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Broncos Talking to Manziel; Agent Drops Manziel as Client

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And now Drew Rosenhaus officially has terminated Johnny Manziel, making him second agent in two months to fire the talented and troubled QB.


This guy has no concept of what he is doing with his life anymore. Just another silver-spoon party boy these days.

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Johnny Manziel statement on future (1 of 2): 'Im hoping to take care of the issues in front of me right now so I can focus...


Manziel: '...on what I have to do if I want to play in 2016. I also continue to be thankful to those who really know me and support me.'

That "if I want to play" instead of "because I want to play" might say a lot

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That "if I want to play" instead of "because I want to play" might say a lot

Good point, that certainly seems to say something. Not anything good, but something. (I will ignore the possibility that he could mean "I want to focus on getting better".)

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Good point, that certainly seems to say something. Not anything good, but something. (I will ignore the possibility that he could mean "I want to focus on getting better".)

It could also just be absent minded casual speaking but it just jumped off the screen when skimming this.

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It could also just be absent minded casual speaking but it just jumped off the screen when skimming this.

I'm sure we'd be fools to think his current level of thought could be relied upon for any meaningful insight. Nothing he says at this point comes from clear thought. But it does jump off the screen.

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I think Johnny Manziel officially has nothing to do with Sports in general anymore. He is basically now just a news story.

Like the Car-Dash-Ians in news worthiness, but even more sad, because he had at least a little talent. And his issues are life threatening in an immediate sense. But since ratings will follow, he will be tracked far more than your typical train wreck. Praying for the young man.

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Like the Car-Dash-Ians in news worthiness, but even more sad, because he had at least a little talent. And his issues are life threatening in an immediate sense. But since ratings will follow, he will be tracked far more than your typical train wreck. Praying for the young man.


There are plenty of addicts passed out on the streets. Manziel has company were he is going, even if it doesn't include many other Heisman Trophy winners.

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There are plenty of addicts passed out on the streets. Manziel has company were he is going, even if it doesn't include many other Heisman Trophy winners.

You are absolutely correct. There is no question about that. There are varying degrees of surprise and disappointment based on their childhood expectations. Each and every loss is a shame, but it's part of the world as we know it. Escaping that negative world is also possible, and I pray he gets there, regardless of football or anything else.

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