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This is an experiment:


I dare you to get through this video.


IF you've completed the challenge move on to step 3. If not, step 1 for you.


Step 1


Ah, you couldn't do it. Too bad. You probably missed the point. Or, you just couldn't stomach it. But really, you're weak. If you had stuck around, you'd actually know that for all of her inanity, she actually got to, and made, valid political points. You may not agree with those points, but that ain't the point: she made them, and you gave up too quickly. Look, I know this is a haze. Why the F do you think I wrote this thread? Why do I do anything here? Largely to troll and haze. However, in this particular instance, it's instructive.


Step 2


Go back and try to watch it again. Seriously. I know that I'm asking you to do the thing you probably hate most right now. I also know that if you know this handle, you're thinking "of course OCinBuffalo is going to tell me to watch it again, right after he got me to watch the first time, I'm not stupid, he wants to get me twice and then :lol: at me". You're wrong on both counts. No, I do want you to watch it, because there's a larger point you can't see if you don't, and, come on: you are stupid. I give you eyecandy(albeit with alligator arms) to look at, and you can't get through it? Yeah, looking at hot chicks is such a chore. No, you are stupid. Now reload the link, stupid/weak, and tell yourself you're just like the guys at Valley Forge...or something.


Step 3


Ah, so this is where both the weak and the strong meet. Those of you who went straight here: man, isn't it mindboggling? She does idiot, yet at the same time, shows a remarkable undertstanding of the issues. It's enough to make you a step 1-2 person, but you're not. No, unlike those posters, you bore the annoyance, because every time you were about to kill the video...she said something that at least souded right. For all of you: that was maddening wasn't it? :lol: Well, there must be some hazing otherwise I wouldn't bother. However, it's such a strange thing...to swatch her flail, yet repeatedly stick the landing.



If this woman(ex-stripper, model, and damn good internet troll) can get it together on a youtube, and actually present Trump's case as she...astoundingly...does(every time she's headed for the weeds, she turns the wheel), if she can grasp the basic premises....WTF is wrong with the rest of you? More importantly, if this is the bimbo's take on Trump, what is the community college woman's? How about the tech school woman? How about the BA women? How about the BS women? Grad school/Ph. D? If bimbo can dance right on the edge of annoying bimbo...but also, be affirmative and accurate? Which other women can?


Is ithis that tough for any other woman to grasp? I don't think so. I'll say it agin: Trump has no women problem, because Trump has already poured the concrete on the 2 issues women care about most: economy and security. It doesn't matter who/what runs against him....he put himself in the strongest position possible on these 2 from day 1, and he has 0 reason to give ground on either.


And, if Bimbo girl can get it, so can every other reasonable woman in America. So can literally everyone else.




Made it through 4 minutes. Trout lips are a turn off.


Or as one of my patients once said "big, fat BJ lips."

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