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(OT) Jane, You Ignorant Slut


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Please consider this a public service announcement for anyone who watches reality TV, as well as the people who refuse to...


Long before reality TV existed, the only reality TV you ever saw was live TV. You rarely, if ever, see it done anymore. Better than live TV, was live, edgy TV, and few live shows broke more TV ground than Saturday Night Live. At that time, I had never seen or heard people do what they did...on TV. At least that's the way I remember it.


This Sunday at 9 p.m., NBC will air "SNL: The First Five Years." You will see clips of scenes that many of us consider some of the funniest stuff you'll ever see. I have no idea how good it will be, but you can tell by going here that you can see John Belushi as the samurai chef, Gilda Radner as Rosanna Roseannadanna, Chevy Chase and Bill Murray doing news, and Dan Akroyd holding a fish clearly destined for the "Bass'o'matic '76." Watching those characters alone for an hour would be a good watch of what will go down in TV lore as a show that changed television.


It's also why people to this day say there will never be a SNL troupe like that again.


It not only gets my Full Cold Sixpack TIVO Recommendation, but it also gets the coveted Full Dimebag TIVO Recommendation, as well, as that was the mixture back when it was truly live.


If you're lucky, you'll get to see John Belushi doing Joe Cocker.


Good night. And have a lovely tomorrow.

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It not only gets my Full Cold Sixpack TIVO Recommendation, but it also gets the coveted Full Dimebag TIVO Recommendation, as well, as that was the mixture back when it was truly live.



I'm thinking you might be missing the the most eager member of the 70's power trio.

Not that a big 'ol rail was ever very conducive to sitting there watching television. :rolleyes:

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Please consider this a public service announcement for anyone who watches reality TV, as well as the people who refuse to...


Long before reality TV existed, the only reality TV you ever saw was live TV. You rarely, if ever, see it done anymore. Better than live TV, was live, edgy TV, and few live shows broke more TV ground than Saturday Night Live. At that time, I had never seen or heard people do what they did...on TV. At least that's the way I remember it.


This Sunday at 9 p.m., NBC will air "SNL: The First Five Years." You will see clips of scenes that many of us consider some of the funniest stuff you'll ever see. I have no idea how good it will be, but you can tell by going here that you can see John Belushi as the samurai chef, Gilda Radner as Rosanna Roseannadanna, Chevy Chase and Bill Murray doing news, and Dan Akroyd holding a fish clearly destined for the "Bass'o'matic '76." Watching those characters alone for an hour would be a good watch of what will go down in TV lore as a show that changed television.


It's also why people to this day say there will never be a SNL troupe like that again.


It not only gets my Full Cold Sixpack TIVO Recommendation, but it also gets the coveted Full Dimebag TIVO Recommendation, as well, as that was the mixture back when it was truly live.


If you're lucky, you'll get to see John Belushi doing Joe Cocker.


Good night. And have a lovely tomorrow.




Thanks for the heads up. :doh:


There was a good article in the USA today over the weekend about our reality TV fans, quite interesting. Seems they have a hard time adjusting to criticism. That 20 something group.



(ducks and runs.... :rolleyes: )

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I found George Carlins opening monologue from the October 11th, 1975 show he hosted. I think this may have been the 1st show. Here is the transcript of thewhole 1st show. They actually have a lot of the shows.


.....George Carlin





George Carlin: Thank you! Talk about a live show! It's nice to see you, welcome, and thanks for joining us - live. Um.. I'm kinda glad that we're on at night, so that we're not competing with all the football and baseball. So many, man.. And this is the time of year when there's both, you know?


Football's kinda nice, they changed it a little bit - they moved the hash marks in. Guys found it and smoked them, anyway! But you know, football wants to be the number-one sport, the national pasttime. And I think it already is, really, because football represents something we are - we are Europe, Jr. When you get right down to it, we're Europe, Jr. We play a Eurpe game. What was the Europe game? [ high voice ] "Let's take their land away from them! You'll be the pink, on up; we'll be blue, the red and the green!"


Ground acquisition. And that's what football is, football's a ground acquisition game. You knock the crap out of eleven guys and take their land away from them. Of course, we only do it ten yards at a time. That's the way we did it with the Indians - we won it little by little. First down in Ohio - Midwest to go!


Let's put it this way - there are things about the words surrounding football and baseball, which give it all away:


Football is technological; baseball is pastoral.


Football is played in a stadium; baseball is played in the park.


In football, you wear a helmet; in baseball, you wear a cap.


Football is played on an enclosed, rectangular grid, and everyone of them is the same size; baseball is played on an ever-widening angle that reaches to inifinity, and every park is different!


Football is rigidly timed; baseball has no time limit, we don't know when it's gonna end! We might even have extra innings!


In football, you get a penalty; in baseball, you make an error - whoops!


The object in football is to march downfield and penetrate enemy territory, and get into the end zone; in baseball, the object is to go home! "I'm going home!"


And, in football, they have the clip, the hit, the block, the tackle, the blitz, the bomb, the offense and the defense; in baseball, they have.. the sacrifice.




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I had to add this, it is Chevy with part of his weekend update.


The Post Office announced today that it is going to issue a stamp commemorating prostitution in the United States. It's a 10-cent stamp, but if you want to lick it, it's a quarter.

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