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Thread awry - a question - why are there so few women here?

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Have you been to a game lately? While not half of the people in attendance, there are a lot of women. They make up a significant percentage of the crowd.

Many folks attend games but don't spend their days on Internet forums discussing them.

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No secret that recently I started a thread pointing out a 12 page letter from from a female college campus sexual assault victim addressed to her assailant. I chose to shut the thread down and then delete it because it went off the rails, The point of the thread which was to say parents could use the situation in an age appropriate way to teach kids about proper behavior was lost in whether drunkedness trumped actions that led to a conviction of sexual assault. Let's agree to say that there were dissenting opinions and leave it at that.


Let's take a step away from that particular thread as I wish to call out a puzzling situation about the board. Does anyone find it strange that very few women participate in this forum or community in a regular way? Is it that only men are Bills fans? Does this type of exchange only appeal to men?


Maybe, if nothing else the statistical probability of having so few women as regulars would say that there is something about the place that either fails to attract female participants or on the flip side of the same coin turns them away.


One can only make assumptions as to why this might be the case. This being so, why (mostly to all you men) do you think this to be so? Wouldn't raw statistics suggest that there should be closer to a 50/50 participation level here? After all, don't we now have equality of genders? If you attend Bills games is it so rare to see female fans?


Now back to the point of this new thread. Are the majority of men here doing something intentionally, or not, that causes very few women to participate? Do we make women uncomfortable here? Should we care? Would any of us have reason to wonder if our wives, daughters, girlfriends, sisters or female friends saw what we posted here as being objectionable from a purely gender perspective? Are we intentionally or unintentionally excluding women from participation?


This is an open forum. What do you think?


Women don't read long rambling posts.

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I dont need my wife seeing my replies to the "Would ya?" threads






I think she'd be more worried about your 75 submissions to the Mancrush thread.

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My girlfriend loves Bills games, loves going to them and being at the tailgate with everyone. But you wouldn't catch her watching an old game trying to figure out how Sammy got open or why the coverage rolled a certain way. Its just not her thing.


I tell her about stuff on the board, but she usually just nods and goes back to Pintrest.


that's my wife, the Pinterest Queen, but she does that so she doesn't have to watch football but wants to be in the same room, isn't she sweet :wub:

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This is an open forum. What do you think?


It is all about Beerball; not see other threads constantly bumped they would be interested in, right?

We have to choose between Beerball and women.

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I think she'd be more worried about your 75 submissions to the Mancrush thread.



haha kidding aside, my wife asked me one time if there are any women on this message board and I said only 1 that I know of



I'm talking about you CGF!!!! My awesome Texas buddy!!!





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There's used to be plenty of women posting daily, but they got tired of certain people harassing them so they left. Some names I can remember off the top of my head.....








There are still some that keep it hush hush to avoid the comments

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Kind of interesting and FWIW-- this shows that the Buffalo Bills have the 6th fewest female fans in the NFL.



I am calling bullcrap on the Vikes... Mary Tyler Moore loves them when she is washing her Mustang! (and Fran Tarkenton)mtm4.jpg



Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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