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Rex's Weight: He should get help!

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Wtf is spaghetti parm?


All you guys who take this lightly (no pun intended) should substitute in the words "spaghetti parm" for "cocaine" and recite the Johnny Football narrative. It's sad and I'm a little concerned that we are putting wins and ranked defense ahead of health and fitness. By training camp he's apt to be 340 lbs. No laughing matter then. He should get the surgery now before the season starts. The lap band obviously is defective.

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His favorite restaurant is also one of the best Mexican places I've ever been. I've been told he goes there often. I've seen him there myself. Based on their menu, he ain't getting anything healthy let me tell you that.

this thread isn't all about you
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His favorite restaurant is also one of the best Mexican places I've ever been. I've been told he goes there often. I've seen him there myself. Based on their menu, he ain't getting anything healthy let me tell you that.

Yeah, he loves Don Tequila. Goes there for hours at a time. $3 margaritas.

The lack of vitamin d from no sunlight his first winter in b lo did it.

Yeah, those tropical winters in New Jersey didn't prepare him for the winter in Buffalo.

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Yeah, he loves Don Tequila. Goes there for hours at a time. $3 margaritas.


Yeah, those tropical winters in New Jersey didn't prepare him for the winter in Buffalo.

actually it's El Canelo. He mentioned them by name in SI. It's about 3min from the stadium.
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All you guys who take this lightly (no pun intended) should substitute in the words "spaghetti parm" for "cocaine" and recite the Johnny Football narrative. It's sad and I'm a little concerned that we are putting wins and ranked defense ahead of health and fitness. By training camp he's apt to be 340 lbs. No laughing matter then. He should get the surgery now before the season starts. The lap band obviously is defective.

People die because those things break...

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People die because those things break...

I know. Who moved this from TSW?? Why do others get to discuss the Shah's spleen but Rex's growing beer gut is not football worthy??


Hot take #2) Rex's defense was ranked Top 5 when he was pudgy...so we have that going for us.

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