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Men's room etiquette

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We've got a guy who routinely takes work calls while in a stall. Maybe it makes me a dick, but I go out of my way to flush a toilet or two when that guy is in there. I have a strict no talking rule, but this one violates that in every way imaginable.

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We've got a guy who routinely takes work calls while in a stall. Maybe it makes me a dick, but I go out of my way to flush a toilet or two when that guy is in there. I have a strict no talking rule, but this one violates that in every way imaginable.

haha. Serves him right. I would do my best to blow it up as loud as possible right in the stall next door. And courtesy flush every 30 seconds
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With recent legislation? It's a definite possibility. I'm there to do business, not chit chat.


So you think transgender people are gay? Is your real name Archie?

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We've got a guy who routinely takes work calls while in a stall. Maybe it makes me a dick, but I go out of my way to flush a toilet or two when that guy is in there. I have a strict no talking rule, but this one violates that in every way imaginable.


Years ago I worked with a super outgoing sales guy and he would be in full meet and greet mode in the men's room. He wouldn't stop talking the whole time; he'd backslap people at the urinals, ask about your weekend, peek over the stall (he was very tall) to say hi, you name it. Funny as hell to watch people squirm.

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Years ago I worked with a super outgoing sales guy and he would be in full meet and greet mode in the men's room. He wouldn't stop talking the whole time; he'd backslap people at the urinals, ask about your weekend, peek over the stall (he was very tall) to say hi, you name it. Funny as hell to watch people squirm.


Talking in the men's room is fine...unless the comment is, "hey, nice dick!" First of all, I already know...

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My place of employment has a men's room with two pissers and two schitters (we call all of them, "John," but that's neither here nor there).


I am one of 10 male employees in our office, so figuring out who's schitting isn't too tough - especially because I think I'm the only one who wears dress shoes on most days.


My point in bringing this up is the courtesy flush.


I am a courtesy flusher, but more out of embarrassment than courtesy. Regardless .... is the dump-then-flush really enough to be courteous? Or should it be a dump-one wipe-flush, to further assist in odor mitigation.


Since I've become part of this company, I've adopted the dump-one wipe-flush method.

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Who's going to be the one who slaps a wig and some lipstick on and tries out the ladies room?

Here are some things you might want to say:


"It smells just as bad in here as my former bathroom."


"I have lipstick on other parts of me, too!"


"Where's the standing up area?"

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