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The Bedtime Story Privilege

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I saw this posted on FB and it blew me away.




“I don’t think parents reading their children bedtime stories should constantly have in their minds the way that they are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children, but I think they should have that thought occasionally,” he said.


What the?!?! :blink:


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"Mr Swift told the Daily Telegraph the idea of evening the playing field by encouraging all parents to read to their kids was not discussed."


Of course not. The Progressive idea isn't to raise the sea level. It's to bring down the bar to the lowest common denominator.

Next up - two parent families will have to pay an extra tax because by staying together they're unfairly advantaging their children to the detriment of women who get knocked up and the father(s) of their kid(s) take(s) a hike. It's just not fair, I tell ya. It's just not fair.

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"Mr Swift told the Daily Telegraph the idea of evening the playing field by encouraging all parents to read to their kids was not discussed."


Of course not. The Progressive idea isn't to raise the sea level. It's to bring down the bar to the lowest common denominator.

Next up - two parent families will have to pay an extra tax because by staying together they're unfairly advantaging their children to the detriment of women who get knocked up and the father(s) of their kid(s) take(s) a hike. It's just not fair, I tell ya. It's just not fair.





Mr "Swift".................. :D



Gator-level irony.




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