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If we draft a QB in rd2+ & TT flops, then what

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What I think will happen in this draft is that we go defense at #19 and then any point after we will take BPA and a QB at some point. So the point of this is moot if we trade up to grab a QB; which I would be surprised to see.


We go into this season with TT, EJ and this rookie; what happens if Taylor's play stays the same or drops off? Where does this team turn and what do you do with what you have constructed thus far? Do you mortgage the future in next years draft and make a Redskins play for the pick? Or do you bumble along for the next few seasons and rinse and repeat the last how ever many years?


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My opinion: if he stays the same, they will either extend him or tag him. He was good enough last year to make the playoff run with improvements elsewhere. If he's worse than last year but "serviceable" they tag him to get another year to decide. If he's really awful, they will be too, and will be drafting high. So no need to "mortgage the future" as they will draft a top QB with a high pick and start over. And probably sign a "bridge" vet in FA like a Hoyer type.


It all depends too on who they take this year, and what kind of progress he makes between this year and next. We may never see him, or he may get to play depending on circumstances. Too many hypotheticals tbh.



Edited by YoloinOhio
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What I think will happen in this draft is that we go defense at #19 and then any point after we will take BPA and a QB at some point. So the point of this is moot if we trade up to grab a QB; which I would be surprised to see.


We go into this season with TT, EJ and this rookie; what happens if Taylor's play stays the same or drops off? Where does this team turn and what do you do with what you have constructed thus far? Do you mortgage the future in next years draft and make a Redskins play for the pick? Or do you bumble along for the next few seasons and rinse and repeat the last how ever many years?


If Tyrod doesn't show improvement or God forbid regresses then I say we go all in on Deshaun Watson next year. That's just my 2. Edited by H2o
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What I think will happen in this draft is that we go defense at #19 and then any point after we will take BPA and a QB at some point. So the point of this is moot if we trade up to grab a QB; which I would be surprised to see.


We go into this season with TT, EJ and this rookie; what happens if Taylor's play stays the same or drops off? Where does this team turn and what do you do with what you have constructed thus far? Do you mortgage the future in next years draft and make a Redskins play for the pick? Or do you bumble along for the next few seasons and rinse and repeat the last how ever many years?


Your gonna get a lot of different view points on this


In my opinion......Tyrod was good enough last year to make the playoffs if the defense did not regress so badly.......so if he just maintained his CURRENT level of play.....and the team improved.....we are good


There is a strong possibility that with a full camp as a starter and another year in the offense......he will improve


THere is a slight chance that he could regress if he does not improve on problem areas from last year....in which case we are taking a QB the following year with more of a emphasis on replacing rather then backing up.



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Well said John. We have to hope TT progresses faster with his deficits with the camps etc., than opposing DC's will do to figure him out. It's all a crystal ball right now.


If he does progress he'll be a rich man after next year. If not, we deal with it. The biggest point is Rex bette get this defense figured out, and make it a championship one. It is one of the primary reasons we hired him.

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My opinion: if he stays the same, they will either extend him or tag him. He was good enough last year to make the playoff run with improvements elsewhere. If he's worse than last year but "serviceable" they tag him to get another year to decide. If he's really awful, they will be too, and will be drafting high. So no need to "mortgage the future" as they will draft a top QB with a high pick and start over. And probably sign a "bridge" vet in FA like a Hoyer type.


It all depends too on who they take this year, and what kind of progress he makes between this year and next. We may never see him, or he may get to play depending on circumstances. Too many hypotheticals tbh.




what he said

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TT is already a stud. he will only get better with first team reps. my only concern is can he stay healthy.


one way or the other (long term deal or tagged), he will be out starting qb in 2017.


having said that, i'm all for drafting a qb very high in the draft, 1st or 2nd round.

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I know there are a ton of hypothetical points, I was just looking to spur some discussion around this particular 'what if'. I'm not looking for the Tyrod lovers or haters to come out and turn it into one of those threads; just a simple question of what happens if we get this wrong. It is a possible outcome and we should be somewhat prepared for it...


I really hope this isn't the case btw and I think the kid played well given the circumstances with camp and such.

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I know there are a ton of hypothetical points, I was just looking to spur some discussion around this particular 'what if'. I'm not looking for the Tyrod lovers or haters to come out and turn it into one of those threads; just a simple question of what happens if we get this wrong. It is a possible outcome and we should be somewhat prepared for it...


I really hope this isn't the case btw and I think the kid played well given the circumstances with camp and such.

its a good discussion......we are gonna have to see

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TT is already a stud. he will only get better with first team reps. my only concern is can he stay healthy.


one way or the other (long term deal or tagged), he will be out starting qb in 2017.


having said that, i'm all for drafting a qb very high in the draft, 1st or 2nd round.


Could have "sophomore" slump

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Yeah but see that is actually the counter point to somes point about he is not a 2nd year player


He is not a sophomore


put as a player he really is, being a backup for yrs doesn't count as playing time. Now that teams have some film on him it will be harder for him until and if he can improve against the news protections against him.

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What I think will happen in this draft is that we go defense at #19 and then any point after we will take BPA and a QB at some point. So the point of this is moot if we trade up to grab a QB; which I would be surprised to see.


We go into this season with TT, EJ and this rookie; what happens if Taylor's play stays the same or drops off? Where does this team turn and what do you do with what you have constructed thus far? Do you mortgage the future in next years draft and make a Redskins play for the pick? Or do you bumble along for the next few seasons and rinse and repeat the last how ever many years?


TT 's not going to flop. In Roman's run-oriented offense where QB only throws it 25 times a game, nearly impossible for a QB to "flop". Now the Bills may choose not to pay him; that's a real possibility, but I think they will. Just can't do it now, because they'd have to tear the team up to do it now. They'll have more cap space to play with next year. Watch them draft another corner, bc I think if they sign TT, then no way can they sign Gilmore as well. Plus Sammy is coming up. Wish I understood the Bills' cap numbers better, but I don't see another team in the league paying top dollar to both a QB and a corner at the same time. do you?

Edited by 8and8-->NoMore
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I'd rather have TT regress than stay the same. (I'd rather have him become a superstar and be able to relax for a change.) If he regresses then we know we have to get another QB. If he stays the same he becomes a coach killer IMO. He's the classic type. Flashes of brilliants but not enough to carry a team when it's needed. Even being a running team TT needs to be able to win games with his arm, produce 4th quarter come backs, and burn teams that stack the box. He needs to improve or we need to continue the search.

Edited by MikeSpeed
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What I think will happen in this draft is that we go defense at #19 and then any point after we will take BPA and a QB at some point. So the point of this is moot if we trade up to grab a QB; which I would be surprised to see.


We go into this season with TT, EJ and this rookie; what happens if Taylor's play stays the same or drops off? Where does this team turn and what do you do with what you have constructed thus far? Do you mortgage the future in next years draft and make a Redskins play for the pick? Or do you bumble along for the next few seasons and rinse and repeat the last how ever many years?



If we draft a QB in rd2 TT flops then what?


Well, we all do this... assume the position:


That was just wrong, Nanker.

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- Taylor improves substantially: Exclusive rights franchise tag if extension can't be negotiated. Obviously this is the best case scenario.

- Taylor declines substantially: Allow to leave or sign to back up level deal. Not a good scenario, but at least the Bills know where they stand. Options for the future would be limited to draftees, free agents or trade acquisitions in 2016 or 2017.

- Taylor remains at basically the same level: This is probably the most difficult scenario to navigate (and most likely to occur). He would not be worth the franchise tag at that level of play, but the Bills other options are unknown at this point. They might not have a choice but to tag him with it. This is one big reason drafting a QB relatively early in 2016 would be a good move. That player could be the only QB from 2016 still on the roster in 2017. If not tagged I see Taylor hitting free agency and taking the best contract. Judging by this offseason some team will go overboard and he'll probably move on. The Bills would be better off tagging him and making him play under that for a year than committing to him long term in this case.

Edited by BarleyNY
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If we draft a QB in rd2 TT flops then what?


Well, we all do this... assume the position:



I don't even want to know why you knew this existed...


put as a player he really is, being a backup for yrs doesn't count as playing time. Now that teams have some film on him it will be harder for him until and if he can improve against the news protections against him.


It is going to be interesting to see how he improves his game in Year#2. You would expect defenses to force him to throw over the middle by taking away everything else...

I'd rather have TT regress than stay the same. (I'd rather have him become a superstar and be able to relax for a change.) If he regresses then we know we have to get another QB. If he stays the same he becomes a coach killer IMO. He's the classic type. Flashes of brilliants but not enough to carry a team when it's needed. Even being a running team TT needs to be able to win games with his arm, produce 4th quarter come backs, and burn teams that stack the box. He needs to improve or we need to continue the search.


The search will be painful no? As the talent of the team ages with no QB, the good players get older and more resources will have to be spent on replacing them...


- Taylor improves substantially: Exclusive rights franchise tag if extension can't be negotiated. Obviously this is the best case scenario.

- Taylor declines substantially: Allow to leave or sign to back up level deal. Not a good scenario, but at least the Bills know where they stand. Options for the future would be limited to draftees, free agents or trade acquisitions in 2016 or 2017.

- Taylor remains at basically the same level: This is probably the most difficult scenario to navigate (and most likely to occur). He would not be worth the franchise tag at that level of play, but the Bills other options are unknown at this point. They might not have a choice but to tag him with it. This is one big reason drafting a QB relatively early in 2016 would be a good move. That player could be the only QB from 2016 still on the roster in 2017. If not tagged I see Taylor hitting free agency and taking the best contract. Judging by this offseason some team will go overboard and he'll probably move on. The Bills would be better off tagging him and making him play under that for a year than committing to him long term in this case.


Well said!

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