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Broncos Talking to Manziel; Agent Drops Manziel as Client

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yep, go till it takes hold. No one is perfect. But ya gotta try and then try again.


so his parents gave up ?

That is what i am hearing.

Imagine reading that in the newsprint as his Son.

Think about that for a minute.



Parents can NEVER EVER give up.


Family is what keeps people connected. Kids at 19 27 and 30 or whatever, need strong family support. it shows much more with mixed up folks who need a foundation to regain their footing.


That's what caught my attention with this whole ordeal. Both his parents have given him the kiss of death publicly. That's odd and disturbing to me, as you went on to say it also indicates they have given up on the kid.


It's been odd with dad. Even pre draft when he gave stories to ESPN. While a huge red flag for Johnny that the stories were likely accurate - it was also a what in the heck is going on with his support system moment. I guess I've never dealt with parenting a national brand like Johnny football but was uncomfortable to read.

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Why do you think car rental companies don't like to rent to anyone under 25?


On a related, and more amusing note, I got married at the age of 25. I very good old friend flew in from Albany to the Charlotte area to attend. He was alone in his rental and fearful of losing the crowd leaving the hotel parking lot. No parking median or road divider would keep that rental car from catching the crowd. There's something fearless about someone who spent 6 months of disposable income for an out of town wedding and the fear of missing it entirely, to sit in a hotel room alone and eat Dominoes. It's legendary stuff in this family!

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Thanks! That was helpful. I had no idea about the swab test. My son's second DUI (reduced to wreck less driving - at a significant cost....I swear he's MUCH better now!) was after refusing to take the breath test. They taught him after a .082 that anything more than a .000 would be used against him if they wanted in court. In those days he may have failed a swab test, but he wasn't drunk. Cops told him (and my wife) they'd charge him with DUI under prescription meds, though they had been prescribed and he was not under the influence. (Sleeping stuff for night he was NOT influenced by). But he was in general a mess, and that's how this stuff happens. I don't miss those days, and we feel for anyone who's living through it.


Sure thing. I had three good friends OD in a 10-year period. To be honest, I wish they were on weed instead of the drugs that ultimately killed them. So glad to read he has turned things around!

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ame="Commonsense" post="3920549" timestamp="1460768205"]




It's been odd with dad. Even pre draft when he gave stories to ESPN. While a huge red flag for Johnny that the stories were likely accurate - it was also a what in the heck is going on with his support system moment. I guess I've never dealt with parenting a national brand like Johnny football but was uncomfortable to read.

well, lets say Manziel Family might not be modeled after Leave it to Beaver , or My 3 Sons. Or even Andy Griffith


John's behaviour surely has a historical path to get to this point. These repetitive behaviours are not not random.


He might be getting stupid

but I am not sure he IS stupid. just messed up

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so guess some of us are compassionate Folks.
I would like this thread to go away though. I do not want to watch the end of the story on TBD.


we have better things to talk of!

The season is upcoming and our favorite bit is preseason and the Draft.

Lets all look forward to that

Cheers and have a good weekend all !

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He might be getting stupid

but I am not sure he IS stupid. just messed up

It's obvious how many people don't understand how powerful and debilitating the drugs are! We've recently been on countless conference calls with my son, wife and 2 attorneys regarding my son's custody case. Until a couple years ago we tended to think of our son as an imbecile. (Hard to say.) One that we loved, but with limitations. We had him registered as a permanent dependent. Think about that! So we're on calls with us and the 2 attorneys who together cost north of $600/hour (and my wife is a stud herself), and the sober "imbecile" son turns out to be the smartest person and voice of reason on the call. Don't call people on drugs stupid. They may be stupid, but you can't tell until they're off drugs.


Sorry, that was long, but it helps me.

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The Rosenhaus thing seems odd to me, and honestly like a publicity stunt. (In talking about The agent here, and not JM.)


He signs him and days later discovers he is a train wreck and drops him? Did he do any due diligence? Google search?


I thought he dropped him after he crashed into a telephone pole with his "friend" driving and they both fled the scene, and after it came out that while he was "not partying....just having a good time with my boys" police were called and the rental agent is asking an extra $32,000 because security footage/police reports showed night to night "ragers" with 40-70 people.


A guy who is telling ya he's not doing anything crazy while trashing a house and being in a car wreck is not exactly a marketable commodity.

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Sure thing. I had three good friends OD in a 10-year period. To be honest, I wish they were on weed instead of the drugs that ultimately killed them. So glad to read he has turned things around!

I think both of my kids, in their 20's, have been to more funerals than I have. That's out of control scary. About half the families we know are affected. That needs to change. We lived in Florida where pain killers were like candy. I hope it's changing as they say it is.

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I think both of my kids, in their 20's, have been to more funerals than I have. That's out of control scary. About half the families we know are affected. That needs to change. We lived in Florida where pain killers were like candy. I hope it's changing as they say it is.

I finally got it together around 26 or 27. I quit partying and binging on whatever. Pills are serious problem in VA too, but heroin is becoming the trade off because dope is cheaper than doctor visits and scripts. Neither of these were ever my preference. I have many people I know that have died from od'ing or drug\drinking related accidents.Hope Johnny gets it together before he becomes a statistic.

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I finally got it together around 26 or 27. I quit partying and binging on whatever. Pills are serious problem in VA too, but heroin is becoming the trade off because dope is cheaper than doctor visits and scripts. Neither of these were ever my preference. I have many people I know that have died from od'ing or drug\drinking related accidents.Hope Johnny gets it together before he becomes a statistic.

I promise, I'll try to stop after this, but kids get hooked on easy pills (because it's EASY) and the only fix when the pills are gone is heroin. If my ranting can help ONE person, I don't mind what anyone else thinks. (Mods, not trying to start a "thing" here, and I'm quitting now.) We've been through the ringer and sometimes just someone to talk to helps. This may be the biggest problem we face. PM me if it might help. Wishing the best for Johhny.

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I promise, I'll try to stop after this, but kids get hooked on easy pills (because it's EASY) and the only fix when the pills are gone is heroin. If my ranting can help ONE person, I don't mind what anyone else thinks. (Mods, not trying to start a "thing" here, and I'm quitting now.) We've been through the ringer and sometimes just someone to talk to helps. This may be the biggest problem we face. PM me if it might help. Wishing the best for Johhny.

I do t think you have anything to worry about - of all the "things" people carry on this board I'd much rather read some genuine and thoughtful and caring stuff than a lot of the other side chatter. I wouldn't hesitate to keep sharing your experiences if you see reasonable spots it can contribute.

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I promise, I'll try to stop after this, but kids get hooked on easy pills (because it's EASY) and the only fix when the pills are gone is heroin. If my ranting can help ONE person, I don't mind what anyone else thinks. (Mods, not trying to start a "thing" here, and I'm quitting now.) We've been through the ringer and sometimes just someone to talk to helps. This may be the biggest problem we face. PM me if it might help. Wishing the best for Johhny.


I have also shared my son's story in this forum...first pills then heroin...yep, been going through this since 2011. He's been in rehab more than not over the last 5 years. Recently he had 14 months clean, then a relapse...back to rehab, now 6 months sober...it's a process, but we as a family never gave up. It's been exhausting! But he's very close I believe...ironically he's almost 24. It seems to be all coming together for him, has a good job and appears to be "done". Sadly we hardly ever get to see him, we're in CT and he's in FL, but he's in a community that supports him so I accept that. Almost weekly I read about multiple OD's in our area, "officials" are shocked, but this thing has been going on for years. Guess it takes kids dying to get action....it's sad.

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I have also shared my son's story in this forum...first pills then heroin...yep, been going through this since 2011. He's been in rehab more than not over the last 5 years. Recently he had 14 months clean, then a relapse...back to rehab, now 6 months sober...it's a process, but we as a family never gave up. It's been exhausting! But he's very close I believe...ironically he's almost 24. It seems to be all coming together for him, has a good job and appears to be "done". Sadly we hardly ever get to see him, we're in CT and he's in FL, but he's in a community that supports him so I accept that. Almost weekly I read about multiple OD's in our area, "officials" are shocked, but this thing has been going on for years. Guess it takes kids dying to get action....it's sad.

This is a moving post, as are those by Augie, etc.


I like to think that I'm a reasonably tough guy, but you men (and your families) are what I would describe as incredibly strong. As loving parents, we are only as happy as our saddest kid.


I pray that your children continue to progress and live long, happy, productive lives.

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This is a moving post, as are those by Augie, etc.


I like to think that I'm a reasonably tough guy, but you men (and your families) are what I would describe as incredibly strong. As loving parents, we are only as happy as our saddest kid.


I pray that your children continue to progress and live long, happy, productive lives.

Enough of us here have been through hell and back over this whether ourselves Children, family members. The things we cherish.


I think this is a great way to sum up. Thanks Bill.



anyone who wants to PM me is surely welcome to.


: )

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This is a moving post, as are those by Augie, etc.I like to think that I'm a reasonably tough guy, but you men (and your families) are what I would describe as incredibly strong. As loving parents, we are only as happy as our saddest kid.I pray that your children continue to progress and live long, happy, productive lives.

Thanks, I'll say this, then move on.....addiction takes people to places they never imagined. And NOT just the user, the entire family and network of friends. The most important thing WE learned was during the first stint in rehab (a month at $1,000/day) when they had "Family Weekend". I didn't know what to expect, but it was a room full of decent hard working people like us. It wasn't because of something we had done, or had not done. We were NOT alone, and that was a relief. (Though the lady with the tattoo on the back of her neck that's said "I Put the FUN in Dysfunctional" was a hoot!) One speaker was an honor student kid who had a full ride to play football at Penn State, but made some poor decisions. He told us parents take too much credit for what goes right, and carry too much blame for what goes wrong. That's our nature I guess, but it's also true. (When our younger son was Mr Everything in HS and talk of the town, we were happy for him, but took it in stride, which made some people think we were odd. Hell, WE hadn't done anything!)


I post this not to convince anyone who feels Johnny Manziel is just a jerk (which he may be), or his parents had to have messed up (and maybe they did). This is for the people who are just now learning their way through this nightmare. It's hard to wake up, go to work and sit in a meeting and be quietly thinking "I wonder if he's still alive?" But you just get up and do your best each day, and life goes on, and it can be great again.

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I post this not to convince anyone who feels Johnny Manziel is just a jerk (which he may be), or his parents had to have messed up (and maybe they did). This is for the people who are just now learning their way through this nightmare. It's hard to wake up, go to work and sit in a meeting and be quietly thinking "I wonder if he's still alive?" But you just get up and do your best each day, and life goes on, and it can be great again.


I'm glad you're sharing.


What speaks to me is the powerlessness the thought "I wonder if he's still alive?". It may be that JM's family has given up on him, given him the "kiss of death" publically. I think there's another way to read his dad's quoted "I'm afraid he won't live to his next birthday if he doesn't seek help" - a very painful, public cry acknowledging powerlessness on the part of parents watching their son self-destruct in public.


Because really, parents are pretty powerless over so many things. One can ask the child to go to rehab. One can stage an intervention around asking the child to go to rehab which as I recall his parents/family did, and he refused or checked in/checked out. But if the child is legally an adult, and especially if the child has a ton of money, doesn't need a thing from his parents, and can go anywhere a jet will take him....the parents really are powerless, left asking "I wonder if he's still alive?" and I can only guess at what a special degree of hell that must be and pray as a parent I never learn. A judge will involuntarily commit an adult in very limited circumstances which vary by state....typically believing the adult is either incapable of caring for himself (eating, toileting) or an imminent risk of self harm has to be part of it. So if JM needs treatment, but won't consent to it...not too much anyone can do.


A good friend of ours went through this circle of hell with his son, starting in HS and continuing until the son's mid-20s when he started to get his act together. In his case, it was a legally available substance...alcoholism.

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I promise, I'll try to stop after this, but kids get hooked on easy pills (because it's EASY) and the only fix when the pills are gone is heroin. If my ranting can help ONE person, I don't mind what anyone else thinks. (Mods, not trying to start a "thing" here, and I'm quitting now.) We've been through the ringer and sometimes just someone to talk to helps. This may be the biggest problem we face. PM me if it might help. Wishing the best for Johhny.

Don't apologize or be hesitant to tell your story or offer your thoughts on this subject. On the Manziel saga your thoughts are not only relevant but they are also very poignant. It is often forgotten how the destructive behavior of an addict affects the family and people who care for him.


From what I have read about the Manziel case I don't get the sense that his father is divorcing himself from his son and his problems. I get the sense that he is at a stage where he is watching his son spiral out of control and doesn't know what to do about it. He has futilely tried everything he can to help his troubled son. And nothing has worked


For Johnny Football the issue is no longer about his football career and how it has been impacted by his behavior; it is now at the point where it is about life and surviving. For the families, especially the parents, they never have peace while their loved one hasn't found a way to deal with their addictions. Getting an unexpected phone call late at night has to be traumatizing before even answering the phone.


For those who are harshly judgmental and lack compassion they should be very thankful that they haven't had to deal with such a complicated and consuming problem. If you open your eyes and look around you will see that it has affected a lot more people than you think.

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