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Lawn Fertilizer


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Do you do it yourself? Or have a service do it?


I have a service do mine. I tried to do it myself it was way more work than i thought it would be. Although here it is a 12 month service.


If you are very serious about it and going to do it yourself, get a soil test to see what levels you are at so you can get the right fertilizer.

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I do my own. I have 1.5 acres. It's mostly trees that wreck havoc on lawns. I'd say maybe we have 25,000 square feet of total lawn.


My neighbor hires a service to do his similarly sized yard. They come out at least twice a year with various chemicals. His yard is superior to mine. Not a single dandelion or blade of crabgrass, dark green and full. (We have so many owls and hawks that voles are a nearly non-existent species.)


I think it comes down to what you're looking to get out of it. Modest improvement, do it yourself, see what happens. You want the A+ HGTV lawn, probably a service.

Edited by dpberr
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You know what is one of the best lawn fertilizers? Dog urine, but only when diluted. So if you have a dog, follow it around with a collection pan.

I typically jar my own and put it in the sprayer. About 1000 different uses, if you really think about it.

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I pay to get mine done but I have a large lawn. I can't buy the lawn and tree fertilizer/pest control/etc for what the service charges me to buy it, bring it to my house, and apply it. Saves me tons of time and effort. Lawn is like a golf fairway and trees/shrubs/associated landscape plants are thriving. My neighbor's wife is all over him about using the same service because of how obvious the difference is.


When I had a smaller lawn and way less landscaping I did it myself. Everything looked great because it's something I like to do but it required a lot of effort. My service can do everything in about a tenth the time it takes me because they have commercial gear and a team of people.

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