eball Posted December 31, 2016 Posted December 31, 2016 Just got back from it. I liked it...didn't love it. Lots of cute call-backs to the original. I think the first half-hour kind-of spoiled it for me; whether in writing or editing, the story line was choppy and did a poor job of establishing the characters. They were just kind-of thrown together in to a common situation, with no real coherence. There's a reason Chirrut and Baze were the most enjoyable characters. Agree with this, it was empty... but fun. I think the only reason I enjoyed it more than 7 was because unlike 7 it wasn't just a mash-up of the original trilogy. I guess different people see things differently...go figure, right? I think this is the 2nd best overall movie in the saga, behind only Empire. Went to see it again yesterday and enjoyed it even more. I'm not feeling those of you who don't think the characters were well developed, and I think it was perhaps the best acted movie of the series.
shrader Posted January 9, 2017 Posted January 9, 2017 I finally got to this movie yesterday. Maybe it's comes down to the amount of time on screen, but I thought it was funny that the Tarkin CGI felt so awkward to me yet Leia was fine. Vader's scene was fun, but I didn't get my wish of him showing up and quickly offing the jedi wannabe.As a whole, I enjoyed the movie. I thought it started a bit slowly, but once it got going it was good. It was refreshing to see a one-off movie with zero chance of a sequel, at least for the central people in this single story. I know it's kind of strange to say that when talking about the 8th movie in a franchise, but I couldn't help but think it. Throughout the whole movie, I kept asking myself "isn't that Krennic guy one of the guys that Vader force chokes to death in one of the original movies?". It was driving me crazy at the end as to why I kept thinking that. Then I realized he gets choked out (or a broken neck) by Bane in Dark Knight Rises.
Fadingpain Posted January 15, 2017 Posted January 15, 2017 Just got back from it, finally. As just a movie, stripped from the myth of Star Wars and viewed on its own, I thought it was easily the best movie in the series so far. It very seamlessly tied itself into Star Wars. Special effects were excellent. In the latter stages, there was the big space battle and at one point the bad guys sent out like 100 TIE fighters on screen all at the same time. There was so much on screen, so many moving elements. I thought it was the best 2 or 3 seconds of space battle footage out of all of the movies. Also enjoyed the battle scenes with the AT-ATs and how the rebels were targeting the knee joint on at least one of them... Decent acting, fairly decent script, cheesy/bad dialogue kept to an absolute minimum... Good movie.
Southern McButterpants. Posted January 15, 2017 Posted January 15, 2017 Going again today, but in IMAX 3D.
GoPre Posted January 15, 2017 Posted January 15, 2017 Have seen it two times. Simply well done. Lived up to all the hype. Kind of a rule for myself. Have to see a Star Wars movie 3 times at a theatre. Planning on seeing it tomorrow.
Mark Vader Posted January 15, 2017 Posted January 15, 2017 Anyone find any massive plot holes yet? No. If I had any quibble with the movie, it would be having Krennick arrive at the same places as the Rebels do. That felt too convenient. Although, when I saw it a second time, it does make sense. A minor issue. I still loved it. Does anyone have any complaints that there was no scroll at the start? Many Star Wars fans are crying about that, but it didn't bother me at all. To me it was a reminder that this movie was it's own separate story.
Deranged Rhino Posted January 15, 2017 Author Posted January 15, 2017 No. If I had any quibble with the movie, it would be having Krennick arrive at the same places as the Rebels do. That felt too convenient. Although, when I saw it a second time, it does make sense. A minor issue. I still loved it. Does anyone have any complaints that there was no scroll at the start? Many Star Wars fans are crying about that, but it didn't bother me at all. To me it was a reminder that this movie was it's own separate story. I didn't mind the scroll being absent -- what killed me (just nit-picking here) was the music. They would go right up to the edge of performing the original score and then veer off into original stuff. Which makes sense, only the original characters got the original music in the film. Still, every battle sequence I kept waiting for it to kick in... only to be teased. Still enjoyed it.
Rubes Posted January 15, 2017 Posted January 15, 2017 I enjoyed it, though like DC Tom I didn't love it, and the first 30 minutes were pretty slow. I think I am one of the few people out there that had a hard time with the CGI characters, Tarkin of course in particular. I get why they did it, but I had a tough time getting past it.
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