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(OT)File sharing program- Help!

SD Jarhead

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unless you're an all out audiophile, 192 is gonna sound pretty god-damn close to CD quality.


Back in the day, it was OK. Just set the crossfade between tracks to .1 second & burn, nobody's any the wiser. But now that lossless music is so easy to get, there's no point in grabbing lossy MP3's anymore.

If nothing else, it's about the principle of the matter. :(

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Because maybe it's a good thing to pay someone for work they do?  Did you know iTunes has an option where you can pay $0.99 per song?


Are you hurting record sales?  On your own, no.  But since there are a few million little thieves like you, collectively, you are.



I don't take complete albums first of all. I might download a radio single from an album I have heard and know isn't any good other than the 1 song. Now if I taped it off the radio I wouldn't hear the band calling me a thief. Why is that? It's the same thing isn't it?


You know why bands don't want file sharing? Metallica signed a deal in the mid 90's that pays them 3 dollars per cd sold. That's why they were at the head of the line to ban Napster. They have a deal that is far better than most bands do.


Don't expect me to feel sorry for millionaires who embraced tape trading when it suited their interests but now have decided that since they are now making tons of money that it's wrong. (And I'm not just speaking about Metallica, just bands in general).

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and yet you listen to NIN and Marilyn Manson... What a shame...


Those "bands" would sound the same live as they would on a boom box running on 12 D batteries cranked up to 10...


noise pollution.



I like lots of music. I like Bob Marley, I like Eminem, I like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, all kinds of music.


Nine Inch Nails put on one of the best live shows I've ever seen and I've seen KISS and Black Sabbath along with Aerosmith as well. Manson is up and down live, some nights you see him and he's great, others he sucks.

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I don't take complete albums first of all.  I might download a radio single from an album I have heard and know isn't any good other than the 1 song.  Now if I taped it off the radio I wouldn't hear the band calling me a thief.  Why is that?  It's the same thing isn't it?


You know why bands don't want file sharing?  Metallica signed a deal in the mid 90's that pays them 3 dollars per cd sold.  That's why they were at the head of the line to ban Napster.  They have a deal that is far better than most bands do.


Don't expect me to feel sorry for millionaires who embraced tape trading when it suited their interests but now have decided that since they are now making tons of money that it's wrong. (And I'm not just speaking about Metallica, just bands in general).



OMFG. I guess the sledgehammer that was driven to your head in the Tracy Lee thread that painstakingly detailed the difference bewteen recording music off the radio and file-sharing songs off the Internet wasn't enough....


I guess it all comes to the basic rationalization that if a millionnaire has something you want, you have the right to take it for free.



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OMFG.  I guess the sledgehammer that was driven to your head in the Tracy Lee thread that painstakingly detailed the difference bewteen recording music off the radio and file-sharing songs off the Internet wasn't enough....


I guess it all comes to the basic rationalization that if a millionnaire has something you want, you have the right to take it for free.


:(  :(



The Tracy Lee thread. That was a beauty, I almost forgot about that one.


No, my views weren't shaped by that thread at all.


We'll just have to agree to disagree I guess.


I guess it's kind of like the issue of marijuana. I don't use it, but I don't think others should be made to believe they shouldn't use it just because the moral majority tells them they are wrong for doing so.

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Why do I want to pay 1 cent for a song that isn't CD quality?  Give me CD quality songs and maybe my tune changes.  mp3 is a good medium, but the technology isn't all the way there yet.  If I'm paying I want CD quality.



Actually it's not MP3 - though iTunes and iPod support that standard.

2 MP3, or Not 2 MP3... THAT is the question.


It's AAC that's the default. Hey, you can even compress the digital songs you own in iTunes!

What a concept – owning a recording!

Maybe it'll catch on someday.

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