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Men's room etiquette

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Oh yeah...ask me about the meltdown at Disneyworld over the toilets. I'll just hold it until we go home!! :wallbash:

That will teach you for bringing her to the sweatshop.


But I really needed some FP&A help.

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When my oldest daughter was five I brought her to kids day at work, the automatic toilet went haywire and started flushing repeatedly while she was on it (and kept flushing even after we get out of the stall). Of course she freaked and two years later still has a major phobia about automatic toilets. :death:


Sounds like lawsuit for humiliation and embarassment is typical expected response.


I want some "Mr Yuck" stickers to use in covering sensor..

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I have a real problem with guys that put their hand up on the wall at the urinal; but the worst is putting up both hands on the wall.

the amount of snots I've seen in the wall in front of me, or the amount of times I've seen people spit on the wall while pissing. It still boggles my mind how people can put their hands on the wall and then tuck their Junk back into their pants with ththe same hand.
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I have a real problem with guys that put their hand up on the wall at the urinal; but the worst is putting up both hands on the wall.


I thought that was for guys with enlarged prostates, or something like that.

It still boggles my mind how people can put their hands on the wall and then tuck their Junk back into their pants with ththe same hand.


I use a reel.

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Some dude at the Jets game last year tried to share a urinal with me. While not addressed in the quiz, I assume that's frowned upon.


The appropriate term is "justifiable homicide."

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I still laugh when I see the "one hand on the hip" stance while at the urinal





Here in America we call that The BBFergy.

Talking> No talking. NEVER any talking. Not on a cell phone, not to me or anyone else.

Afraid you're going to get hit on?

Man, you all got some real bathroom rules.


.i talk, i fart, i I will do a voice text..... always start with a quick spit into the urinal....you guys would all hate me :lol:


ps..no hand on wall though

Yeah, I don't get the hocking and farting. Seems like the perfect place for those activities.

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