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MMQB: Rex + Rob: The Battling (and Babbling) Buffalo Bros

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Schartz runs a simple D , Wade Phillips runs a simple D


"I believe in being a multiple defense, an attacking defense, a physical defense. That’s no slight on Seattle by any stretch. They are a very physical defense; they play a very simple scheme and let their guys play."

Rob convinced me it's better to run a simple scheme , I'am all in now :rolleyes:

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REX: Well, we never lost a fight in our life. Ever. And we ain’t losing this one. And that’s a true statement. Not just because we are badasses—because we are, individually—but collectively, it’s a lot different. To this day, no man is going to whip me. Why? Because I’ve got my brother with me. And I’ve got my brother, Dennis Thurman, with me. Ed Reed is here for a reason. These players are going to be like that, too. We want to fight like brothers. I don’t know if we have 100 percent buy-in from even the entire building. I don’t know yet. But the people directly with me, my coaching staff and the players, that’s where it starts. I don’t know all the business people yet; they should be “all in,” but I don’t know. There’s times when the doubt part, that can be driven through the media. But I’m going to surround myself with the very best, and I’m going to win.


Interesting thoughts here. I wonder who are "the business people" he refers to.

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I thought Rex was fine in the interview. That's who he is. Could have left out the part on Mario. I thought Rob came off as a buffoon mainly because he threw Sean Payton and Dennis Allen under the bus. Should have left that part out, true or untrue (it's probably somewhere in the middle) as it was unnecessary IMO.


Payton and Allen already blamed Rob...

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Interesting tidbit about how Rex said last year's team didn't have anyone from his previous teams to be able to let the players know they could come to him. First I got the impression that Marrone ran the team the opposite way, where the players only ever came to the position coaches with issues and the position coaches brought to th HC . Not uncommon. But it was an indirect comment on the Karl Dunbar firing. I have a feeling that the players were expressing issues they had to Dunbar, and Dunbar wasn't telling Rex, and then by the time he found out it was too late. I could be wrong, but that was what i thought when j read that part.

I get what you're saying - but honestly, how out of touch would Rex have had to have been to not see the discontent and disconnect the players had with the defense that was right in front of his face. We all saw it on our couches from miles away.


Anyone catch the irony of this part:



VRENTAS: Were you forced to run a different system?

ROB: No, I’m not going to say I was “forced.” I advanced the plan to the best of my ability. All of a sudden, we let some good players go; we changed the system after we finished fourth in the league in defense. I don’t know, it just seems strange to me.

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Man, I couldnt even make it past the first line of the first answer without laughing....




VRENTAS: After more than 20 years, why did you decide to work together now?

ROB: For me, and I’ll speak for myself on this, I have an extra hunger. I have









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I get what you're saying - but honestly, how out of touch would Rex have had to have been to not see the discontent and disconnect the players had with the defense that was right in front of his face. We all saw it on our couches from miles away.


Anyone catch the irony of this part:



It's not irony at all because the Saints had the same HC in Payton and DC with Rob Ryan while the Bills did not with Marrone and Schwartz both gone. Two entirely different scenarios.

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Schartz runs a simple D , Wade Phillips runs a simple D


"I believe in being a multiple defense, an attacking defense, a physical defense. That’s no slight on Seattle by any stretch. They are a very physical defense; they play a very simple scheme and let their guys play."

Rob convinced me it's better to run a simple scheme , I'am all in now :rolleyes:


Works both ways. Simple can work, multiple can work.


Seattle has an all pro secondary - allows you to play majority man. They also have underrated pass rushers and remain healthy somehow every year.


Wade Phillips has the best 2 edge rushers in the nfl, and had the best front 7 in the nfl. Also had a solid secondary... We'll see how they do now that several of those players are gone (trevathan and jackson namely).


Rob lost Galette because they paid Jordan, and had a healthy EXPENSIVE safety who wouldn't play... They lost a corner to IR and clearly had 0 depth since whoever was out there was always leaving people open.

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I enjoyed the article. I like the Ryans. Does that mean Buffalo is going to have a great defense this year? Of course not. But here's my favorite quote from the article, and it pretty much sums up the way I feel about this place (TSW) a good bit of the time:


"I can’t stand being around negative people. I can’t stand it. There are people that, I know for a fact, don’t believe in me; they don’t believe in the direction of the football team. That’s fine and dandy. I believe in it, and I am surrounding myself with people that believe in it also."


Edit: and I'm not here to say I believe or buy into everything Rob and Rex say. Just that I enjoy them as individuals.

Edited by eball
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Just here to stoke the flames!




Sean Payton has responded to Rob Ryan shifting the blame for the problems on the Saints' defense last year wp.me/p14QSB-a36k



From PFT Live, Sean Payton on Rob Ryan remarks: "The idea that it wasn’t his defense, or he wasn’t in charge of it, is silly."

Party on people :beer:

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I was literally just yesterday going to start a thread saying I don't like the way Rex is acting - really since he got to Buffalo. It seems that he's been trying to be too nice. I like the boisterous Rex and I haven't seen it yet - not the way it was. It almost seemed like that last year with the Jets made him feel he had to change his persona. So he kind of did a little bit of chest pounding but it didn't have that fire. I think it effected the team.


I think Rex tried to mix his personality with what he thought a new team / fan base wanted him to be. I think he thought he should be a toned down version of what he was with the Jets. Well for me that isn't true - I hope the hiring of Rob and this interview is an indication that he's reverting back. I want him to be himself whether that works out or not.


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I enjoyed the article. I like the Ryans. Does that mean Buffalo is going to have a great defense this year? Of course not. But here's my favorite quote from the article, and it pretty much sums up the way I feel about this place (TSW) a good bit of the time:


"I can’t stand being around negative people. I can’t stand it. There are people that, I know for a fact, don’t believe in me; they don’t believe in the direction of the football team. That’s fine and dandy. I believe in it, and I am surrounding myself with people that believe in it also."



It is great to be positive and optimistic about the direction of the team, but you have to sprinkle in some facts and realism. When a team goes from #1 to #31 in sacks.....in one year.....you simply have to expect people saying "we're going in the wrong direction". When they do, calling them "negative people" is fine, if you can back it up and explain why going from #1 to #31 was in the better long term interest of the team. It is a fact. It happened. It isn't fair to call someone "negative" for pointing that out. It isn't fair to blame the QB for going 3 and out. Conversely, if there is a reason to be positive that can be articulated, it isn't fair to call someone a "blind optimist".


Rex's comment is correct in wanting to avoid negative people, because they most definitely exist. The issue is that he constantly does this in a vacuum which does not allow facts. His next sentence should have been "here's why it didn't work and why it will work in 2016".....not 2029 when he gets everything his way....2016. He did talk a little about why 2015 was a complete and utter disaster....he explained the failure. This is good because at least Rex recognizes that we failed. His solution concerns me because of his results for the last 6 years and that we will be moving further away from a defense that work and adding more of the ideas that made it a failure in 2015, but at least he recognizes it failed. He's got step 1 in a 12 step process partially done even if he is still projecting a bit.

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Just here to stoke the flames!





Party on people :beer:


I have seen other independent sources who say that Payton interfered big time with the way Rob Ryan coordinated the Saints' D and I saw some evidence of that with huge blowups between the two of them on the sidelines.

Edited by 26CornerBlitz
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Schartz runs a simple D , Wade Phillips runs a simple D


"I believe in being a multiple defense, an attacking defense, a physical defense. That’s no slight on Seattle by any stretch. They are a very physical defense; they play a very simple scheme and let their guys play."

Rob convinced me it's better to run a simple scheme , I'am all in now :rolleyes:


Simple doesn't always mean effective. There are arguments both ways on which defense works best. Wade Phillips defenses aren't always great. Jim Schwartz defenses aren't always great. In 2010 Wade Phillips Cowboys defense was bad... really bad, which is why he was fired mid-season. His 2008 defense wasn't great either.


Both complex and simple defenses require specific players. When you lose those players, they can and do fall apart.

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Lord almighty these guys talk a big game.


This interview should have EVERYONE on this board thrilled.


With all the **** they're talking right now it's going to lead of one of two outcomes:


Our defense is going to live up to the hype and we're going to roll: banner day for the OOO


They won't live up to the hype, finish in the middle of the pack or worse and lose their jobs: banner day for the NNN


Lord help us and our offseason sanity if we have another injury plagued season and end up somewhere in between.

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Interesting read, full of the piss & vinegar you expect. Gotta hope that they can pull it together.



Lord almighty these guys talk a big game.


This interview should have EVERYONE on this board thrilled.


With all the **** they're talking right now it's going to lead of one of two outcomes:


Our defense is going to live up to the hype and we're going to roll: banner day for the OOO


They won't live up to the hype, finish in the middle of the pack or worse and lose their jobs: banner day for the NNN


Lord help us and our offseason sanity if we have another injury plagued season and end up somewhere in between.

What about the Perpetually Petulant Pessimists?
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Lord almighty these guys talk a big game.


This interview should have EVERYONE on this board thrilled.


With all the **** they're talking right now it's going to lead of one of two outcomes:


Our defense is going to live up to the hype and we're going to roll: banner day for the OOO


They won't live up to the hype, finish in the middle of the pack or worse and lose their jobs: banner day for the NNN


Lord help us and our offseason sanity if we have another injury plagued season and end up somewhere in between.



100% agreement although I'm sure our expectations are different for the outcome.

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