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Jonathan Martin... Still Whining About Richie


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He was interviewed after doing a presentation on social isolation of kids. Of course the question regarding Richie is going to come up, if the reporter is any good. Richie is fine and Martin did nothing wrong in answering the question. Richie was a real ass with Martin and Martin didn't handle it the way some would. Richie should have seen this and backed off. But, nope he kept on with Martin til Martin said "enough". I wasn't gonna reply til I saw your " fragile jackass " comment. Really!?!? No baiting involved, he answered the question as asked of him. It's pretty easy to be a keyboard tough guy, isn't it?

If the story is true and Incognito was told by the organization to "toughen him up", then he was just put in a bad spot...no different when they give people authority over people in studies and they don't always handle it properly.


Imho, he shouldn't have been put in that position in the first place and it shouldn't be all that surprising that he went overboard as he was given the blessing of the organization.

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pretty much, so tired of this coddling grown men's feeling, people need to grow a pair, could you imagine are grandfathers who went through the WW2 would think of this.

for sure! i am an older guy and i obviously have some what one would say are "old school " values,one does not have to dissect this to realize that martin was not cut out to be an NFL player.. right or wrong. ... mental make-up is certainly a part of what is needed to garner success.

Edited by dwight in philly
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for sure! i am an older guy and i obviously have some what one would say are "old school " values,one does not have to dissect this to realize that martin was not cut out for being an NFL player.. right or wrong.


I had clinical depression for a year and a half and it was the worst nightmare ever, being sad and crying for no reason was very frustrating but I refused to be defeated by some chemicals in my brain not working right. I kept telling my self to get over it and ignore the demons and I eventually got back to normal.

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I had clinical depression for a year and a half and it was the worst nightmare ever, being sad and crying for no reason was very frustrating but I refused to be defeated by some chemicals in my brain not working right. I kept telling my self to get over it and ignore the demons and I eventually got back to normal.

what does that have to do with the topic? why attempt to satirize depression. i played along..time to end the gig now?

Edited by dwight in philly
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I had clinical depression for a year and a half and it was the worst nightmare ever, being sad and crying for no reason was very frustrating but I refused to be defeated by some chemicals in my brain not working right. I kept telling my self to get over it and ignore the demons and I eventually got back to normal.

Did you get your testosterone levels checked? Serious question, not joking...

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Guys let it go. Good points on both sides of an old story. If Martin is helping young kids , great. He wasn't built for the NFL. RI was wrong. There is no defending being a jerk on epic levels. He's changed, good. He's playing well, and hopefully the rest of his life he treats people with respect. If he doesn't the real world will catch up with him meaning corporate America has a zero tolerance for knucklehead actions.


There is some testosterone flying on both sides and at the end of the day if Martin has found meaning in his life with this next step, good and RI for now has reinvented himself.


No one was baiting anyone. Martin is going to get asked these questions over and over again especially if he is speaking to kids on bullying and emotional issues.


I wouldn't think with all of the other media baiting of RI, he would fall for it now. The media has been trying to get salacious comments from him for two years. Anyway, I get the whole old school thing, but I'm also a dad of three and know how hard it is when the people you love deal with bullying.

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I had clinical depression for a year and a half and it was the worst nightmare ever, being sad and crying for no reason was very frustrating but I refused to be defeated by some chemicals in my brain not working right. I kept telling my self to get over it and ignore the demons and I eventually got back to normal.

Glad to hear bro. Honestly, I think most people in this world have battled some form of depression at one point or another. I know I have. This is not the venue for that story, but it happens. The fact that a 6'6" 300+ grown man is talking about his plight being that of being bullied just baffles me. Snap off, hit him with your helmet in the locker room, Bobby Bouche that mutha f****r, but don't come out with this "I was being bullied" stuff while you're supposed to be a grown man.

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but but but years ago when myself, robs house, jauronimo and others were calling him a kitty and saying this was blown out of proportion and not all ritchie we were scolded, told we were insensitive, etc.


one particular member called me more or less a neanderthal, not with the times and was unsurprised i'd have such a viewpoint.


hey, look. we were right. martin is a kitty.

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RI was wrong. There is no defending being a jerk on epic levels.

martin was wrong, as well.


there were plenty of voicemails and evidence going back against ritchie from martin, as well.

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what does that have to do with the topic? why attempt to satirize depression. i played along..time to end the gig now?


Wait, Barbarian didn't satirize depression or anything, just shared his own experience.


I had clinical depression for a year and a half and it was the worst nightmare ever, being sad and crying for no reason was very frustrating but I refused to be defeated by some chemicals in my brain not working right. I kept telling my self to get over it and ignore the demons and I eventually got back to normal.


I'm glad you were able to recover with self-talk. That's great. That said, for some that's not enough, it takes some combination of drugs & therapy, that's great too. As we learn more about neurochemistry I think (personal hunch) we'll learn that depression is sort of like "cancer", it's not a single disease but a host of different imbalances producing similar end symptoms, so one size treatment just doesn't work.

but but but years ago when myself, robs house, jauronimo and others were calling him a kitty and saying this was blown out of proportion and not all ritchie we were scolded, told we were insensitive, etc.


one particular member called me more or less a neanderthal, not with the times and was unsurprised i'd have such a viewpoint.


hey, look. we were right. martin is a kitty.


Boyst, SMH here. I don't see how this produces one iota more or less evidence supporting your "Martin is a kitty" view. He may be, he may not be, but in the present instance he was asked a question by a reporter and he answered.


Please don't join those being short-haired around by media sound bites out of context, you can do better.

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but but but years ago when myself, robs house, jauronimo and others were calling him a kitty and saying this was blown out of proportion and not all ritchie we were scolded, told we were insensitive, etc.


one particular member called me more or less a neanderthal, not with the times and was unsurprised i'd have such a viewpoint.


hey, look. we were right. martin is a kitty.

You are a neanderthal.


Martin may or may not be a kitty. Once you have a chance to sit with him for a couple minutes let me know what you think.

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I wasn't compelled to comment on this until I saw the constant steam of "Martin is a wuss". I don't understand this narrative at all.


I'm thankful that Richie Incognito is on our team playing at the guard position, but I'm pretty sure he's not a good person. I don't believe that he's evil reincarnated, and I don't think he purposefully steered into the realm of hate-speech, but I just know that if her were sincere and just joking around that there would be no misinterpreting that. It's hard to read people sometimes, but if you sense that you're getting under someone's skin, it is not difficult for a nice person to apologize and stop playing games. Incognito is not that. He's perhaps a bit high on the "alpha male" persona and a bit weak on the mental/social gymnastics required to apologize to someone and earn their trust.


I understand that sports teams can thrive on the hierarchy within the locker room, but it can also be a hurtful and unnecessary way to lead. If Incognito were truly a great leader, he would have responded better to Martin's personality.

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