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Anything to Make it Homophobia?

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Of course all the facts of this sad story are still unknown...Why do they (media) have to list "homophobia" as the lead problem? I am sure there was anti-gay sentiment from the father, but from what is being reported, he was prodded and provoked more into that corner. From the details, it doesn't sound to be linked to the accused being "homophobic?" How convenient though that homophobia becomes the center focus of the killing of a very troubled person. The father killed him, but who stabbed the mother? The son or the father? That is going to be the big question and were this case diverges from what the first media reactions are (he killed him for being a homo or he killed him because the gay son was troubled, violent and things got out of hand). Murder one?


Sounds like the problem was the son... Still, all the facts aren't in...


Yet... The media makes it out to be an anti-gay killing.



Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Because narrative takes priority over facts.


Can't have the proles thinking for themselves

Now, I hate every word of the OP...but...doesn't this thread exemplify the proles thinking for themselves?


If so, is this the best we can expect? Ok, so, Exilied pulls the lever for Hillary, in Cook County. Um, what exactly changes that reality from 6 months ago...until Nov?


If so, shouldn't I shoot myself in the head, right now, for supporting Trump? No. The simple reason is the simpleton: Exiled in Illinois would have us believe that Asian Carp is a larger issue than ISIS. Or...given Bernie's continued existence...that Global Warming remains a significant party platform issue...that Hillary...is somehow going to make into something.....oh for Christ's sake! Doesn't every unmitigated moron here understand the simple politics involved? No, you don't.


I will spell it out, AGAIN, as I have been doing since 2014.


IF Mrs. Clinton gets elected, then, 2 things will be true, whether anyone likes it or not:


1. Obamacare dies that day...the Rs have been using Obamacare to win elections since 2009. Look at the states! Why is Ted Cruz still alive? Hillary is older than my godmother, when both die, there is NO D replacements! Both women would never suffer an albatross like Obamacare to linger around their necks longer than 5 minutes, because both women are accomplished and not stupid. Keeping Obamacare == The Minnesota Wild/LA Kings...who took all our ****ty deals to "win now". The D party has no future. They've traded away all their draft picks. They are the literal equivalent of the Redskins. But please, say demographics again...I need a good laugh. :lol: Hillary knows this, and she's not about to be the kid without a chair when the music stops. She will decimate Obama's "legacy", if for no other reason than to give the D party a fighting chance of becoming a national party again.


2. The end of Global Warming, the political trap/gain/fund raising/major policy issue...and welcome to the "requires more

study" purgatory that the rest of the "science"-based socialist conspiracies now dwell. Anybody remember the "Population Bomb"? No. None of you do. For good reason.


However, imagine a book like that being required reading in your "Western Civ" class. And we wonder why we have massive/scaled/ college stupidity. Look: college stupidity has been around since the University of Bologna. That's right, the first university ever created...is called Bologna.


For the uneducated, for those who never attended a class whose professor had a sense of humor, Christ, for the soul of this board itself: I present to you the literal fact that the first "college", of all time, was named Bologna. Go to Tops/Wegmans(I have 0 interest in this debate as it belongs to spoiled NYers who have no idea how bad grocery stores really are in the rest of the world)...find some Bologna. :lol:


Now, I fully realize that this entire post was an excuse to laugh at the first University ever created...at Bologna. But, WTF? We can't all be GG all the time, can we?


The Establishment is guilty of many sins...but not all of them are without cause...as this OP demonstrates.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Now, I hate every word of the OP...but...doesn't this thread exemplify the proles thinking for themselves?


If so, is this the best we can expect? Ok, so, Exilied pulls the lever for Hillary, in Cook County. Um, what exactly changes that reality from 6 months ago...until Nov?


If so, shouldn't I shoot myself in the head, right now, for supporting Trump? No. The simple reason is the simpleton: Exiled in Illinois would have us believe that Asian Carp is a larger issue than ISIS. Or...given Bernie's continued existence...that Global Warming remains a significant party platform issue...that Hillary...is somehow going to make into something.....oh for Christ's sake! Doesn't every unmitigated moron here understand the simple politics involved? No, you don't.


I will spell it out, AGAIN, as I have been doing since 2014.


IF Mrs. Clinton gets elected, then, 2 things will be true, whether anyone likes it or not:


1. Obamacare dies that day...the Rs have been using Obamacare to win elections since 2009. Look at the states! Why is Ted Cruz still alive? Hillary is older than my godmother, when both die, there is NO D replacements! Both women would never suffer an albatross like Obamacare to linger around their necks longer than 5 minutes, because both women are accomplished and not stupid. Keeping Obamacare == The Minnesota Wild/LA Kings...who took all our ****ty deals to "win now". The D party has no future. They've traded away all their draft picks. They are the literal equivalent of the Redskins. But please, say demographics again...I need a good laugh. :lol: Hillary knows this, and she's not about to be the kid without a chair when the music stops. She will decimate Obama's "legacy", if for no other reason than to give the D party a fighting chance of becoming a national party again.


2. The end of Global Warming, the political trap/gain/fund raising/major policy issue...and welcome to the "requires more

study" purgatory that the rest of the "science"-based socialist conspiracies now dwell. Anybody remember the "Population Bomb"? No. None of you do. For good reason.


However, imagine a book like that being required reading in your "Western Civ" class. And we wonder why we have massive/scaled/ college stupidity. Look: college stupidity has been around since the University of Bologna. That's right, the first university ever created...is called Bologna.


For the uneducated, for those who never attended a class whose professor had a sense of humor, Christ, for the soul of this board itself: I present to you the literal fact that the first "college", of all time, was named Bologna. Go to Tops/Wegmans(I have 0 interest in this debate as it belongs to spoiled NYers who have no idea how bad grocery stores really are in the rest of the world)...find some Bologna. :lol:


Now, I fully realize that this entire post was an excuse to laugh at the first University ever created...at Bologna. But, WTF? We can't all be GG all the time, can we?


The Establishment is guilty of many sins...but not all of them are without cause...as this OP demonstrates.



Find a warm quiet place and take a nap.

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IF Mrs. Clinton gets elected, then, 2 things will be true, whether anyone likes it or not:


1. Obamacare dies that day...the Rs have been using Obamacare to win elections since 2009. Look at the states! Why is Ted Cruz still alive? Hillary is older than my godmother, when both die, there is NO D replacements! Both women would never suffer an albatross like Obamacare to linger around their necks longer than 5 minutes, because both women are accomplished and not stupid. Keeping Obamacare == The Minnesota Wild/LA Kings...who took all our ****ty deals to "win now". The D party has no future. They've traded away all their draft picks. They are the literal equivalent of the Redskins. But please, say demographics again...I need a good laugh. :lol: Hillary knows this, and she's not about to be the kid without a chair when the music stops. She will decimate Obama's "legacy", if for no other reason than to give the D party a fighting chance of becoming a national party again.


2. The end of Global Warming, the political trap/gain/fund raising/major policy issue...and welcome to the "requires more

study" purgatory that the rest of the "science"-based socialist conspiracies now dwell. Anybody remember the "Population Bomb"? No. None of you do. For good reason.



I respect your alternative viewpoint, but I flat out have a much lower opinion of the Dems.


Being against Obamacare is racist, and none of them wants to be racist.


Global warming is settled science, and none of them wants to be anti-science.

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Now, I hate every word of the OP...but...doesn't this thread exemplify the proles thinking for themselves?


If so, is this the best we can expect? Ok, so, Exilied pulls the lever for Hillary, in Cook County. Um, what exactly changes that reality from 6 months ago...until Nov?


If so, shouldn't I shoot myself in the head, right now, for supporting Trump? No. The simple reason is the simpleton: Exiled in Illinois would have us believe that Asian Carp is a larger issue than ISIS. Or...given Bernie's continued existence...that Global Warming remains a significant party platform issue...that Hillary...is somehow going to make into something.....oh for Christ's sake! Doesn't every unmitigated moron here understand the simple politics involved? No, you don't.


I will spell it out, AGAIN, as I have been doing since 2014.


IF Mrs. Clinton gets elected, then, 2 things will be true, whether anyone likes it or not:


1. Obamacare dies that day...the Rs have been using Obamacare to win elections since 2009. Look at the states! Why is Ted Cruz still alive? Hillary is older than my godmother, when both die, there is NO D replacements! Both women would never suffer an albatross like Obamacare to linger around their necks longer than 5 minutes, because both women are accomplished and not stupid. Keeping Obamacare == The Minnesota Wild/LA Kings...who took all our ****ty deals to "win now". The D party has no future. They've traded away all their draft picks. They are the literal equivalent of the Redskins. But please, say demographics again...I need a good laugh. :lol: Hillary knows this, and she's not about to be the kid without a chair when the music stops. She will decimate Obama's "legacy", if for no other reason than to give the D party a fighting chance of becoming a national party again.


2. The end of Global Warming, the political trap/gain/fund raising/major policy issue...and welcome to the "requires more

study" purgatory that the rest of the "science"-based socialist conspiracies now dwell. Anybody remember the "Population Bomb"? No. None of you do. For good reason.


However, imagine a book like that being required reading in your "Western Civ" class. And we wonder why we have massive/scaled/ college stupidity. Look: college stupidity has been around since the University of Bologna. That's right, the first university ever created...is called Bologna.


For the uneducated, for those who never attended a class whose professor had a sense of humor, Christ, for the soul of this board itself: I present to you the literal fact that the first "college", of all time, was named Bologna. Go to Tops/Wegmans(I have 0 interest in this debate as it belongs to spoiled NYers who have no idea how bad grocery stores really are in the rest of the world)...find some Bologna. :lol:


Now, I fully realize that this entire post was an excuse to laugh at the first University ever created...at Bologna. But, WTF? We can't all be GG all the time, can we?


The Establishment is guilty of many sins...but not all of them are without cause...as this OP demonstrates.

Wow! When have I have said Asian carp are a big deal? That is all made up in your mind w/illusions of grandeur. Have you attempted to stop and understood my pov on that???? The carp invasion is very a overblown gov't boondoogle that is a total waste of taxpayer dollars! I have nothing to do w/the fish. They have spent 100 million +dollars on something that should have went to fighting ISIS or wherever it was needed. How many times do I have to tell you this? My job site was built for 5 million dollars, and they have only spent around 50 million keeping it up the last 50 years... A 60 day closure now costs the economy 18 million...


The fish? Total waste of money... Boondoggle... The fish are never coming like the crazies in MI, MN, WI, OH, PA, NY, & Ontario claim they will! Yet, the fish are a bi-partisan issue in those states/provinces... Both Repubs, Dems & Canadians agree w/the boondoggle! I have been saying this for 10 years... The money they spend on The fish is a waste!


How much more clearer can I be!


I stopped reading right there... You are off the rails and like KS said: "need a nap"... I will throw in that you need some heavy meds too... Forget to take them?

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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