having his long term viability jeopardized by Murray's ineptitude.


I'll tell you what is unfair. Murray screwing up over and over and still talking down to everyone. That's unfair.

Let me start off with your comment that I have over evaluated this roster portraying this team as being better than it is. You are are making an immense wrong characterization when stating that I have said that the team is close to being a complete team when I have for a very long time, including prior to the season, stated the opposite. What I have said is that this team is a fringe playoff team. And they are. I have never claimed that this roster is 2 or 3 players away from being a cup contender. How can that be when I have stated all along that our defensive corps still needs to add a few players and also that our top two lines still need additions?


Let me point out to you that Lehner played a fabulous game in Montreal. I have expressed doubts on his acquisition but the primary criticism is that I felt that the GM over-paid for him. But you need to be more patient before coming to a final judgment on him. Tonight he demonstrated that he could be a number #1 goalie. But the story on him still has to unfold. But what I can say for sure from what I have seen so far is that he can play well at time with periodic excruciating lapses. So let's just wait and see.


I think you are panicking because your out-sized expectations are not being met. As far as I'm concerned this team is on the right track. Be patient and less quick with your judgments because what you pessimistically think today can change to a more positive outlook as the season advances.

Finally got to catch a game. Lehner looked great.

Both goalies were terrific with many exceptional saves. This was a great game to watch. A lot of up and down skating and continuous action. For those who argued that the Sabres should resort to trapping more I say: Be silent.


The Sabres got two goals from their defenseman, Franson and Bogo. That is a rarity. This was a gritty effort by a team whose defensive corps is depleted. For the past two games this the team has displayed a lot of character and resolve. They should be saluted for their efforts. :thumbsup:

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To me it is Nilsson for now and find your #1 later. Like I said earlier in the thread, Lehner seems more likely to murder three people in a fit of rage than to become a #1goalie. And if he somehow does both, we'll have to cut him anyway.


Best line I've read in awhile. Well played, sir, well played.


With that said, what a fun and exciting weekend by the boys in blue and gold. When he goalies step up this is an exhilarating team to watch.

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What a fun game. Whatever we may think of the roster, they certainly aren't giving up. When is the last time the Sabres overcame two consecutive 3rd period deficits to win?

just finished watching....it was a fun game! games always seem better when i watch the next morning!

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In watching games over the last few weeks I noticed that the Sabres d-men seem to use a particular tactic that costs them repeatedly. I have been trying to decide if it is directed or just undisciplined play.


When an opposing forward, on the rush, crosses the blueline and then peels back out toward the blueline, our d-men seem to chase the puck carrier back out toward the blueline. This leaves a forward to cover the defensive slot. These forwards, even when in covering position, very often fail to tie up the opposition forwards and if the puck gets fired back into our slot area, we give up a good chance.


Is this just sloppy defense, or is this tactic by the d-men being coached? Either way, it is costing them.

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Just like that the #Sabres are only four points out of a playoff spot. So you're saying there's a chance? @WKBW








But, but, but after the one goal loss to the Leafs the sky was falling. Playoffs or not it's getting fun to be a Sabres fan again.

Edited by ChevyVanMiller
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For the chorus of posters who consistently clamor for Kane to be traded I want to point out that he had two assists in this game. He was instrumental in Gionta's goal. When he gets away from his impulse to play on the perimeter and instead gets involved in the muck around the net he creates scoring opportunities for himself and others.


He still has a tendency to play an unruly game detached from the other players on the ice. But more and more you see him better coordinating his play with others. The increase in production is proof of that.


I like Kane playing with Gergenson. Both are strong and gritty players who also have some skill. Wouldn't it be nice if Gergenson could find a useful role on a line? I suspect that eventually he will be traded. For the most part he has not found a consistent role on this Bylsma coached team. The player is a ying while the coach is a yang. Compatibility between them is a challenge. I see this as a bigger challenge for the coach to be a little more flexible in adjusting to the player rather than be resolutely married to his precious system.

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For the chorus of posters who consistently clamor for Kane to be traded I want to point out that he had two assists in this game. He was instrumental in Gionta's goal. When he gets away from his impulse to play on the perimeter and instead gets involved in the muck around the net he creates scoring opportunities for himself and others.


He still has a tendency to play an unruly game detached from the other players on the ice. But more and more you see him better coordinating his play with others. The increase in production is proof of that.


I like Kane playing with Gergenson. Both are strong and gritty players who also have some skill. Wouldn't it be nice if Gergenson could find a useful role on a line? I suspect that eventually he will be traded. For the most part he has not found a consistent role on this Bylsma coached team. The player is a ying while the coach is a yang. Compatibility between them is a challenge. I see this as a bigger challenge for the coach to be a little more flexible in adjusting to the player rather than be resolutely married to his precious system.


Girgensons dammit!

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Girgensons dammit!

It's not my fault. He needs to Americanize his name. Aren't you aware that this falls in line with the Trump America First declarations? :lol:


I guarantee you that I will continue to falter with spelling. So please show more patience and kindness because I am a very slow person. I am confident that there will be plenty more opportunities for you to exhibit your fastidiousness. :bag:

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It's not my fault. He needs to Americanize his name. Aren't you aware that this falls in line with the Trump America First declarations? :lol:


I guarantee you that I will continue to falter with spelling. So please show more patience and kindness because I am a very slow person. I am confident that there will be plenty more opportunities for you to exhibit your fastidiousness. :bag:


:lol: Gotta keep you on your toes beyond your hockey analysis and Sabres' personnel evaluations.

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:lol: Gotta keep you on your toes beyond your hockey analysis and Sabres' personnel evaluations.

Aren't you aware? I have been weekly cutting off one of my toes until the currently vanished Beerball makes a return to this disreputable site. Despite my many pleadings for his return he stubbornly refuses to make an appearance. So now I no longer have toes.


The story however does have a happy ending. I was recently adopted by a Native American family. They gave me the name of Johnny Round Foot. :cry:

But, but, but after the one goal loss to the Leafs the sky was falling. Playoffs or not it's getting fun to be a Sabres fan again.

If you break down the season in increments over the last four games the Sabres have earned 6 out of 8 points. The Leaf game was a disappointment but when put in perspective the situation is much better than some indicate.


The Sabres were considered a fringe playoff team before the season started. They are now in contention to be a fringe playoff team as this season moves on. The script is being followed.

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John, in a perfect world you keep Kane...but the Sabres and that D lineup far from perfect. And ya ain't trading Larsson or Nicky D for a top 4 DMan/prospect.


Have to give to get, and he is the only guy that the Sabres can dangle that I can see.

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