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George Zimmerman, the former Florida neighborhood watchman who was found not guilty in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012, is auctioning off his handgun Thursday morning and might use the proceeds against Hillary Clinton and the prosecutor who tried him.

“I’m a free American. I can do what I like with my possessions,” Zimmerman told WOFL Fox 35 in Orlando on Wednesday night. “It’s time to move past the firearm. And if I sell it and it sells, I move past it. Otherwise, it’s going in a safe for my grandkids and [is] never to be, you know, used or seen again.”

Bidding for the Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm semi-automatic pistol starts at $5,000 and begins 11 a.m. Thursday on the website gunbroker.com. It's advertised as "George Zimmerman's PF-9 used on 2/26/12." The handgun's make and model can be bought for as little as $200 on some other websites.



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It's absolutely in poor taste, but what's to be done? It's his to sell, and some !@#$ will probably want to buy it.


Maybe one of Trayvon's relatives will buy it and use it on Zimmerman.


For all the **** he got is this some cosmic karma? He is a master troll.


Even the article points out trayvon was unarmed and a teen.


Is it wrong to leave that out? Or how about "...used to defend himself from an attacker?"


It's absolutely in poor taste, but what's to be done? It's his to sell, and some !@#$ will probably want to buy it.



Asinine...but he has a right to be asinine.


His right to sell as noted. It's his auctioning of the weapon that is unusual (and would only occur in these circumstances) and disgusting. Clearly, it's an attempt to capitalize on a tragedy. It's his right, however....though I won't feel sorry for him when the backlash commences.


I can't believe someone hasn't smashed this guys head in yet. Maybe this is the final straw


Well because if you try to, he'll probably shoot you...


In what world is the story that George Zimmerman is attempting to auction off the gun he used to shoot Trayvon Martin bigger than one accusing “N.Y.’s 3 most powerful pols” of doing nothing to fix a “broken child sex abuse law”?



Easy answer: In the world inhabited by the editors of the New York Daily News.....and those simple minds around here




Here’s their first front page for May 12, 2016:








And here’s their second one:









I have no problem with criticizing Georgie for selling of his gun for money,


but lets not forget those libs who skip real news to sell off a few extra papers..........









I hope he makes a million. It'll be good headlines and he can pay off the debt he wrongfully incurred that won't be paid back to him. If only he made the money the press makes off him


3rdndlng will and fondle his balls first.

After the fool you made of yourself over the Trayvon Martin shooting one would think that you'd stay as far away from anything related as you could.

Posted (edited)

After the fool you made of yourself over the Trayvon Martin shooting one would think that you'd stay as far away from anything related as you could.

As long as you're still breathing there will always be a bigger fool in the room


Zimmerman is a psychotic POS, I told you this years ago.


Skinny black kids are scary. Gotta stay armed.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
Posted (edited)

As long as you're still breathing there will always be a bigger fool in the room


Zimmerman is a psychotic POS, I told you this years ago.


Skinny black kids are scary. Gotta stay armed.

How'd he get the wounds on his head?


Even psychotic POS's are allowed to defend themselves. Don't be a dummy.

Edited by FireChan

As long as you're still breathing there will always be a bigger fool in the room


Zimmerman is a psychotic POS, I told you this years ago.


Skinny black kids are scary. Gotta stay armed.

i've been waiting all !@#$ign day for your ass to get here. stir the pot, it's fun! call chef names. make fun of him for being home on friday at 8pm eastern! common man.

Posted (edited)

How'd he get the wounds on his head?


Even psychotic POS's are allowed to defend themselves. Don't be a dummy.

Helps to not chase after people who wear hoodies and enjoy candy.


Ole Georgie must have lived in gangland. He called the cops 5.75 times a year.







"He became the self-appointed protector of the streets around his home, although his neighborhood watch organization was not officially registered. Over the past eight years, he called the Police Department at least 46 times with reports of various sightings. In 2005, according to police records obtained by the Orlando Sentinel and other media, Zimmerman was twice accused of either criminal misconduct or violence. He had a concealed-weapon permit and had a black Kel-Tec semi­automatic handgun and a holster the night Martin died."



Edited by Ryan L Billz
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