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Posted (edited)

Who'd ever have believed that a post entitled Obama's Foreign Policy would last for twenty-eight pages.

Edited by Keukasmallies

POTUS: "Almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did 8 years ago."


If possible, Obama also made himself sound even more foolish with his empty denunciations of Russia, Iran and Syria during the press conference. He can’t leave office soon enough. Is there any chance Obama will recede into the background? Of course not. His vanity and self-delusion forbid it. And he is not alone.



With the prospect of yielding the White House to Donald Trump, Mrs. Obama is feeling hopeless again. Back in 2008, of course, she famously asserted: “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”



What now? “Now we are feeling what not having hope feels like,” Mrs. Obama told Oprah Winfrey in an interview to be aired next Monday on CBS. “Hope is necessary, it’s a necessary concept and Barack didn’t just talk about hope because he thought it was just a nice slogan to get votes. I mean, he and I and so many believe, ‘What else do you have if you don’t have hope?’”



I hope that both the president and the missus will maintain a discreet silence out of office, but on that point I share the the lady’s hopelessness.






As a native Rochesterian, we used to say, "There's no hope but Mt. Hope," as in Mt. Hope Cemetery.

She can take her "hopelessness and world without hope" back to Chicago where she can fuss over how the country is now going to hell in a hand basket because her wonderful husband is no longer the leader-from-behind in chief.


POTUS: "Almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did 8 years ago."


If possible, Obama also made himself sound even more foolish with his empty denunciations of Russia, Iran and Syria during the press conference. He cant leave office soon enough. Is there any chance Obama will recede into the background? Of course not. His vanity and self-delusion forbid it. And he is not alone.



With the prospect of yielding the White House to Donald Trump, Mrs. Obama is feeling hopeless again. Back in 2008, of course, she famously asserted: For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.



What now? Now we are feeling what not having hope feels like, Mrs. Obama told Oprah Winfrey in an interview to be aired next Monday on CBS. Hope is necessary, its a necessary concept and Barack didnt just talk about hope because he thought it was just a nice slogan to get votes. I mean, he and I and so many believe, What else do you have if you dont have hope?



I hope that both the president and the missus will maintain a discreet silence out of office, but on that point I share the the ladys hopelessness.





Now that's the kind of leadership I like my future POTUS to show.




UN Security Council condemns Israeli settlements...because US chooses to abstain from vote.


As sudden a shift in foreign policy as this is, and with Trump choosing an unabashedly pro-settlement ambassador to Israel, I can't help but think this is less about foreign policy and more a giant "!@#$ you" from Obama to Trump.




UN Security Council condemns Israeli settlements...because US chooses to abstain from vote.


As sudden a shift in foreign policy as this is, and with Trump choosing an unabashedly pro-settlement ambassador to Israel, I can't help but think this is less about foreign policy and more a giant "!@#$ you" from Obama to Trump.


But why didn't the lizard people stop this?




UN Security Council condemns Israeli settlements...because US chooses to abstain from vote.


As sudden a shift in foreign policy as this is, and with Trump choosing an unabashedly pro-settlement ambassador to Israel, I can't help but think this is less about foreign policy and more a giant "!@#$ you" from Obama to Trump.

More likely a giant middle finger to Netanyahu.

Why Obama broke with Israel at UN



The White House’s decision to break with decades of U.S. policy and allow the U.N. Security Council to condemn Israeli settlements is the culmination of years of bad blood between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


The decision won Obama criticism from across the political spectrum, and almost certainly wouldn't have been made if Hillary Clinton had won the presidential election.

It opened him up to condemnation from President-elect Donald Trumpand the right, and could lead to a battle over U.S. funding for the U.N. in Congress.

But Obama's team decided it was worth it.

Posted (edited)

EVEN THE WAPO IS AGHAST AT OBAMA’S PARTING F-YOU TO ISRAEL: The Obama administration fires a dangerous parting shot.

“Israeli officials charged that the abstention represented a vindictive parting shot by Mr. Obama at Mr. Netanyahu, with whom he has feuded more bitterly than he did with most U.S. adversaries.”

Related: Obama’s Anti-Israel Tantrum: The U.N. resolution is a defining act of Obama’s Presidency.

“It defines this President’s extraordinary ability to transform matters of public policy into personal pique at adversaries. And it defines the reality of the international left’s implacable opposition to the Israeli state.”

Meanwhile we’re supposed to worry about Trump.

Plus: “For Donald Trump, meet your State Department. This is what State’s permanent bureaucrats believe, this is what they want, and Barack Obama delivered it to them.”

UPDATE: Richard Fernandez on Facebook:

The most instructive thing about Obama’s Security Council abstention is he didn’t have the guts to do it earlier, when he stood to lose something by doing it.
Only after he calculated there was nothing more to squeeze from that particular quarter did he run up the Jolly Roger. Had it cost him it would have meant something, even as a gesture.


But even more interesting was
his willingness to damage the Democratic party who he’s leaving with political bill, not to mention the fact that the policy his abstention represents makes little sense.


Israel is likely to emerge as a linchpin in the region, after Obama’s power vacuum bomb reduces the nearby countries to waste. If Turkey and Iran fall apart, which is not inconceivable, then Obama will have antagonized the last man standing.


It was bad timing and pointless, like a punch thrown by a fighter lying on the canvas — at the referee. That would leave
his legacy a consistently dysfunctional whole: conceived in delusion, executed in incompetence.






Yeah, that’ pretty much covers it.

Edited by B-Man

This abstention from a UN Security Council vote against Israel is a crass blunder that is probably only superseded by the USSR Security Council walk-out that allowed the UN to send armed forces to save South Korea. B. O. is a putz through and through. He remains a rank amateur WRT global political dynamics and important interactions. He s hit the bed on this one... big time.


This abstention from a UN Security Council vote against Israel is a crass blunder that is probably only superseded by the USSR Security Council walk-out that allowed the UN to send armed forces to save South Korea. B. O. is a putz through and through. He remains a rank amateur WRT global political dynamics and important interactions. He s hit the bed on this one... big time.


Are the settlements illegal or not?


If Israel owns the territory, they are legal.


Should the United States return Texas, and the western states including California to Mexico because those were the spoils of the Mexican war?

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