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I think they're going to have a hard time maintaining interest from viewers towards all the characters with them all spread out. They have too many characters in too many locations to be able to keep them all involved week to week IMO. I really liked this show, but now it's starting to become filler for me until TWD starts back up.


I think they're going to have a hard time maintaining interest from viewers towards all the characters with them all spread out. They have too many characters in too many locations to be able to keep them all involved week to week IMO. I really liked this show, but now it's starting to become filler for me until TWD starts back up.

I get the impression they will be thinning the herd pretty quickly. I was kind of hoping Nick was going to die last night, but it seems like they want to run with this new community a bit. Some of the others are not long for this world.


I think they're going to have a hard time maintaining interest from viewers towards all the characters with them all spread out. They have too many characters in too many locations to be able to keep them all involved week to week IMO. I really liked this show, but now it's starting to become filler for me until TWD starts back up.

the caliber of this show is ehh


but Game of Thrones does this beautifully.


I'd be very surprised this show survives for a fourth season. It's too expensive and lame to drag it out to syndication.


This show took the irreversible turn towards blandness when it made the extremely not bright children the center of the plot.


I just assumed the dude was shocked that a living person was walking with the herd...

I guess, but from that distance I'd think the guy would just assume Nick to be dead and walking. Did he get a good look at his eyes?


A few interesting events tonight. A guy got bit and lived? Probably some sort of fake but if not it has implications for both shows.


Guy creates a cult based on a lie. We've seen this story play out a million times in the real world. And I don't mean that to sound like I'm calling the show unoriginal. It may be the most realistic thing they've done so far.



Guy creates a cult based on a lie. We've seen this story play out a million times in the real world. And I don't mean that to sound like I'm calling the show unoriginal. It may be the most realistic thing they've done so far.

I guess the message they're sending with this show is if it all goes to **** Mexico is going to turn into one big collection of cult compounds. Last night's episode had the characters behaving so stupid it really was annoying.


I guess the message they're sending with this show is if it all goes to **** Mexico is going to turn into one big collection of cult compounds. Last night's episode had the characters behaving so stupid it really was annoying.


You kids go check out the hotel to make sure it's clear. Us adults will sit around and get wasted.


I am struggling to stay with this show.


It has the potential to be great but its pretty bad.


Not to mention that the woman who plays the mom is absolutely horrible and I cringe every time she is on screen






I am struggling to stay with this show.


It has the potential to be great but its pretty bad.


This is where I'm at. I want to like it but it falls short in almost every area.


You kids go check out the hotel to make sure it's clear. Us adults will sit around and get wasted.



It's amazing how many subtle plot points get thrown in. The "kids" aren't so young and there were two reasons they went off on their own. I agree that in such a large hotel that it was stupid for even a group as small as 4 to be alone. That is far too much risk. But if you get past that, the girls were clearing the hotel as a right of passage to demonstrate their capabilities. Madison was mentally toast at that point and Strand needed to stay with her to try to prop her back up. Getting drunk and especially loud was very stupid indeed and a dumb plot.


The girls have also been not so subtly flirting for several episodes Ailicia has been trying to bed Ofelia and it seemed she was finally ready. What better place than in a hotel? It backfired on Alicia when she tried to lure Ofelia into a shower right after they saw the dead guy in the shower. If freaked Ofelia out and she bolted. I think she'll be back but I don't know where that relationship is going. They are teasing the viewers with the promise of a sex scene between those two and if it ever does happen, they will tease it a bunch more. It could be the season ending cliffhanger.


I don't realistically see how the group at large could ever re-convene but I thin that will probably happen.


This is where I'm at. I want to like it but it falls short in almost every area.


Yeah, I'd say just about the same thing too. Each week, it feels like I'm waiting for something to happen, but then it never does. Splitting everyone up was also a huge mistake. We're not invested in these characters yet and now there's not going not going to be enough time to develop them with three separate storylines running at the same time.


This idea worked well for the one season post-prison in the original series because we knew most of the characters very well at that point and you could actually see their growth. I don't know if people responded to it the same way, but I absolutely loved that stretch where they were all separate and slowly being funneled towards Terminus.



Yeah, I'd say just about the same thing too. Each week, it feels like I'm waiting for something to happen, but then it never does. Splitting everyone up was also a huge mistake. We're not invested in these characters yet and now there's not going not going to be enough time to develop them with three separate storylines running at the same time.


This idea worked well for the one season post-prison in the original series because we knew most of the characters very well at that point and you could actually see their growth. I don't know if people responded to it the same way, but I absolutely loved that stretch where they were all separate and slowly being funneled towards Terminus.

I agree that it was too early to split them up in this series ....and it may be more than 3 groups.


We have Nick + Travis/Chris + Madison/Strand/Ofeliea/Alicia.....


Is Daniel really dead? Celia? Her minions?


It can't work if they simply mimic Terminus and have a meet up down the line, but it also can't work if they follow 3 + separate storylines for an extended period without a reunion..............unless they create something truly original. I haven't seen much of that yet but they are doing a lot of expansion on how Mexican culture views death. Celia and Nick's new group lived this, Daniel has been exposed to it and Nick is learning it. Madison and group will be mostly oblivious, and who knows with Travis. Maybe when they meet up again, instead of a reunion, it becomes a confrontation. I could see Chris as a villain but he'll probably die. Maybe Daniel as a villain but I somehow doubt that.


Their experience has to differ from the main show. If not all they offer is showing a little bit more of the early days of the outbreak and that is already over. They need to end up with an entirely different perspective.


I like the show but something needs to define it and make it different....and soon. I'm willing to wait it out for deep character development, but there has to be a payoff which is different from the other show.


I'm thinking they have to end up back in the US because they can't keep encountering groups with language barriers and different cultural traits that we have to learn every time and still keep their audience. The main group has to assimilate some of these traits and then bring them back into the US post ZA culture. That could be interesting. I think this is possible because I have a hunch we haven't seen the last of Abigail. I'm probably way off on this but I promise I have not read any spoilers before typing it.


Plus, Kim Dickens is just brutal on this show







I agree but the dude that plays Travis is worse.


I saw Gone Girl last night for the first time. Although Kim Dickens was fine, that movie sucked a lot. There were so many holes in the plot that I thought it had to be some kind of spoof.


Frankly, I'm so disinterested in all of these characters that if they ended this series after three seasons by killing off everyone, one by one, and letting the point of the story be "life isn't sunshine and lollipops, sometimes everyone dies," I'd be okay with that.


Better than okay, really, since it would give some of these characters a purpose. Even if that purpose is to serve as a counter-example to others.

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