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Raiders looking to move to Las Vegas?

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i don't know why they would limit themselves to a 65k seat stadium. With the amount of tourism there really should be a much larger stadium. This stadium should be on similar levels to MetLife and Jerryville.



There is a ton of things I like to do when I am in Vegas, watching the Raiders play would not be one of them. 65K stadium seems about right.

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There is a ton of things I like to do when I am in Vegas, watching the Raiders play would not be one of them. 65K stadium seems about right.

yes, but the town already has over a million people. Many of a younger age. Many of them transplants from other places. And the stadium most pokey will be sold out to casinos buying tickets and comping them to customers anyway.
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yes, but the town already has over a million people. Many of a younger age. Many of them transplants from other places. And the stadium most pokey will be sold out to casinos buying tickets and comping them to customers anyway.

Not to mention that they are one of the few states with legal sports gambling. There's immediate appeal there.

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I respectively disagree with "plus all the visitors that flock to Vegas." I don't think people would want to give up a whole day of their Las Vegas trip for an NFL game. Even less so if you can see one at home. Tickets will probably be exorbitant. Like most NFL tickets, you will have buy them months in advance. Much easier to get tickets to a show. Based on your quote, why would all these "visitors" even root for the Raiders when they probably already have a fav team? I don't think Las Vegas and the NFL go together. They wouldn't really even have a true "home" crowd.


I also disagree with your prediction that attendance will be low in LA. Outrageous, my friend! It'll be a hot ticket. I bet every home game will be sold out. And it doesn't matter if it costs $2B. It will get built. I'm familiar with the Hollywood Park area where the stadium will be built and it is at the intersection of two major freeways and is easy to get to.

Then why has Los Angeles not had a team for so many years; I attended a game at the Coliseum back in 1985 and watched Eric Dickerson at his peak! Lousy attendance and less than enthusiastic crowd. There is a reason the Rams left in the first place and no moved into this "great market."

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Not to mention that they are one of the few states with legal sports gambling. There's immediate appeal there.

i lived in Vegas for 2 years. The amount of people that would want to go to games just to be part of the action would be tremendous. A 65k seat stadium would be a huge let down IMO.
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“Not to be difficult, but we’re not negotiable,” said Sands President Rob Goldstein, who spoke on behalf of billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and his family. “If we can’t get 750, we respectfully thank you but we’re going to move on.”

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How many foreclosed homes and bums will you pass on the way to the stadium? $750 mil of public money could definitely have been used elsewhere. The Pegula definitely won't get anything like that around here


Nevada invests in tourism. The Raiders are now one more attraction on the Strip. Yeah, it's corporate welfare. But there are also jobs and tax revenue to be gained in the long run.

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Nevada invests in tourism. The Raiders are now one more attraction on the Strip. Yeah, it's corporate welfare. But there are also jobs and tax revenue to be gained in the long run.



The tourists are already there spending their money. It would be just another venue where they might choose to spend their money.


This is another example where democracy grants the voters exactly what they deserve. So dumb...

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I agree that a bigger stadium would be filled to capacity every week. Much like the NHL franchise just awarded, if an NFL franchise was in Vegas, any tickets not bought up by locals, would be gobbled up by opposing teams fans each and every week. What better place to go see your favorite team play than in Vegas.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can only imagine the number of prime time games (sunday/monday nights) they will get just to jump-start the move. Most people in Vegas are sitting around for a few hours at the airport on a Sunday afternoon with empty pockets. Not likely they are going to shell out more for a football game. Although the odds might be slightly better for winning (at least your team).


Hell, I'd say 95% of the time I go there I take the red eye on Saturday night.

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