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[closed]Whaley gets a pass on Shaq

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If Shaq was really hurt at draft time and had been covering it up, why didn't he sign a contract before mini camp started? Once he got in camp, even mini camp, the true extent of the problem he was hiding could show up in drills. Now he is screwed, because he won't get nearly the contract he wants. It will have all kinds of if ands and buts in it. Now yes, Whaley could have passed him up just as other teams did, but I just find it interesting that if Shaq was really hurt ( and the Bills failed to find out how bad it really was), why did he risk it all by not signing quickly, before drills started? I am thinking this is just a bad break , that the thing he'd been playing with for years was going to be OK a while longer just popped up now unexpectedly. Kind of like Sammy's foot, sh-t happens. After all , this is the Bills we are talking about. We shall see. Whaley is a gambler, he took a gamble on Shaq. He may have to wait a year to see if it pans out (kind of like Sammy.. that worked out just fine). Whaley's track record is very solid so far, he gets the benefit of the doubt in my book.

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Everyone had the same medical info. No one covered anything up. I don't understand the conspiracy theories. The teams all knew he could play this season with a brace but would eventually need surgery to correct the issue long-term. If he didn't tweak it in non-contact drills last week I do not think they would have had it done now. Because he did, they decided to have it now even though he still doesn't "need" it now and could have continued to play with a brace. It makes the most sense to do it now. To wait would be short sighted. IMO.

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