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There's been at least four Colonel Sanders in my time: Darrell Hammond, Norm McDonald, Jim Gaffigan, and original recipe.

Five counting Spaceballs





Hey, I know important things, like the rated horsepower of an R-2800-34 Double Wasp engine at 20k feet with a two-stage turbocharger. Or the order of battle for the Mongol army in the invasion of Kara Khitai. Or how to swear in Klingon.

Súlon gwanna nîf lín


Honestly, how I started somewhat buying into this stuff was if you ignore the part where it seems Ridiclious (which we have been conditioned to discredit conspiracies) that it actually makes so much sense that there really is this behind the scenes force pulling strings.


Now whether it's real or not I don't know

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