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  1. 1. Will Great Britain vote to leave the EU

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1 hour ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

Voting starts Saturday.  I am slapping this here because if it is Boris Johnson,  the EU will probably get a whole lot more reasonable about Brexit terms. It sounds like he will lead a hard-Brexit if they are not willing to negotiate quickly, and in good faith. 

But, people say all sorts of things to get elected and never follow through, so who knows. ?‍♀️


i give boris 12-18 months before a vote of no confidence followed by an early election.  The Tories will lose a large number of seats to the Brexit party.  Labour will also lose seats to the Liberal Democrats and even a few to Brexit.  Labour will have to make significant concessions to the LD before forming a minority coalition.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently, it is all over but the crying? 

This is just a dates article.


The candidate achieving more than 50 per cent of the vote among Party members will be declared Leader of the Party. The winner, and new Prime Minister, is expected to be announced on July 23. The following day, July 24, Theresa May will speak at her final Prime Minister's Questions before heading to Buckingham Palace to resign as Prime Minister to the Queen.


Next Prime Minister latest odds and polls: Boris Johnson's lead over Jeremy Hunt looks unassailable 


The 160,000 strong membership will pick between Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson to determine who goes on to be the next Prime Minister of the UK. Results are expected in a fortnight.


And then this. The comments are actually more informative than the article. I think the "remainers" are in denial. 

Jeremy Hunt says he would be Brexit Secretary as well as PM, as battle to be Boris's deputy begins 

Jeremy Hunt has pledged that he would take on the role of Brexit Secretary himself because it is “too big” a responsibility not to be carried out by the prime minister.


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5 minutes ago, ALF said:

Now that the pros and cons of Brexit are known , another referendum should be voted on. The EU terms are way to harsh on Britain.


That's not how it works champ.  You don't vote on something to see how it works out, then hold another vote to decide if you really meant it the first time

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34 minutes ago, ALF said:

Now that the pros and cons of Brexit are known , another referendum should be voted on. The EU terms are way to harsh on Britain.


The degenerates will come back with a larger mandate to leave after seeing how it’s totally ruined the upper crust 

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36 minutes ago, /dev/null said:


That's not how it works champ.  You don't vote on something to see how it works out, then hold another vote to decide if you really meant it the first time


Then why hasn't parliament voted to leave the EU after all this time ?

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26 minutes ago, ALF said:


Then why hasn't parliament voted to leave the EU after all this time ?


Ask your teacher what a referendum is.


edit: under a UK/Canadian system a referendum is not binding for action, a plebiscite is more binding


Maybe the US makes referendums binding...


Edited by row_33
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12 minutes ago, /dev/null said:


Because elected officials don't always carry out the will of the people who voted them into office


So you are certain that the voters have not told their elected officials that the terms of Brexit  are unacceptable 

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3 minutes ago, ALF said:


So you are certain that the voters have not told their elected officials that the terms of Brexit  are unacceptable 


The EU has given the England Some very unfavorable exit terms to date. Unsurprising, when you consider that neither May nor the EU wanted England to leave. 


I am am not sure what will happen, but if Boris does end up PM expect the EU to become more reasonable, or possibly a hard Brexit.

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5 minutes ago, ALF said:


So you are certain that the voters have not told their elected officials that the terms of Brexit  are unacceptable 

The EU terms don't matter, you see it's Britain leaving so in reality, they hold most of the cards. Don't let what May did (and I suspect intentionally) to make leaving look worse than it was sway your thinking. 

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7 minutes ago, ALF said:


So you are certain that the voters have not told their elected officials that the terms of Brexit  are unacceptable 


A referendum just means the high and mighty can ignore it when the result is against their intellectual views

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1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I'm quite certain if there was a second vote, it'd pass by an even larger margin. 


It isn’t binding on the government


but it caused two Prime Ministers to step down, so ignoring it can be perilous

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3 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I'm quite certain if there was a second vote, it'd pass by an even larger margin. 


I'm not.

A second Brexit vote would only serve as political cover for a predetermined outcome (Remain)

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4 minutes ago, /dev/null said:


I'm not.

A second Brexit vote would only serve as political cover for a predetermined outcome (Remain)


Political cover would be a good thing to seek

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50 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I'm quite certain if there was a second vote, it'd pass by an even larger margin. 


That would give Britain more leverage for better terms. I do think they should leave the EU but the terms now are brutal. 

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1 minute ago, ALF said:


That would give Britain more leverage for better terms. I do think they should leave the EU but the terms now are brutal. 


That's assuming the EU cares about the people of Britain or the people of any country in Europe

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